File #2610: "2019_Book_CommercialSpaceExploration.pdf"



1|About the Author|9
1|List of Interviews|13
1|1 Introduction|14
2|1.1 Background and Rationale for the Study|14
2|1.2 Study Objectives and Scope|16
1|2 Global Space Exploration Landscape: Strategies and Programmes|19
2|2.1 European Space Exploration Strategy and Programmes|19
3|2.1.1 European Strategic Framework for Space Exploration|19
3|2.1.2 European Exploration Envelope Programme (E3P)|22
2|2.2 U.S. Space Exploration Strategy and Programmes|27
3|2.2.1 U.S. Strategy for Space Exploration|27
3|2.2.2 NASA Space Exploration Programme|29
3|2.2.3 Other NASA Space Exploration Missions|35
2|2.3 Space Exploration in Other Countries and Agencies|35
3|2.3.1 Russia|35
3|2.3.2 China|36
3|2.3.3 Japan|38
3|2.3.4 India|39
2|2.4 International Roadmaps and Coordination|40
3|2.4.1 The International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG)|40
3|2.4.2 The International Space Exploration Forum (ISEF)|42
3|2.4.3 United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS)|42
1|3 The Evolving Role of Private Actors in Space Exploration|46
2|3.1 New Space: A Change of Paradigm|46
2|3.2 Public Strategies to Foster and Leverage Private Contributions|49
3|3.2.1 Approach to Commercial Space Exploration in the USA|49
3|3.2.2 Approach to Commercial Space Exploration in Europe|60
2|3.3 Private Endeavours and Investment in Space Exploration|69
3|3.3.1 The Emergence of New Commercial Endeavours and Business Models|69
3|3.3.2 Evidence of a Growing Private Investment|77
1|4 Commercial Contributions and Public–Private Partnerships|86
2|4.1 Key Public–Private Partnership Concepts|86
3|4.1.1 Models|86
3|4.1.2 Structure and Contractual Relationships|88
3|4.1.3 Risk Management|90
3|4.1.4 Value for Money|92
3|4.1.5 Public Sector Comparator (PSC)|94
2|4.2 Conditions and Benefits of Public–Private Partnerships in Space Exploration|95
3|4.2.1 Potential Benefits for Public and Private Parties|95
3|4.2.2 Conditions for Successful Public–Private Partnerships|96
1|5 Towards More Ambitious Commercial Contributions to Space Exploration|100
2|5.1 Growing Opportunities for Commercial Contributions to Space Exploration|100
2|5.2 From “Stimulating” to “Leveraging” Commercial Contributions|102
2|5.3 Way Forward|104
3|5.3.1 Commercial Potential of New Concepts|104
3|5.3.2 The Role of Private Actors in the Post-ISS Era|105