File #2456: "2018_Book_EnforcementAndEffectivenessOfC.pdf"



1|Part I: General Report|9
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law|10
3|1 The Broader Window|10
3|2 The General Report|12
3|3 Common Themes|14
3|4 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism|16
4|4.1 Enforcement by Administrative Authorities|17
5|4.1.1 The Independence or Autonomy of the Administrative Agency Within Government|18
5|4.1.2 The Nature and Scope of Its Enforcement Powers|19
5|4.1.3 The Extent to Which It Provides Dispute Resolution Services to Individual Consumers|21
4|4.2 Enforcement by Courts|24
4|4.3 Enforcement by Alternative Mechanisms for Resolution of Consumer Disputes|29
3|5 Consumer Organizations and Enforcement of Consumer Law|31
3|6 Private Regulation|34
3|7 External Relations|37
3|8 Self-Assessment of Effectiveness|40
3|9 Lessons to Be Learned|41
3|Appendix 1: List of Rapporteurs|44
3|Appendix 2: Questionnaire|45
1|Part II: National Reports|53
2|Argentina: Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law|54
3|1 Introduction|54
4|1.1 Physical and Political Environment|55
4|1.2 Relevant Sources for Consumer Protection|56
4|1.3 Present and Future, in the Light of a Young Tradition|57
4|1.4 French or Spanish Influence?|58
3|2 Administrative Enforcement Mechanism|60
4|2.1 Overview|60
4|2.2 Federalism|60
4|2.3 Powers|60
4|2.4 A Consumers´ Viewpoint|61
4|2.5 Specific Sectors That Have Their Own Enforcement Mechanisms|62
3|3 Enforcement of Consumer Law Before the Judicial Courts|63
4|3.1 Consumer Disputes|64
4|3.2 Main Shortcomings of the Judicial Enforcement of Consumer Rights in Argentina|66
3|4 Specialised Agencies and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|66
4|4.1 Administrative Proceedings|67
4|4.2 Outcomes of the Administrative Proceedings|67
3|5 Consumer Organisations and Enforcement of Consumer Law|68
4|5.1 Anatomy of the Consumers´ Associations|69
4|5.2 The Role of Consumers´ Associations|70
3|6 An Ordre Public Law and Its Private Regulation and Enforcement|71
4|6.1 Ethical Standards|71
4|6.2 Construing Law 24.240 in the Light of Other Laws|72
4|6.3 Law 24.240 and the New Civil and Commercial Code|72
3|7 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|73
3|8 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|74
3|9 ADR and Consumer Disputes|74
3|10 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|75
3|11 Concluding Remarks|76
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Australia|79
3|1 Introduction|79
3|2 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|80
3|3 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism|84
3|4 Number and Characteristics of Consumer Complaints and Disputes|87
3|5 Courts and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|90
3|6 Specialised Agencies and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|94
3|7 The Role of Consumer Organisations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|95
3|8 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|96
3|9 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|97
3|10 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|98
3|11 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|100
3|12 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|100
3|13 Final Questions|101
2|Consumer Protection in Brazil: The 2016 Report for the International Academy of Consumer Law|102
3|1 Introduction|102
3|2 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection in Brazil|103
3|3 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism|107
3|4 Number and Characteristics of Consumer Complaints|108
3|5 Courts and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|109
3|6 Specialized Agencies and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|112
3|7 The Role of Consumer Organizations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|115
3|8 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|116
3|9 Enforcement Through Collective Redress in Brazil|116
3|10 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|118
3|11 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|119
3|12 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|120
3|13 Conclusions|120
4|13.1 The Reform Bills|120
4|13.2 Final Assessment|122
2|Effectiveness and Enforcement of Consumer Law in Bulgaria|126
3|1 Introduction|126
3|2 Historical Background|127
3|3 Main Characteristics and Priorities of Consumer Policy|128
4|3.1 Policy Goals|129
4|3.2 Legislative Framework|129
4|3.3 Institutional Framework|130
5|3.3.1 Commission for Protection of Consumers|130
5|3.3.2 Sectoral Public Authorities|131
4|3.4 International Cooperation|132
4|3.5 Courts|132
5|3.5.1 General Courts|133
5|3.5.2 Administrative Courts|133
3|4 Enforcement of Consumer Law in Defense of Collective Consumer Interests|133
4|4.1 Sanctions and Remedies|133
5|4.1.1 Penalties and Withdrawal of License|134
5|4.1.2 Injunctions|134
5|4.1.3 Damages|134
5|4.1.4 Criminal Sanctions|134
4|4.2 Enforcement by the ConsPC|135
5|4.2.1 Investigative Powers|135
5|4.2.2 Sanctioning Powers|135
5|4.2.3 Procedure|136
4|4.3 Judicial Enforcement|137
5|4.3.1 Types of Action|137
5|4.3.2 Competent Courts and Procedure|138
4|4.4 Application in Practice|138
5|4.4.1 Administrative Enforcement|138
5|4.4.2 Judicial Enforcement|139
4|4.5 Evaluation|140
3|5 Enforcement of Individual Consumer Rights|141
4|5.1 Enforcement of Individual Consumer Rights Before the General Courts|141
4|5.2 Enforcement of Individual Consumer Rights as a Follow-on of Administrative Enforcement|141
4|5.3 Litigation Costs and Legal Aid|141
4|5.4 Enforcement in Practice and Evaluation|142
3|6 Alternative Dispute Resolution|142
4|6.1 Institutional Structure|143
4|6.2 Principles|143
4|6.3 Application in Practice|144
4|6.4 Evaluation|144
3|7 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|145
4|7.1 Forms of Collective Redress|145
5|7.1.1 Group Action by Consumer Organisations|145
5|7.1.2 Collective Actions Under the Code of Civil Procedure|145
4|7.2 Procedural Rules for Collective Actions|146
4|7.3 Application in Practice and Evaluation|146
3|8 The Role of Consumer Organisations|147
4|8.1 Legal Status and Requirements|148
4|8.2 Main Consumer Organisations|149
4|8.3 Role in Consumer Law Enforcement|149
3|9 Private Regulation and Enforcement|149
3|10 Conclusion|150
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Chile: A General Overview|153
3|1 Introduction|153
3|2 Legal Framework|153
3|3 Enforcement by Administrative Authorities|156
4|3.1 The National Service of the Consumer (SERNAC)|156
4|3.2 SERNAC and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|157
4|3.3 Advantages of the Administrative Procedure Before SERNAC|158
4|3.4 The Role of Other Public Agencies|159
3|4 Enforcement by Courts|159
4|4.1 Structure of the Chilean Judicial System|159
4|4.2 Individual Consumer Disputes|160
4|4.3 Advantages and Limitations of Judicial Enforcement: Individual Consumer Disputes|161
4|4.4 Collective Redress|161
4|4.5 Sanctions|163
4|4.6 Statistics|164
3|5 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes (ADR Mechanisms)|165
4|5.1 ADR Mechanisms Provided by the Consumer Protection Act|165
4|5.2 ADR Mechanisms Provided by Private Regulations|166
4|5.3 Statistics|167
4|5.4 Evaluation|168
3|6 The Role of Consumer Organisations|169
3|7 Private Regulation|170
3|8 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|171
3|9 Concluding Remarks|172
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in the People´s Republic of China|175
3|1 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|175
4|1.1 Consumer Policy and Consumer Education|175
4|1.2 Legal Framework of Consumer Protection|177
5|1.2.1 Law on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests|177
5|1.2.2 Other Sources|180
4|1.3 Strategic Plan|180
4|1.4 International Inspiration|181
3|2 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism|182
4|2.1 The Main Enforcement Authority|182
4|2.2 Other Particular Enforcement Mechanisms and Authorities|182
3|3 Number and Characteristics of Consumer Complaints and Disputes|184
3|4 Courts and Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|185
4|4.1 Courts and Enforcement of Consumer Law|185
5|4.1.1 The Structure of the Judicial System and Its Main Characteristics|185
5|4.1.2 Consumer Disputes in the Courts|186
5|4.1.3 The Main Shortcomings of the Judicial Enforcement of Consumer Rights|190
4|4.2 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|191
5|4.2.1 Overview|191
5|4.2.2 Comparison of Effectiveness|193
3|5 Collective Redress|194
3|6 The Role of Consumer Organisations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|196
4|6.1 Consumer Organisations|196
3|7 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|198
3|8 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|199
3|9 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|200
3|10 Final Remarks|201
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Croatia|204
3|1 Croatian Consumer Protection in General|204
3|2 Authorities Responsible for Consumer Protection|209
3|3 Judicial Protection of Consumer Rights|212
3|4 Out of Court Protection of Consumer Rights|214
3|5 The Role of Consumer Associations|215
3|6 The Role of Private Regulation|216
3|7 Collective Redress|219
3|8 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Regulation|220
3|9 Alternative Dispute Resolution|221
3|10 International Cooperation|224
3|11 Concluding Remarks|225
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in the Czech Republic|228
3|1 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|228
4|1.1 Principal Sources of Consumer Law|229
4|1.2 The Main Aspects of the Regulation of Consumer Protection in the Civil Code|230
4|1.3 Interpretation|230
4|1.4 Definition of a Consumer|231
4|1.5 Current Focus of Consumer Policy|232
4|1.6 A Legislative Review: Current Discussions|233
3|2 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism|234
3|3 Courts|235
3|4 Specialized Agencies|236
3|5 The Role of Consumer Organizations|238
3|6 Private Regulation|239
3|7 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|240
3|8 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|241
3|9 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|243
4|9.1 Arbitration: From Strict Conditions to Total Ban|244
4|9.2 Mediation|245
4|9.3 ADR Under the Consumer Protection Act|246
3|10 Summary|247
2|The EU Legal Framework for the Enforcement of Consumer Law|250
3|1 Introduction|250
3|2 Substantive EU Consumer Law|251
4|2.1 The Competence System|251
4|2.2 EU Consumer Law as Internal Market Law|252
4|2.3 The Development and Form of EU Consumer Law|253
4|2.4 The Role of Information and Education|256
4|2.5 Little International Influence|258
4|2.6 Consumer Law as a Cross-Cutting Issue in EU Law|259
4|2.7 Current Developments and Debates|261
3|3 The Institutional Setting|261
3|4 The General Influence of the EU on the Enforcement of Consumer Law|263
4|4.1 Influence on Enforcement at the Domestic Level|264
4|4.2 Cross-Border Enforcement|266
4|4.3 Influence on Enforcement Through Sector-Specific Agencies and Authorities|269
3|5 Courts in the EU and in the Member States|270
4|5.1 EU Level|270
4|5.2 Influence on the Court System of the Member States|271
3|6 Specialised Agencies and the Enforcement of EU Consumer Law|273
3|7 The Role of Consumer Organisations in the Enforcement of EU Consumer Law|274
4|7.1 Cross-Border Injunctions|274
4|7.2 Domestic Injunction Procedures|275
4|7.3 Other Procedures|275
4|7.4 Minimum Standards for Consumer Organisations?|276
4|7.5 Other NGOs|277
3|8 Private Regulation and Enforcement of EU Consumer Law|277
3|9 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|279
3|10 Sanctions for Breach of EU Consumer Law|281
3|11 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|282
3|12 Conclusions|284
2|L´effectivité du droit français de la consommation|287
3|1 Introduction|287
3|2 Les facteurs d´effectivité du droit français de la consommation|288
4|2.1 Les principaux atouts du droit français de la consommation|288
5|2.1.1 Un contenu normatif développé|288
5|2.1.2 Une implication importante des pouvoirs publics|289
5|2.1.3 L´accessibilité et la lisibilité des règles|291
4|2.2 Les principaux avantages des mécanismes d´application des règles du droit français de la consommation|293
5|2.2.1 L´existence d´une régulation privée|293
5|2.2.2 L´efficacité des mécanismes nationaux d´application|294
3|3 Les faiblesses du dispositif français d´application du droit de la consommation|297
4|3.1 Les manques de moyens humains et financiers nécessaires à l´application du droit français de la consommation|298
4|3.2 Les critiques substantielles du dispositif français d´application du droit de la consommation|299
5|3.2.1 Les faiblesses normatives|299
5|3.2.2 Le « désintérêt » pour le droit pénal de la consommation|301
5|3.2.3 La présentation confuse des acteurs|301
5|3.2.4 Une délimitation imprécise du champ d´application du droit de la consommation|301
3|4 Prospective : la promotion de l´effectivité du droit de la consommation par la France|302
4|4.1 Devenir la référence en matière de médiation|302
4|4.2 Développer la répression administrative|303
4|4.3 S´adapter aux nouveaux modes de consommation|304
3|5 Conclusion|305
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Greece|307
3|1 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|307
3|2 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism|309
3|3 Specialised Agencies and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|312
3|4 The Role of Consumer Organisations in the Enforcement of Consumer Law|313
3|5 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|316
3|6 Courts and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|317
3|7 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|319
3|8 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|321
4|8.1 Committees of Amicable Settlement|321
4|8.2 Consumer Ombudsman|322
4|8.3 ADR Mechanism Under Joint Decision No 70330iotaκ./2015|323
4|8.4 Mediation|324
3|9 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|325
3|10 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|326
3|11 Conclusions|327
2|Enforcement of Consumer Law in Hong Kong|330
3|1 Introduction|330
3|2 Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|331
3|3 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism|333
4|3.1 Courts and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|333
5|3.1.1 Legal Aid|334
5|3.1.2 The Bar Free Legal Service Scheme|335
5|3.1.3 Free Legal Advice Scheme|335
4|3.2 Specialised Agencies and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|335
3|4 The Role of Consumer Organisations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|336
3|5 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|338
4|5.1 Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong|338
4|5.2 The Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau|339
3|6 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|339
3|7 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|340
3|8 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|341
4|8.1 Hong Kong Financial Dispute Resolution Centre|341
4|8.2 Consumer Council|342
5|8.2.1 By Conciliation|342
5|8.2.2 By Arbitration|343
3|9 External Relations and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments|344
3|10 Assessment of the Existing Enforcement Mechanism|344
2|In Search of an Effective Enforcement of Consumer Rights: The Italian Case|347
3|1 Introduction|347
3|2 Actors Involved in the Enforcement Regimes|348
4|2.1 Public Actors|348
4|2.2 Consumer Associations|350
3|3 Enforcement Practices: An Overall Picture|351
4|3.1 Administrative Consumer Protection|352
4|3.2 Civil Claims in Criminal Proceedings|353
4|3.3 Quasi-Public Judicial Actions: Injunctive Relief and the Action for the Efficiency of the Public Administration|354
5|3.3.1 Injunctive Relief|354
5|3.3.2 The Action for the Efficiency of the Public Administration|355
4|3.4 Individual Judicial Mechanisms|356
4|3.5 Collective Judicial Mechanisms: The Failed Promise of the azione di classe|358
3|4 Non-judicial Mechanisms|363
3|5 Conclusions|366
2|La Mise en Œuvre et l´Effectivité du Droit de la Consommation au Japon|369
3|1 Introduction|369
4|1.1 Émergence du droit de la consommation au Japon|369
4|1.2 La Loi fondamentale des consommateurs|370
4|1.3 Sources du droit de la consommation|371
4|1.4 Le nombre et la caractéristique des plaintes des consommateurs|371
4|1.5 Plan|372
3|2 Les acteurs de la mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation|372
4|2.1 Organisme publique et la mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation|372
5|2.1.1 Organisme administrative pour la défendre des intérêts de consommateurs|372
6| Organisme d´autorité|372
6| Organisme consultatif|373
5|2.1.2 Les institutions spéciaux pour la défense des intérêts des consommateurs|374
6| Services locaux de la politique de protection des consommateurs|374
6| Centre National des Affaires des Consommateurs (CNAC)|374
6| Méconnaissance et insatisfaction de consommateurs|375
4|2.2 Organismes privés et la mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation|375
5|2.2.1 Les associations de consommateurs et la mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation|375
6| État actuel|375
6| Historique|376
6| Associations de consommateurs « pour l´action civile »|376
6| Associations organisées par des consultants|377
5|2.2.2 Les organisations professionnelles et règlementation privée|377
6| Règlementation privée par les organisations professionnelles|377
6| Rôle de réglementations privées|378
4|2.3 Les relations internationales et la collaboration entre l´Etat, les autorités et les associations de consommateurs|378
5|2.3.1 Les collaborations internationales pour des consommateurs|378
5|2.3.2 Résolution des conflits transfrontaliers|379
3|3 La diversification de la mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation|379
4|3.1 Procédure judiciaire et la mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation|379
5|3.1.1 Mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation par l´action judiciaire individuelle|379
6| Difficultés d´accès des consommateurs à la justice|379
6| Moyens de l´accès à la justice pour les consommateurs|380
6| Le nombre et la caractéristique des conflits des consommateurs|380
5|3.1.2 Mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation par la réparation collective|381
6| Généralités|381
6| Actions exercées dans l´intérêt collectif des consommateurs|381
6| Action de groupe|382
4|3.2 Procédure extrajudiciaire et la mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation|383
5|3.2.1 Généralités|383
5|3.2.2 Procédures extrajudiciaires nationales|383
5|3.2.3 Procédures extrajudiciaires locales|383
5|3.2.4 Rôle des procédures extrajudiciaires|384
5|3.2.5 Procédures extrajudiciaires privées|384
4|3.3 Sanction et la mise en œuvre du droit de la consommation|384
5|3.3.1 Généralités|384
5|3.3.2 Sanctions administratives|385
5|3.3.3 Sanctions pénales|385
5|3.3.4 Sanctions civiles|385
5|3.3.5 Sanctions nouvelles et effectives|385
3|4 Conclusion|386
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law: The Netherlands|388
3|1 Introduction and Outline|388
3|2 Consumer Rights and Consumer Education in the Netherlands|389
3|3 Organisations Involved in the Enforcement of Consumer Law|391
3|4 Statistics on Consumer Complaints and Consumer Disputes (Incl. ADR)|394
4|4.1 Consumer Complaints|395
5|4.1.1 Consumer Complaint Commissions (Geschillencommissie)|395
5|4.1.2 Financial Services ADR (Kifid)|396
5|4.1.3 Complaints Submitted to the ACM and AFM|398
5|4.1.4 Other Complaints|399
4|4.2 Consumer Disputes|399
4|4.3 Collective Redress|400
4|4.4 Interim Analysis|402
3|5 Types of Consumer Complaints and Consumer Disputes|402
3|6 Practicalities of Dispute Resolution: Average Time and Legal Aid|403
4|6.1 Average Duration of Proceedings|404
4|6.2 Legal Aid|405
3|7 Consumer and Trader Satisfaction with Outcomes and Timing|406
3|8 Conclusion|407
3|Appendix: Statistics on Consumer Complaints and Consumer Disputes|407
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in New Zealand|412
3|1 Introduction|412
3|2 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|412
4|2.1 National Consumer Policy|412
4|2.2 Consumer Education and Awareness of Consumer Rights|413
4|2.3 The Principal Legal Framework for Consumer|414
4|2.4 Other Sources Relevant to Consumer Protection|415
4|2.5 History of National Tradition of Consumer Protection|415
4|2.6 Influences Which Have Affected the Development of the National Regime of Consumer Protection in New Zealand|416
4|2.7 Current Focus of Consumer Policy in New Zealand|417
3|3 Enforcement Mechanisms for Consumers in New Zealand|417
4|3.1 The Disputes Tribunal|417
4|3.2 Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal|418
4|3.3 District Court|418
4|3.4 High Court|419
4|3.5 Industry Specific Dispute Resolution Schemes|419
4|3.6 Class Action|419
4|3.7 Consumer Rights Television Shows|420
4|3.8 Government Agencies|420
4|3.9 Self-Help|421
4|3.10 Need for Reform: Advancement Online Dispute Resolution|421
3|4 Volume of Consumer Complaints and Disputes in New Zealand|421
4|4.1 Disputes Tribunal|421
4|4.2 Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal|422
3|5 Courts and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|422
4|5.1 Court Hierarchy|422
4|5.2 Legal Aid|422
3|6 Specialised Agencies and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|423
4|6.1 Consumer Protection|423
4|6.2 The Commerce Commission|423
3|7 The Role of Consumer Organisations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|424
3|8 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|425
3|9 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|425
3|10 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|425
4|10.1 Consumer Guarantees Act 1993|425
4|10.2 Fair Trading Act 1986|426
4|10.3 Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003|427
3|11 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|427
3|12 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|427
4|12.1 Regional or International Organisations|427
4|12.2 Cross Border Enforcement|428
3|13 Conclusion|428
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Poland|430
3|1 Introduction|430
3|2 Substantive Provisions in the Field of Consumer Law|432
3|3 Administrative Agencies|434
4|3.1 President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection|434
5|3.1.1 Status and Organisation|434
5|3.1.2 Tasks and Competences|435
5|3.1.3 External Relations|437
5|3.1.4 Public Perception|438
4|3.2 Sectoral Administrative Agencies|438
3|4 Courts|439
4|4.1 Main Characteristics of the Judicial System|439
4|4.2 Collective Redress|441
3|5 Consumer Ombudsmen and Consumer Organisations|442
4|5.1 Consumer Ombudsmen|442
4|5.2 Consumer Organisations|443
3|6 Private Regulation and Alternative Dispute Resolution|446
4|6.1 Private Regulation|446
4|6.2 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|446
3|7 Overall Assessment|449
3|8 Conclusion|451
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Portugal: Filling the Gap Between the Law on the Books and the Law in Action|453
3|1 Introduction: The Portuguese Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|453
3|2 Number and Characteristics of Consumer Complaints and Disputes|456
3|3 The Enforcement of Consumer Law: The Judicial Mechanisms|458
4|3.1 Judicial Resolution Mechanisms|458
4|3.2 The Popular Action and the Inhibitory Action|460
4|3.3 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Consumer Disputes|460
4|3.4 Arbitration in Essential Public Services|462
4|3.5 Advantages for Consumer to Use an ADR Procedure|462
3|4 Specialised Agencies and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|463
4|4.1 The Administrative Mechanisms: The Direcção-Geral do Consumidor|463
4|4.2 The Direcção-Geral do Consumidor (DGC) and the Portuguese Consumer Protection System|464
3|5 The Role of Consumer Organizations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|465
3|6 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|466
3|7 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|467
3|8 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|468
3|9 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|468
3|10 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumers Organisations|472
3|11 Conclusion|472
2|L´application et l´effectivité du droit québécois de la consommation|474
3|1 Encadrement national de la protection du consommateur|474
4|1.1 Pays et population|474
4|1.2 Politique nationale de protection du consommateur|474
4|1.3 Éducation des consommateurs|475
4|1.4 Encadrement juridique de protection des consommateurs au Québec, la structure de l´entité et ses principales caractéristiq...|475
4|1.5 Plan stratégique du Québec pour la protection du consommateur|476
4|1.6 Début de la protection du consommateur au Québec|476
4|1.7 Modèle d´encadrement pour l´élaboration du régime national de protection|477
3|2 Conception du mécanisme d´application des lois|477
4|2.1 Autorité d´application des lois|477
4|2.2 Principales caractéristiques et compétences de cette autorité|478
5|2.2.1 Pouvoirs dévolus à l´OPC|478
6| Application de la Loi|478
6| Information du consommateur|478
6| Défense des intérêts du consommateur|479
5|2.2.2 Président de l´office de la protection du consommateur|479
5|2.2.3 Sanctions administratives|479
5|2.2.4 Permis et certificat|480
6| Audition|480
6| Appel|481
5|2.2.5 Intervention dans toute instance|481
4|2.3 Notoriété de cet organisme|481
4|2.4 Autorités et mécanismes sectoriels|482
3|3 Nombre et caractéristiques des plaintes et des litiges|483
4|3.1 Statistiques officielles relativement aux nombres de plaintes|483
4|3.2 Statistiques relativement au nombre de litiges|483
4|3.3 Nombre de litiges de consommation initiés en 2015|483
4|3.4 Nombre de litiges résolus en 2015|483
4|3.5 Nombre de litiges de consommation initiés au cours des trois dernières années|484
4|3.6 Nombre de litiges résolus au cours des trois dernières années|484
4|3.7 Nombre de litiges de consommation initiés au cours des dix dernières années|487
4|3.8 Nombre de litiges résolus au cours des dix dernières années|487
4|3.9 Principales causes/types de plaintes formulées par les consommateurs (ou litiges) auprès de l´OPC|489
4|3.10 Temps nécessaire pour résoudre un litige de consommation|490
3|4 Tribunaux|490
4|4.1 Structure du système judiciaire et ses caractéristiques|490
4|4.2 Tribunaux pour les litiges de consommation|491
4|4.3 Aide juridique|491
4|4.4 Pourcentage de satisfaction des consommateurs|492
4|4.5 Pourcentage de satisfaction des commerçants|492
4|4.6 Avantages et inconvénients de l´application des droits des consommateurs|492
3|5 Organisme d´application des lois de protection du consommateur|493
4|5.1 Principale autorité d´application des lois de protection du consommateur|493
4|5.2 Base légale de cette autorité|493
4|5.3 Organisation de cette agence|493
4|5.4 Structure de cette autorité|493
4|5.5 Mise en œuvre des lois de protection du consommateur|493
4|5.6 Durée d´un litige devant l´agence spécialisée|493
4|5.7 Pourcentage de satisfaction des consommateurs|494
4|5.8 Satisfaction des commerçants|495
4|5.9 Principaux avantages et inconvénients|495
3|6 Rôle des organisations|495
4|6.1 Nombre d´associations|495
4|6.2 Lieu|495
4|6.3 Conditions légales d´encadrement des associations|496
4|6.4 Compétences des organisations|496
4|6.5 Rôle des associations|496
4|6.6 Autres organisations sans but lucratif|497
3|7 Régulation privée|497
3|8 Application de la loi par l´action collective|497
4|8.1 Action collective|497
4|8.2 Caractéristiques de l´action collective|498
5|8.2.1 Représentant|498
5|8.2.2 Demande d´autorisation|498
5|8.2.3 Déroulement du processus|498
5|8.2.4 Jugement|499
5|8.2.5 Mesures d´exécution|499
4|8.3 Nombre de litiges enregistrés en 2015, au cours des trois et des dix dernières années|499
3|9 Sanctions|499
4|9.1 Sanctions|499
5|9.1.1 Sanctions civiles|499
5|9.1.2 Sanctions pénales et criminelles|501
5|9.1.3 Sanctions administratives|502
4|9.2 Forme la plus commune de sanction en pratique|502
4|9.3 Satisfaction de l´application des sanctions en pratique|502
3|10 Mesures alternatives de résolution des conflits|502
4|10.1 Méthodes alternatives de résolution des conflits|502
5|10.1.1 Arbitrage|503
5|10.1.2 Médiation et conciliation|503
4|10.2 Pourcentage de consommateurs et de commerçants satisfaits|504
4|10.3 Promotion par l´État|504
3|11 Relations extérieures et coopération|505
4|11.1 Participation du Québec à une organisation composée d´États ayant une politique commune de protection du consommateur|505
4|11.2 Politique et législation communes|505
4|11.3 Membership|506
4|11.4 Effets de la participation à ce réseau|506
4|11.5 Entente bilatérale/multilatérale|506
4|11.6 Contexte transfrontalier|506
4|11.7 Organisations de consommateurs membres d´un réseau régional (ou international)|507
3|12 Conclusion et questions finales|507
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Romania|508
3|1 Introduction|508
3|2 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|508
3|3 Enforcement by Administrative Authorities|511
4|3.1 Structure of the NACP|512
4|3.2 Enforcement Powers|513
3|4 Enforcement by Courts|515
4|4.1 Independence of Justice|515
4|4.2 Jurisdiction|515
4|4.3 Parties to a Judicial Procedure|516
4|4.4 Collective Redress|516
4|4.5 Procedure|516
4|4.6 Costs|517
4|4.7 Case Law|517
3|5 Enforcement by Alternative Mechanism for Resolution of Consumer Disputes|518
4|5.1 Arbitration|518
4|5.2 Mediation|519
3|6 Consumer Organizations and Enforcement of Consumer Law|520
3|7 Private Regulation|521
3|8 External Relations|522
4|8.1 European Union|522
4|8.2 Other Organizations|523
3|9 Conclusion|523
2|Singapore Consumer Law|525
3|1 Overview of the Consumer Market|525
3|2 Consumer Law and Policy|527
3|3 Enforcement of Consumer Law|530
3|4 External Influences or Inspirations|537
3|5 Concerns and Trends|538
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Slovenia|540
3|1 Introduction|540
3|2 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection in Slovenia|541
4|2.1 The Slovene National Consumer Policy|541
4|2.2 The Legal Framework for Consumer Protection in Slovenia|543
3|3 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism in Slovenia|544
3|4 Number and Characteristics of Consumer Complaints and Disputes|545
3|5 Enforcement by Courts|546
4|5.1 The Structure of the Judicial System in Slovenia|546
4|5.2 Free Legal Aid|547
4|5.3 Assessment of Judicial Enforcement of Consumer Rights|547
3|6 Specialised Agencies and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|549
3|7 The Role of Consumer Organisations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|550
3|8 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|551
3|9 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|552
3|10 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|553
3|11 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|554
3|12 External Relations|555
3|13 Conclusion|556
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in South Africa|558
3|1 Principal Legal and Policy Framework|558
4|1.1 Legislation and Common Law|558
4|1.2 Consumer Policy and Strategic Plans|560
3|2 General Design of the Enforcement Mechanisms|560
3|3 Specialised Enforcement Agencies|561
4|3.1 National Consumer Commission (`NCC´)|561
4|3.2 National Credit Regulator (`NCR´)|564
4|3.3 Financial Services Board and Financial Sector Conduct Authority|565
4|3.4 Independent Communications Authority of South Africa|565
4|3.5 Brief Overview of Some Other Specialised Enforcement Agencies|566
4|3.6 Provincial Consumer Protection Authorities|567
3|4 Alternative Dispute Resolution (`ADR´)|570
4|4.1 Ombuds Accredited Under the CPA|571
4|4.2 Ombuds in the Financial Services Sector|572
3|5 Enforcement by the Courts|574
3|6 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|576
3|7 The Role of Consumer Organisations|577
3|8 Private Regulation|577
3|9 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|578
3|10 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|580
3|11 Critical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Enforcement Mechanisms|581
2|An Interdisciplinary View of Enforcement and Effectiveness of Spanish Consumer Law|584
3|1 Consumer Protection as a Constitutional Principle|585
3|2 Legal Framework|585
4|2.1 Current Legal Framework|585
4|2.2 Private Regulation|586
5|2.2.1 Self-Regulatory Initiatives: Insurance and Advertising|587
5|2.2.2 Governmental Boost of Private Regulation|587
4|2.3 Current Focus: Housing and Over-Indebtedness|588
3|3 General Design of the Enforcement Mechanisms|589
4|3.1 The Role of the Administration in the Enforcement of Consumer Law|589
5|3.1.1 Multiple Administrations and the Complexities of a Decentralised Country|589
5|3.1.2 The Entitlement of the Administration|591
4|3.2 Consumer Associations|593
5|3.2.1 Legal Requirements|593
5|3.2.2 The Function of Consumer Associations in the Enforcement of Consumer Law|594
4|3.3 Sanctions and Remedies for the Breach of Consumer Law|595
5|3.3.1 Sanctions|595
5|3.3.2 Remedies Offered by Civil Law|595
3|4 The Effectiveness of Consumer Law: Complaints, Disputes and Problems Raised by Their Resolution|596
4|4.1 Structure of the Judicial System and Main Characteristics|596
5|4.1.1 Competent Court for Consumer Disputes: Specialisation of Courts|596
5|4.1.2 Access to Justice: Specialised Court´s Tariffs or Taxes for Consumer Disputes. Legal Aid|597
4|4.2 Collective Redress|598
5|4.2.1 Forms of Collective Redress in Civil Proceedings|598
5|4.2.2 The Distinction Between Collective and Diffuse Interests|598
5|4.2.3 Parties in Collective Redress|599
5|4.2.4 Res Iudicata in Collective Redress|601
4|4.3 Length of Proceedings|601
4|4.4 ADR and Resolution of Consumer Disputes|602
3|5 Conclusions|603
2|Effectiveness and Enforcement of Consumer Law in Sweden|606
3|1 Introduction|606
3|2 Historical Background|607
3|3 Main Characteristics and Priorities of Current Swedish Consumer Policy|610
4|3.1 Policy Objectives|610
4|3.2 Legislative Framework|611
4|3.3 Institutional Framework|612
5|3.3.1 Consumer Agency with Consumer Ombudsman (KO/KOV)|612
5|3.3.2 Public Board for Consumer Complaints (ARN)|613
5|3.3.3 Sectoral Supervisory Authorities|613
5|3.3.4 International Cooperation|614
3|4 Enforcement of Consumer Law in Defense of Collective Consumer Interests|615
4|4.1 Sanctions and Remedies|615
5|4.1.1 Injunctions|615
5|4.1.2 Fines and Penalties|615
5|4.1.3 Damages|616
4|4.2 Enforcement by KOV/KO|616
5|4.2.1 Investigative Powers of the KOV|616
5|4.2.2 Sanctioning Powers of KOV/KO|617
4|4.3 Judicial Enforcement|617
5|4.3.1 Competent Court|617
5|4.3.2 Standing|618
4|4.4 Application in Practice|618
4|4.5 Assessment|619
3|5 Enforcement of Individual Consumer Rights|620
4|5.1 Small Claims Procedure|621
5|5.1.1 Applicability|621
5|5.1.2 Standing and Procedure|621
5|5.1.3 Advice and Guidance|621
5|5.1.4 Jurisdiction|622
5|5.1.5 Costs of Litigation|622
5|5.1.6 Application in Practice and Evaluation|622
4|5.2 Cost of Consumer Litigation and Legal Aid|623
4|5.3 KO as Representative of Individual Consumers|623
4|5.4 Assessment|624
3|6 Alternative Dispute Resolution|624
4|6.1 Competence|624
4|6.2 Organisational Structure|625
4|6.3 Procedural Rules and Requirements|625
4|6.4 Application in Practice|625
4|6.5 Evaluation|626
3|7 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|627
4|7.1 Group Proceedings Before the General Courts|627
5|7.1.1 Conditions and Types of Group Action|627
5|7.1.2 An `Opt-in´ Approach|628
5|7.1.3 Litigation Costs|628
5|7.1.4 Application in Practice|629
4|7.2 Group Action Before ARN|630
4|7.3 Assessment|630
3|8 The Role of Consumer Organisations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|630
4|8.1 Setting Up and Funding of Consumer Organisations|631
4|8.2 Existing Consumer Organisations|631
4|8.3 Role in Consumer Law Enforcement|632
3|9 Private Regulation and Enforcement|632
4|9.1 Dispute Settlement Boards for Individual Industry Sectors|633
4|9.2 Boards for Ethical Marketing|634
4|9.3 Evaluation|634
3|10 Conclusion|635
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Turkey|638
3|1 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|638
4|1.1 In General|638
4|1.2 Development of Consumer Legislation in Turkey|639
4|1.3 Consumer Regulations|639
5|1.3.1 Main Regulations|639
5|1.3.2 Other Relevant Regulations|640
3|2 The General Design of the Enforcement Mechanism|641
4|2.1 The Main Enforcement Authority|641
4|2.2 The Characteristics and Competencies of the Main Authority|642
4|2.3 Consumers´ Awareness Regarding the Main Authority|642
3|3 Number and Characteristics of Consumer Disputes|643
4|3.1 An Overview|643
4|3.2 The Number of Disputes in 2015|643
5|3.2.1 Disputes Initiated in 2015|643
5|3.2.2 Disputes Resolved in 2015|644
4|3.3 The Number of Disputes in the Last 3 Years|644
4|3.4 The Number of Disputes in the Last 10 Years|644
4|3.5 Main Characteristics of Consumer Disputes|644
4|3.6 Average Period of Time of Dispute Resolution|645
3|4 Courts and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|645
4|4.1 The Structure and Main Characteristics of Judicial System|645
4|4.2 Consumer Courts and Consumer Arbitration Boards|646
4|4.3 Conditions to Apply to the Consumer Courts or Consumer Arbitration Boards|647
4|4.4 Fees and Taxes Regarding Consumer Proceedings|647
3|5 The Role of Consumer Organisations in Enforcement of Consumer Law|648
4|5.1 In General|648
4|5.2 Competences of Consumer Organisations|648
4|5.3 The Role of Consumer Organisations|649
3|6 Private Regulation and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|649
4|6.1 Banking Act|649
4|6.2 Insurance Act|650
4|6.3 The Role of Private Regulators|650
3|7 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|651
4|7.1 In General|651
4|7.2 The Main Characteristics of Collective Redress in Turkey|651
3|8 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|652
4|8.1 Administrative Law Sanctions|652
4|8.2 Private Law Sanctions|653
5|8.2.1 In General|653
5|8.2.2 Invalidity|653
5|8.2.3 Compensation|653
5|8.2.4 Specific Performance|653
5|8.2.5 Withdrawal of the Contract|654
4|8.3 Criminal Liability|654
3|9 Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Consumer Disputes|654
4|9.1 In General|654
4|9.2 The Establishment of the ADR Mechanism|655
4|9.3 The Main Features of the ADR Mechanism in Turkey|656
4|9.4 The Development of ADR Mechanisms in Turkey|656
3|10 External Relations and Cooperation of the State, Enforcers and Consumer Organisations|657
4|10.1 In General|657
4|10.2 International Networks|658
4|10.3 International Agreements|659
4|10.4 Cross-Border Enforcement|659
4|10.5 Consumer Organisations´ International Network|660
3|11 The General Evaluation of Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Turkey|660
4|11.1 The Main Advantages|660
4|11.2 The Main Shortcomings|661
3|12 Conclusion|662
2|Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in the UK|665
3|1 National Legal Framework for Consumer Protection|665
4|1.1 Policy Documents|666
4|1.2 Consumer Education and Awareness|667
4|1.3 Anatomy of the Legal Framework of Protection|667
4|1.4 Strategic Outlooks for the Future|669
3|2 Enforcement Mechanisms in the UK|670
4|2.1 Administrative Enforcement of Consumer Law|670
4|2.2 Courts and the Enforcement of Consumer Law|674
4|2.3 Financial Services Ombudsman and Other ADR Mechanisms|675
4|2.4 Private Regulation and Enforcement of Consumer Law|678
4|2.5 The Role of Consumer Organisations in the Enforcement of Consumer Law|679
4|2.6 Enforcement Through Collective Redress|681
4|2.7 Sanctions for Breach of Consumer Law|684
3|3 Conclusion|685
2|Compliance and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in Venezuela|688
3|1 Introduction|688
3|2 Legal Framework of Consumer Protection in Venezuela|689
4|2.1 Social Economic Conditions of Consumers in Venezuela: General Overview of the Country|689
4|2.2 Origins and Evolution of Consumer Law in Venezuela|690
4|2.3 The Consumer´s Defense Policy in Venezuela: Past, Present and Future|693
3|3 General Framework for Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumers Law|694
4|3.1 The Enforcement of Consumer Law by the Public Administration|695
5|3.1.1 Public Administration in Charge of the Defense of Consumers and Users|695
5|3.1.2 The Traditional Content of the Administrative Activity of Consumers and Users Defense|697
4|3.2 The Enforcement of the Consumer Law by the Judicial Power. The Progressive Broadening of the Administration Power|699
4|3.3 Compliance with the Consumer Law Through Criminal Law|701
4|3.4 Compliance with the Consumer Law Through Class Actions|702
4|3.5 The Ombudsman´s Office|703
4|3.6 The Role of Consumer and User Associations|704
3|4 Final Considerations on the Enforcement and Effectiveness of the Consumer Law in Venezuela|704