File #2435: "2018_Book_TheInterfaceOfCompetitionLawIn.pdf"



1|List of Abbreviations|22
1|Chapter 1: Introduction: Research Questions and Competition Law in a Developing Country Context|26
2|1.1 Research Questions|26
2|1.2 Competition Law in Developing Countries|32
3|1.2.1 Spread of Competition Law|32
3|1.2.2 Benefits of Competition Law|35
3|1.2.3 Nature of Competition Law in Developing Countries|37
3|1.2.4 Developing Countries’ Constraints|40
3|1.2.5 Context Informs Design|43
3|1.2.6 Upshot|46
2|1.3 Outline of the Book|46
1|Part I: Theoretical Foundations of Industrial Policy and Competition Law|49
2|Chapter 2: The Concepts of Industrial Policy and Competition Law Distinguished|50
3|2.1 Industrial Policy|50
4|2.1.1 Nature of Industrial Policy|50
5| Industrial Policy as Classically Defined|50
5| Reasons for Industrial Policy|53
5| Modern Industrial Policy|55
4|2.1.2 Industrial Policies Relevant from Competition Perspective|57
5| Infant Industry Protection and Import Substitution|58
5| National Champion Policies|61
5| State-Ownership|65
4|2.1.3 Summary|69
3|2.2 Competition Law|70
4|2.2.1 Goals of Competition Law|70
5| Efficiency and Welfare|70
5| Competitive Process and Structure|73
5| Secondary Goals|74
4|2.2.2 Types of Competition Law|76
5| Efficiency-Based Approach|77
5| Open Market Approach|79
5| Development Approach|82
4|2.2.3 Public Interest and the Law|85
5| Public Interest Theory|85
5| Public Interest and Competition Law|88
4|2.2.4 Abuse of Dominance|89
5| A Concept Fit for Developing Countries?|89
5| Particular Conditions of Developing Countries|91
5| Design of Abuse of Dominance Provision|92
6| Relevant Market|93
6| Dominance|94
6| Abuse|95
6| Concrete Recommendations|98
4|2.2.5 Summary|100
2|Chapter 3: Interface of Industrial Policy and Competition Law from a Theoretical Point of View|102
3|3.1 Distortive Effect of Government Regulation|103
3|3.2 Difference Between Impact on Competition and Competition Law|104
4|3.2.1 Competition and Regulation|104
4|3.2.2 Competition and Industrial Policy|106
4|3.2.3 Summary|108
3|3.3 Interface with Competition Law|108
4|3.3.1 Formation of National Champions|109
4|3.3.2 Hierarchy of Goals|109
4|3.3.3 Reach of Competition Law|110
4|3.3.4 Government Interference|114
4|3.3.5 Policy Concerns as Reflected by the Law|115
5| Integration of Concerns Other Than Competition-Related Ones|116
5| Case-by-Case Exemptions from the Scope of Competition Law|120
4|3.3.6 Competition Law As Tool to Fight Policy Repercussions|121
4|3.3.7 Summary|122
3|3.4 Ways to Reconcile Industrial Policy with Competition Policy and Law|123
4|3.4.1 Industrial Policy and Competition|123
4|3.4.2 Industrial Policy and Competition Law|124
5| Specific Adaptions of Competition Law|126
5| Dynamic Efficiency Concerns|127
6| Concept of Dynamic Efficiencies and Competition Law|127
6| General Applicability with Regard to Economic Progress and Development|130
4|3.4.3 Summary|132
1|Part II: Competition Law, Industrial Policy and South Africa|134
2|Chapter 4: Industrial Policy in South Africa|135
3|4.1 Under Apartheid|136
4|4.1.1 The Political Economy of Apartheid|136
4|4.1.2 Gold and Dependence on Mineral Resources|138
4|4.1.3 State-Owned Enterprises|140
4|4.1.4 Import-Substitution Policies|142
4|4.1.5 Summary and Conclusion|144
3|4.2 Post-Apartheid|145
4|4.2.1 Conservative Policy-Making|145
4|4.2.2 Trade|148
4|4.2.3 Privatisation and Restructuring|149
4|4.2.4 Economic Regulation and Industrial Policy|152
4|4.2.5 South Africa as Developmental State|157
5| Concept|157
5| South Africa|160
4|4.2.6 Summary|162
2|Chapter 5: Competition Law in South Africa|164
3|5.1 Under Apartheid|164
4|5.1.1 The 1955 Regulation of Monopolistic Conditions Act|164
4|5.1.2 The 1979 Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Act|165
5| Competition Board Versus Minister|165
5| Modest Enforcement|167
4|5.1.3 Summary|167
3|5.2 Post-Apartheid|168
4|5.2.1 Point of Departure|168
4|5.2.2 Evolution of the 1998 Competition Act|170
5| Proposed Guidelines for Competition Policy|171
5| Competition Bill|173
4|5.2.3 Features of the Act|174
5| Prohibited Practices|175
6| Restrictive Practices|175
6| Abuse of Dominant Position|176
5| Merger Control|178
5| Provisions Reflecting Industrial Policy and Development Concerns|179
6| Preamble and Purpose of the Act|180
6| The Exemption Regime|183
6| Public Interest with Merger Control|187
7| Interrelation of Competition Assessment and Public Interest|188
7| Direction of Impact|189
7| Need for Positive Justification|190
7| Contradictory Interests|191
7| Public Interest Criteria|192
6| Institutional Structure|196
4|5.2.4 Summary|197
2|Chapter 6: Interface of Industrial Policy and Competition Law in South Africa|199
3|6.1 Enforcement to Fight the Legacy of Apartheid|200
4|6.1.1 Telkom|201
5| Background|201
6| Reform of the Telecommunications Regulation|201
6| Universal Access Versus Cost-Competitiveness|202
6| Partial Privatisation|204
6| Sector Regulation|204
6| Second Network Operator|206
5| Case Law Involving Telkom|207
6| The 2004 Refusal Case|208
6| The 2009 Margin Squeeze Case|213
5| Conclusion|215
5| Summary|215
4|6.1.2 Arcelor Mittal Steel|216
5| Background|216
6| Iscor as State-Owned Enterprise|216
6| Post Privatisation|217
6| Continuous State-Support|219
5| Case Law Involving Arcelor Mittal Steel|223
6| The Tribunal Case|223
6| The Appeal Court Decision|228
5| Conclusion|232
5| Summary|235
4|6.1.3 Sasol|235
5| Background|236
6| Chemicals Sector|236
6| Foundation of Sasol|237
6| State-Support|239
5| Case Law Involving Sasol|244
6| Nationwide Poles|244
7| The Tribunal Case|244
7| The Appeal Court Decision|247
6| Case Law Regarding Fertiliser and Polymers|249
7| Fertiliser Case|249
8| Settlement Regarding Collusion|249
8| Settlement Regarding Abuse of Dominance|251
7| Polymers Case|253
8| Settlement Regarding Collusion|253
8| Excessive Pricing Case|254
9| The Tribunal Case|254
9| The Appeal Court Decision|259
5| Conclusion|261
5| Summary|263
4|6.1.4 Foskor|265
5| Background|265
5| Case Law Involving Foskor|266
5| Conclusion and Summary|267
4|6.1.5 SAA|267
5| Background|268
6| Foundation of South African Airways|268
6| Deregulation of the Civil Aviation Sector|269
6| Restructuring and Attempt to Privatise|271
6| Recent Developments|271
5| Case Law Involving South African Airways|274
6| South African Airways I|275
6| South African Airways II|279
7| The Tribunal Case|279
7| The Appeal Court Decision|283
5| Conclusion|285
5| Summary|286
4|6.1.6 Senwes Ltd|287
5| Background|287
5| Case Law Involving Senwes|290
6| The Abuse Case|290
7| The Tribunal Case|290
7| Higher Instances|292
7| Settlement|295
6| Collusion|296
5| Conclusion|297
5| Summary|297
4|6.1.7 Patensie Sitrus Beherend Beperk|298
5| Background|298
5| Case Law Involving Patensie Citrus Beherend Beperk|299
5| Conclusion and Summary|300
4|6.1.8 South African Breweries|301
5| Background|301
5| Case Law Involving South African Breweries|303
6| The Tribunal Case|303
6| The Appeal Court Decision|306
5| Conclusion|307
5| Summary|308
4|6.1.9 Conclusion|308
3|6.2 Prioritisation and Selection|312
4|6.2.1 Authorities’ Procedural Discretion and the Process of Prioritisation|313
4|6.2.2 Approach Taken by the South African Competition Commission|315
5| Prioritisation Criteria and Sectors|316
5| Impact of Prioritisation|317
6| Investigation Numbers and Leniency Applications|317
6| Concrete Results|319
7| Food and Agro-Processing|319
7| Infrastructure and Construction|320
7| Intermediate Industrial Products|323
7| Financial Services (Banking)|327
4|6.2.3 Conclusion|328
3|6.3 Inclusion of Industrial and Development Objectives in Competition Law|329
4|6.3.1 Exemption Regime|330
5| The Maintenance and Promotion of Exports|331
6| South African Airways (Pty) Ltd|331
6| South African Port Operations|334
6| Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum|334
6| Allens Meshco (Pty) Ltd|336
6| Grain South Africa|336
6| Squid Exporters Association and Various Lobster Exporters|337
5| The Promotion of the Ability of Small Business or Firms Controlled or Owned by Historically Disadvantaged Persons to Become Competitive|338
6| Ring Pharmaceutical Distributors|338
6| National Hospital Network|339
6| Scriptpharm Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others|340
6| Spring Lights Gas (Pty) Ltd|340
5| Change in Productive Capacity Necessary to Stop Decline in an Industry|341
5| The Economic Stability of an Industry Designated by the Minister|342
6| Sasol and Other Oil Companies Reg. Main Supply Agreement|342
6| Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa Ltd|342
6| South African Petroleum and Refinery Industry|344
7| Short-Term Exemption for FIFA World Cup|344
7| Long-Term Exemption after FIFA World Cup|345
5| The Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights|347
5| Exemption of Professional Rules|347
6| Law Society of South Africa|347
6| Health Professions Council of South Africa|348
6| Council for the Built Environment and Its Members|349
5| Conclusion|350
4|6.3.2 Public Interest Regime|352
5| Effect on Employment|355
6| Case Law|356
7| DB Investments SA and De Beers Consolidated Mines & De Beers Centenary AG|356
7| Unilever Plc, Unifoods, Hudson & Knight, Robertson Foods (Pty) Ltd and Robertson Food Service (Pty) Ltd|357
7| Distillers Corporation (SA) Limited and Stellenbosch Farmers Winery Group Ltd|358
7| Daun et Cie AG and Kolosus Holding Limited|359
7| Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited and Gold Fields Limited|360
7| Edgars Consolidated Stores (Pty) Ltd and Rapid Dawn 123 (Pty) Ltd|361
7| Lonmin Plc and Southern Platinum Corp|363
7| Tiger Brands Ltd and Langeberg Foods International Ashton Canning Company (Pty) Ltd|364
7| DCD Dorbyl (Pty) Ltd and Globe Engineering Works (Pty) Ltd|365
7| Nedbank Ltd and Imperial Bank Ltd|366
7| Metropolitan Holdings Limited and Momentum Group Limited|367
7| Walmart Stores Inc and Massmart Holdings Limited|369
8| The Tribunal Case|369
8| The Appeal Court Decision|373
9| The First Decision|373
9| The Second Decision|375
9| Conclusion|377
7| Kansai Paint Co. Ltd and Freeworld Coatings Limited|380
7| Aon South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Glenrand MIB Ltd|383
7| Glencore International Plc and Xstrata Plc|384
7| Sibanye Gold Limited and Newshelf 1114 (Pty) Limited|385
7| Arrowhead Properties Trust Ltd and Vividend Income Fund Ltd|386
7| BB Investment Company (Pty) Ltd and Adcock Ingram Holdings (Pty) Ltd|386
7| Vodacom (Pty) Ltd and Nashua Mobile (Pty) Ltd in Respect of Its Vodacom (Pty) Ltd Subscriber Base|387
7| RCS Card (Pty) Ltd and The Consumer Finance Business of the JD Group Ltd|388
7| Diageo South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Heineken International B.V., Namibia Breweries Ltd and Brandhouse Beverages (Pty) Ltd, DHN Drinks (Pty) Ltd, Sedibeng Brewery (Pty) Ltd|390
6| Conclusion|390
5| Effect on Particular Industrial Sector or Region|391
6| Case Law|392
7| Nasionale Pers Limited and Educational Investment Corporation Limited|392
7| Tongaat-Hulett Group Limited and Transvaal Suiker Beperk, Middenen Ontwikkeling (Pty) Ltd, Senteeko (Edms) Bpk, New Komati Sugar Miller’s Partnership, Tsb Bestuurdienste|393
7| Iscor Limited and Saldanha Steel (Pty) Ltd|394
7| Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited and Gold Fields Limited|395
7| Life Healthcare Group (Pty) Ltd and Aurora Hospital (Pty) Ltd|396
7| Ardutch B.V. and Defy Appliances (Pty) Ltd|397
7| AgriGroupe Holdings (Pty) Limited and AFGRI Limited|398
7| Hebei Zhongbo Platinum Co. Ltd and Eastern Platinum Ltd|400
6| Conclusion|401
5| Effect on Ability of Small Business and Historically Disadvantaged Persons to Become Competitive|402
6| Case Law|402
7| Nasionale Pers Limited and Educational Investment Corporation Limited|402
7| The Government Employees Pension Fund and Afrisam Consortium (Pty) Ltd (4 July 2012)|403
7| JD Group Limited and Ellerine Holdings Limited|403
7| Schumann Sasol (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd and Price’s Daelite (Pty) Ltd|404
7| Shell South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Tepco Petroleum (Pty) Ltd|405
7| Anglo American Holdings Ltd and Kumba Resources Ltd|408
7| Business Venture Investments 790 (Pty) Ltd and Afrox Healthcare Ltd|410
7| Masscash Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Finro Enterprises (Pty) Ltd t/a Finro Cash and Carry|411
7| Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc and Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd|412
7| Hyprop Investments Limited and Sycom Property Fund Managers Limited|413
6| Conclusion|415
5| Effect on Ability of National Industries to Compete Internationally|416
6| Case Law|416
7| Nedcor Limited and Standard Bank Investment Corporation|416
7| Tongaat-Hulett Group Limited and Transvaal Suiker Beperk, Middenen Ontwikkeling (Pty) Ltd, Senteeko (Edms) Bpk, New Komati Sugar Miller’s Partnership, Tsb Bestuurdienste|418
7| Iscor Limited and Saldanha Steel (Pty) Ltd|419
7| Nampak Limited and Malbak Limited|419
7| Distillers Corporation (SA) Limited and Stellenbosch Farmers Winery Group Ltd|420
7| Tiger Brands Ltd and Langeberg Foods International Ashton Canning Company (Pty) Ltd|421
7| Rhodes Food Group (Pty) Ltd and Del Monte South Africa (Pty) Ltd|422
7| Ethos Private Equity Fund VI and TP Hentiq 6128 (Pty) Ltd|423
6| Conclusion|423
5| Conclusion on Public Interest|424
2|Chapter 7: Consideration of Development Concerns in Enforcing South African Competition Law|429
3|7.1 Competition Law’s Contribution to the UN’s Development Goals|430
3|7.2 Case Law with Development Impact|431
4|7.2.1 Food|431
5| Bread|431
5| Wheat and Maize|434
5| Dairy|437
5| Poultry|441
5| Conclusion|442
4|7.2.2 Health|443
5| Medicine|445
6| Glaxo Wellcome (Pty) Ltd|445
6| GlaxoSmithKline (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd|447
6| Bristol-Myers Squibb (Pty) Ltd|449
6| MSD (Pty) Ltd|449
6| Aspen Pharmacare (Pty) Ltd and GlaxoSmithKline (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd|450
5| Medical Equipment|451
6| Adcock Ingram Critical Care (Pty) Ltd and Others|451
6| Hosanna Medical & Disposables CC and Shekinah Medical & Disposables CC|452
5| Conclusion|452
4|7.2.3 Housing and Sanitation|454
3|7.3 Summary and Conclusion|455
1|Part III: Conclusion|457
2|Chapter 8: Conclusion: Complex Relationship Between Industrial Policy, Competition Law and Development Concerns|458
1|Legal Provisions|464
2|Case Law|517
2|Government Gazette Notices|525