File #2393: "2018_Book_TheAdventOfUniversalProtection.pdf"



1|Chapter 1: Introduction|22
1|Chapter 2: Leadership in the Quest for Protection|25
2|2.1 Introduction|25
2|2.2 Leadership and Key Protection Strategies|26
3|2.2.1 The Human Factor|26
3|2.2.2 The Centrality of Human Rights and Human Rights Strategies of Governance|26
3|2.2.3 The Protection of Human Life|27
2|2.3 Flagrant Violations of Human Rights Scandalize Any Notion of World Order|27
3|2.3.1 Dealing with Urgent Situations|28
3|2.3.2 Direct Contacts and Dialogue|29
3|2.3.3 Widespread, Deliberate Killings: Appointment of a Thematic Rapporteur|29
3|2.3.4 Fact-Finding; Field Officers|30
3|2.3.5 The Protection of Vulnerable Groups|30
3|2.3.6 Combatting Racism and Racial Discrimination|31
3|2.3.7 Information and Education|31
3|2.3.8 Strengthening the Human Rights Secretariat|31
2|2.4 Conclusion|32
1|Chapter 3: Breakthroughs in Universal Protection at the UN: Country Investigations, Thematic Investigations, Protection of Hum...|34
2|3.1 Introduction|34
2|3.2 Special Procedures|35
3|3.2.1 The First Country Rapporteur: Chile|35
3|3.2.2 The First Thematic Investigation: Disappearances|38
3|3.2.3 The First Thematic Rapporteur: Arbitrary and Summary Executions|42
2|3.3 Establishment of the Working Group on Indigenous Issues and Protection of Human Rights Defenders|44
2|3.4 Initiative for the Establishment of the Post of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights|45
2|3.5 Conclusion|46
1|Chapter 4: Breakthroughs in Protection of the Vulnerable: Indigenous Peoples|49
2|4.1 Introduction|49
2|4.2 World Order and the Protection of the Vulnerable|49
3|4.2.1 Gross Violations: Children´s Rights|51
3|4.2.2 Victims of Slavery and Slavery-Like Practices|52
3|4.2.3 Victims of Female Genital Mutilation|53
3|4.2.4 Establishment of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations|55
2|4.3 Conclusion|59
1|Chapter 5: Voice for the Victims|61
2|5.1 Introduction|61
2|5.2 The Cries of the Victims|61
3|5.2.1 Justice and Conscience|62
3|5.2.2 Disregard of Gross Violations of Human Rights|63
2|5.3 The Human Factor|64
3|5.3.1 Protection of Human Life|64
2|5.4 Indication of Protective Measures|66
2|5.5 Conclusion|67
1|Chapter 6: The Push for National Protection|69
2|6.1 Introduction|69
2|6.2 Major Initiatives|71
3|6.2.1 At the General Assembly in 1977 and the Commission on Human Rights in 1978|71
3|6.2.2 The 1978 Seminar on National and Local Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights|71
3|6.2.3 The Guidelines Prepared by the 1978 Seminar|72
3|6.2.4 The Paris Principles|73
2|6.3 The UN and National Human Rights Institutions|74
2|6.4 Conclusion|74
1|Chapter 7: The Push for Regional Protection|76
2|7.1 Introduction|76
2|7.2 Policy Initiatives Aimed at Establishing Regional Protection Institutions|77
3|7.2.1 Re-activating Efforts for the Establishment of Further Regional Commissions|77
3|7.2.2 Initiative for an African Commission on Human and Peoples´ Rights|77
3|7.2.3 Monrovia (Liberia) Seminar|78
3|7.2.4 Advice on the Establishment of a Regional Commission for Asia and the Pacific|79
3|7.2.5 Initiative for an Asian Commission|81
3|7.2.6 Encouragement of Arab Regional Efforts|83
2|7.3 Conclusion|84
1|Chapter 8: Human Rights Good Offices and Diplomacy|85
2|8.1 Introduction|85
2|8.2 Exercise of Good Offices and Diplomacy in the Support of Petitions Procedures|85
3|8.2.1 van Boven and the Petitions Procedures|89
2|8.3 Exercise of Good Offices in Geneva and New York|90
2|8.4 Submission of Cases for the Exercise of Good Offices by the Secretary-General of the Under-Secretary-General in Charge of ...|91
3|8.4.1 Providing a File of Cases for Good Offices Action When the Secretary-General Visited Governments|92
2|8.5 Encouraging Recognition by the Commission on Human Rights of the Potential Role of Good Offices|93
2|8.6 Conclusion|94
1|Chapter 9: Partnership for Protection|95
2|9.1 Introduction|95
2|9.2 Bringing NGOs into the UN Protection System|96
3|9.2.1 Defending the Right of NGOs to Make Written and Oral Submissions About Gross Violations of Human Rights|96
3|9.2.2 Defending the Right of NGOs to Choose Their Representatives|97
3|9.2.3 Maintaining Relations of Confidence with the Leaders of NGOs for the Advancement of Protection|97
3|9.2.4 Cooperating Closely with NGO Representatives in the Shaping of Protection Initiatives|98
3|9.2.5 Discreet Relations with NGO Representatives in the Process of Handling Petitions About Situations of Gross Violations of...|98
3|9.2.6 Partnering with NGOs in Dealing with Thematic Violations Such as Racism and Racial Discrimination|99
2|9.3 Human Rights Defenders|100
2|9.4 Transmittal of Petitions by UN Field Offices|101
2|9.5 Conclusion|102
1|Chapter 10: Tackling the Root Causes as Well as the Symptoms of Violations|103
2|10.1 Introduction|103
2|10.2 Dealing with Root Causes as Well as Symptoms of Violations|103
2|10.3 The Human Factor in Relation to Structural Issues|104
3|10.3.1 Implementation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights|105
3|10.3.2 Study on the Right to Development|106
3|10.3.3 Draft Declaration on the Rights to Development|107
2|10.4 Conclusion|112
1|Chapter 11: A World Information Campaign for the Protection of Human Rights|114
2|11.1 Introduction|114
2|11.2 The Grass Roots Approach|115
2|11.3 Public Information for Protection|116
3|11.3.1 A Survey of UN Information Centres on Their Needs for Information Materials on Human Rights|116
3|11.3.2 Joint Task Force on the Enhancement of Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights|117
3|11.3.3 Policy Resolutions in the Commission on Human Rights|117
3|11.3.4 The World Public Information Campaign on Human Rights|118
2|11.4 Conclusion|119
1|Chapter 12: Overall Conclusion|121
1|Chapter 13: Afterword|125
1|Annex A: van Boven´s Vision Statement, 1977: Problems and Strategies in the Area of Human Right|128
1|Annex B: van Boven Breaks the Ban on NGOs Raising Gross Violations Before the Commission on Human Rights|133
2|Policy Paper of 1977|133
3|Oral Statements by Non-Governmental Organizations Before the Commission on Human Rights|133
1|Annex C: Effective Action Against Mass and Flagrant Violations of Human Rights|137
2|(General Assembly Resolution 34/175)|137
3|(Drafted in the Division of Human Rights)|137
1|Annex D: Good Offices Role of the Secretary-General in the Field of Human Rights|139
2|Commission on Human Rights Resolution 27 (XXXVI)-1980|139
3|(Drafted in the Division of Human Rights)|139
1|Annex E: Draft Resolution on the Establishment of the Post of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (1977)|140
2|Draft Resolution Prepared with the Advice of the Division of Human Rights|140
1|Annex F: Division of Human Rights Draft Resolution, 1980, on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances Leading to the Establishm...|143
1|Annex G: Division of Human Rights Draft Resolution, 1980, on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, Leading to the Adoption...|145
1|Annex H: Division of Human Rights Draft Resolution, 1981, on the Establishment of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations,...|147
2|Draft Resolution Proposed by the Sub-Commission for Adoption by the Commission on Human Rights|147
3|Study of the Problem of Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations|147
1|Annex I: Division of Human Rights Draft Resolution, 1982, on Arbitrary and Summary Executions Leading to the Establishment of ...|149
2|Question of the Violation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Any Part of the World, with Particular Reference to Colo...|149
3|Summary or Arbitrary Executions|149
1|Annex J: Division of Human Rights Draft Resolution, 1980, on the Development of Public Information Activities in the Field of ...|151
2|Development of Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights|151
2|Development of Public Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights|151
1|Annex K: Division of Human Rights Draft Declaration on the Right to Development, 1979|153