File #2608: "2019_Book_ExtraditionLawsInTheInternatio.pdf"



1|Chapter 1 Introduction|17
2|1.1 Conceptualizing the Problem|17
2|1.2 The Issues and Challenges of Extradition|20
2|1.3 Review of Literature|21
2|1.4 Theoretical Explanation of Extradition and Global Terrorism|33
2|1.5 Objectives of the Study|34
2|1.6 Methodology|34
3|1.6.1 Primary Sources of Data|35
3|1.6.2 Secondary Source of Data|35
2|1.7 Hypothesis|35
2|1.8 Sum-Up|36
1|Chapter 2 Growth of Extradition Under International Legal Regime|44
2|2.1 Overview|44
3|2.1.1 Extradition—General Principles|45
3|2.1.2 Extradition Under International Treaties|48
2|2.2 Extradition and International Law—Historical Perspective|48
3|2.2.1 Pre-First World War|48
3|2.2.2 Post-First World War|50
3|2.2.3 Post-Second World War|51
3|2.2.4 Post-Cold War Era|52
2|2.3 Extradition Under International Law—In the Backdrop of Global Terrorism|54
3|2.3.1 Emergence of Global Terrorism as Threat to International Peace and Security|54
3|2.3.2 Development of Extradition Law Under International Law—Prior to 9/11 Attack|55
3|2.3.3 Development of Extradition Law Under International Law—Post-9/11 Attack|57
2|2.4 Development of Extradition Laws Under Multilateral Treaty System|58
3|2.4.1 Growth of Extradition Laws Under the Aegis of United Nations Organizations|59
3|2.4.2 Expansion of Extradition Laws Under the Regional Arrangements|64
4| European Union|64
4| South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation|70
3|2.4.3 Competing Obligations Under Extradition Arrangements and Customary International Law|72
2|2.5 A Sum Up|73
1|Chapter 3 International Legal Regime: Analysis of Cases Relating to Global Terrorism|98
2|3.1 Introduction and Methodology|98
3|3.1.1 Global Terrorism—Features and Scoping—An Overview|99
3|3.1.2 Global Terrorism—Actors Involved|100
2|3.2 Terrorism Under International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law|102
3|3.2.1 Four Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols|103
3|3.2.2 ICTY; ICTR; Hybrid Tribunals; and ICC Statute|106
2|3.3 Landmark Cases—Analysis|111
3|3.3.1 International Court of Justice|112
3|3.3.2 International Criminal Tribunals|116
3|3.3.3 Domestic Cases|124
2|3.4 Sum-Up|131
1|Chapter 4 Extradition: Analysis of National Legal Regime and Cases|155
2|4.1 Overview|155
2|4.2 Indian Extradition Law|156
2|4.3 Ancient India|156
2|4.4 Pre-independence|157
2|4.5 Post-independence|158
2|4.6 Terrorism in India—The Magnitude|163
2|4.7 Counter-Terrorism Laws—Special Focus on Extradition Mechanisms|165
2|4.8 India and Its International Obligations for Extradition|168
2|4.9 UN Treaties|169
2|4.10 SAARC|171
2|4.11 Landmark Cases|172
2|4.12 A Sum-Up|176
1|Chapter 5 Extradition: Emerging Issues, Challenges and Cases|194
2|5.1 Introduction and Methodology|194
2|5.2 Emerging Issues and Challenges|195
3|5.2.1 Terrorism and Principle of Universal Jurisdiction|195
3|5.2.2 Debate on Status of Extradition Under Customary International Law with Respect to Acts of Terrorism|199
2|5.3 Impediments in the Path of Extradition|203
3|5.3.1 Immunity to Head of States|203
3|5.3.2 Impunity Agreements|207
3|5.3.3 Amnesty Agreements and Exile Arrangements|211
3|5.3.4 Application of Political Offence Exception|214
2|5.4 Cases: Highlighting Other Challenges|215
2|5.5 A Sum-Up|218
1|Chapter 6 Conclusion and Suggestions|242
2|6.1 Overview|242
2|6.2 Summary|243
3|6.2.1 Growth of Extradition Under International Legal Regime|243
3|6.2.2 International Legal Regime: Analysis of Cases Relating to Global Terrorism|244
3|6.2.3 Extradition—Emerging Issues, Challenges, and Cases|246
3|6.2.4 Extradition—Analysis of National Legal Regime and Cases|247
2|6.3 Conclusions|249
2|6.4 Recommendations|250
3|6.4.1 International|251
3|6.4.2 Domestic|252