File #2673: "2019_Book_LegalPositivismInAGlobalAndTra.pdf"



1|Legal Positivism in a Global and Transnational Age: Introduction|10
2|1 Rationale and Scope|10
2|2 Outline of the Volume|39
1|Part I: Legal Positivism, the State, and International Legal Theory|54
2|About the Impossibility of Absolute State Sovereignty. The Modern Era and the Early Legal Positivist Claim|55
3|1 Introduction|56
3|2 Self-ownership, Sovereignty and Different Types of Constraints|58
3|3 Modern Times: Between Legal Positivism and Sovereignty|63
4|3.1 In Continental Europe, Bodin|65
4|3.2 In England, Hobbes|66
4|3.3 Not Only Bodin and Hobbes|69
3|4 Conclusion|70
2|Taking Legal Positivism Beyond the State: Finding Secondary Rules?|73
3|1 Introduction|74
3|2 International Law as a Primitive Legal Order? Taking Hart to Task|76
3|3 International Law as a Legal System: Finding Secondary Rules?|81
3|4 Thinking Functionally About Law? Methodological Challenges to Hartian Legal Positivism|88
3|5 Conclusion|95
2|New International Legal Positivism: Formalism by Another Name?|100
3|1 Introduction|100
3|2 Kammerhofer and Kelsen|101
4|2.1 ``[A] Mere Scheme of Analysis´´|104
4|2.2 ``[N]ormative Alternatives,´´ Austrian Constitutions, and Dichotomy/Dialectic|108
3|3 d´Aspremont, Hart, and ``Belief´´|112
4|3.1 The ``Source Thesis´´, the ``Social Thesis´´, and the ``Culture of Formalism´´|113
4|3.2 ``International Law as a Belief System´´|119
3|4 Conclusion: The Form, the Ideal, and the Real|123
1|Part II: Legal Positivism and Social Practices|127
2|Legal Positivism as Tekhnē: Postnational Normative Ontology and the Positivist Effectual Temporality|128
3|1 Introduction|129
3|2 Ontology and Temporality: The Thought of the Early Heidegger|135
3|3 Legal Positivism as Tekhnē|140
3|4 The Effectual Temporality of Modern Secularisation and Social Conventionalism|146
3|5 Conclusion|152
2|Barking Up the Wrong Tree? Systems Theory and the `Social Positivisation´ of Human Rights|160
3|1 Introduction|161
3|2 The Social Positivisation of Human Rights|164
3|3 Some Problems with the Social Positivisation of Human Rights|169
3|4 A Series of `Turns´ Away from the Functional Perspective|172
3|5 Conclusion|179
2|Before and After Legal Positivity: Peremptory Norms from Global and Transnational Social Practice|184
3|1 Introduction|184
3|2 Legal Positivism and Peremptory Norms|185
3|3 Legal Practice and the Minimum Content of Natural Law|194
3|4 Legal Practice, Reasons and Peremptory Rules|200
3|5 Integration and Fragmentation of Legal Orders|208
3|6 Conclusion|212
1|Part III: Beyond Legal Positivism?|218
2|Positivism and the Peace/Power Dialectic: Feminist Reflections in a Transnational Age|219
3|1 Introduction|220
3|2 What Is Law? The Hegemony of Positivism|223
3|3 Myth and Attachment|231
3|4 Positivism: A Methodology for Peace and the Peace/Power Dialectic|238
3|5 The Paradox of Rights: Making Positivism Respectable|243
3|6 Beyond a de minimis Standard: Feminism et al|247
3|7 Conclusion|251
2|Beyond Legal Positivism in Transnational Law|257
3|1 Introduction|257
3|2 The Emergence of Transnational Law and Justice|259
3|3 Is Legal Positivism Appropriate as a Paradigm? The Limits of Legal Positivism|265
3|4 Legal Interpretation and Cosmopolitanism|269
3|5 Some Case Studies|271
3|6 Conclusion|277
2|How Post-Positivism Sheds Light on Treaty Interpretation: Celebrating the VCLT Rule of Interpretation|280
3|1 Street Lights, Successful Practice and International Legal Don Quixotism|280
3|2 Post-Positivism, Geology, Cubism|283
4|2.1 Beyond Ascertainment|284
4|2.2 Beyond Internationality|286
4|2.3 Beyond Disciplinarity|287
3|3 Lessons for and from the VCLT|288
4|3.1 From Ascertainment to Argument|288
4|3.2 Transnational Interpretation|289
4|3.3 Transdisciplinary Interpretation|291
3|4 A Cubistic Conclusion|293
2|Responsibility of Corporations in International Law: Positivism and Transnationalism Revisited|298
3|1 Introduction: Nature of the Challenge|298
3|2 Between Jessup and Hart: What International Law Is and Should Do|300
3|3 The Corporation in International Law|303
3|4 Big Elephant in the Room: Positivism|308
3|5 Conclusion|312