File #2705: "2019_Book_InformationObligationsAndDisin.pdf"



1|Part I: General Report|13
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers|14
3|1 Introduction|15
3|2 General Characteristics of the Consumer Information Model|17
4|2.1 Economic Orientation of Consumer Models|17
4|2.2 The Consumer Concept|19
5|2.2.1 A Codified General Definition of Consumer, But No Unified Definition|19
6|Mainly Natural Persons Protected, Sometimes Also Legal Persons or Even Final Users|19
6|Acting for Private, Mixed or Business Purposes|21
6|Irrespective of the Consumer´s Level of Knowledge|23
5|2.2.2 The `Average Consumer´ Is the Benchmark for Information Duties, Unfair Commercial Practices and Unfair Terms|24
5|2.2.3 The Changing Nature of the European Average Consumer: From a Severe Obligation to Internalize Disclosed Information to A...|30
5|2.2.4 Toward a Definition of Vulnerable Consumers: The Sick, the Elder and the Young?|37
3|3 Pre-contractual Information Requirements|40
4|3.1 General Duty of Information Disclosure|40
4|3.2 Specific Transparency Requirements: Food Labelling and Beyond|44
4|3.3 Mandatory and Additional Voluntary Information|47
4|3.4 Sanctions for Failure to Provide (Correct) Mandatory Information|48
3|4 Misleading Commercial Practices|49
4|4.1 Overall Analysis|49
4|4.2 Advertising Directed Towards Children|55
3|5 Unfair Contract Terms: Bargaining Power and Transparency|56
4|5.1 Standard-Form Contracts and Individually Negotiated Terms|56
4|5.2 Exclusion of Core Contract Terms: Transparency Requirement|62
5|5.2.1 Case Law of the CJEU|62
5|5.2.2 Application of Transparency in the EU and beyond|66
5|5.2.3 Core Terms Must Be Prominent|70
4|5.3 Black or Grey List of Unfair Terms|71
4|5.4 Specific Rules Concerning the Control of Unfair Terms in B2B Relationships|72
3|6 Sector Specific Rules|73
4|6.1 Financial Consumer: Rationalisation, Yes; Simplification, Not Yet|73
4|6.2 Digital Consumer: Consent for Use Personal Data|79
3|7 Behavioural Sciences´ Impact on the Consumer Information Model|84
3|8 Conclusion|95
4|8.1 Economic Orientation of Consumer Models: Concept of Average Consumer|95
4|8.2 Pre-contractual Information: Transparent Contract Terms-Misleading Practices|97
4|8.3 Financial Consumer|99
4|8.4 Digital Consumer|100
4|8.5 Overload of Information: Behavioural Critiques-Which Way Forward?|100
1|Part II: National Reports: European Union|108
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: English Law Report|109
3|1 General Characteristics of the Consumer Information Model|109
4|1.1 The Consumer in Statute, Not in the Common Law|109
4|1.2 Statutes Adopt Individual Definitions Rather Than a Unified Definition|111
4|1.3 Characteristics of the ``Consumer´´|114
3|2 Pre-contractual Information Requirements|116
4|2.1 General and Specific Information Duties: Statute and Common Law|116
4|2.2 Information Required Under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013|118
4|2.3 Form of Information Required Under the 2013 Regulations|119
4|2.4 Sanctions for Failure to Provide the Required Information and in the Required Form|120
4|2.5 Food Information Requirements|121
3|3 Misleading Commercial Practices|123
4|3.1 Prohibition Against Unfair Commercial Practices in the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008|123
4|3.2 Criminal and Civil Consequences of Misleading Commercial Practices|125
3|4 Unfair Contract Terms: Bargaining Power|127
4|4.1 The General Approach to Unfair Contract Terms in English Law|127
4|4.2 Control of Unfair Terms by Part 2 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015|130
5|4.2.1 Bargaining Power Under Part 2 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015|131
5|4.2.2 Core Terms and Transparency of Terms Under Part 2 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015|132
3|5 Sector Specific Rules: The Financial Consumer|133
4|5.1 Consumer Credit and Consumer Hire|133
4|5.2 Consumer Financial Services|134
3|6 Sector Specific Rules: The Digital Consumer|135
4|6.1 Extension of Consumer Protection to Cover Digital Contracts|135
4|6.2 Consumers´ Consent to the Storage of Information or Access to Stored Information|136
4|6.3 New Technologies and Information Asymmetries|138
3|7 The Information Model Under Pressure and the Problem of Disinformation|139
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: German Law Report|141
3|1 General Characteristics of the Consumer Model|141
4|1.1 National Consumer Model in a Europeanized Legal Order?|141
4|1.2 Confident, Informed or Informable Consumer|143
4|1.3 Calls for Further Differentiation|145
3|2 Pre-Contractual Information Requirements in General|145
4|2.1 General Information Obligations|145
4|2.2 Voluntarily Added Information Complementing Mandatory Information Given by Businesses|146
4|2.3 Sanctions for Violation of Pre-Contractual Duties to Supply Information|147
4|2.4 Transparency Requirements|148
4|2.5 Forensic Experience Regarding Transparency|148
3|3 Specific Food Information Requirements for Consumers|149
4|3.1 General Aspects|149
4|3.2 Marketing Techniques Regarding the Vulnerability of Consumers; Packaging Colours|150
4|3.3 Rules About the Presentation of Food Information|150
4|3.4 Sanctions for Not Supplying Mandatory Particulars in Accordance with the Presentation Requirements|151
3|4 Misleading Commercial Practices|151
3|5 Unfair Contract Terms|152
4|5.1 Different Categories of Non-Negotiated Terms|152
4|5.2 Control of Inclusion of Terms|153
4|5.3 Control of Fairness|154
4|5.4 Assessment of Bargaining Power|154
4|5.5 Burden of Proof for Non-Negotiated Terms|155
4|5.6 Forensic Aspects|156
4|5.7 Exclusion of Core Contract Terms from the Control of Fairness|156
4|5.8 Transparency Requirements|157
3|6 Sector Specific Rules: The Financial Consumer|158
4|6.1 Deviations from Other Sectors of Consumer Law|158
4|6.2 Discussion Regarding the Adequacy of Extensive Information Obligations|159
3|7 Sector Specific Rules: The Digital Consumer|160
4|7.1 Specific Regimes Addressing Online Consumer Sales/Distance Sales|160
4|7.2 The Relevance of Reasonable Consumer Expectation|161
4|7.3 Data Protection: Requirements of Consent Regarding Storing and Processing Data|161
3|8 The Information Model in General|162
4|8.1 Critique of Mandatory Information and Legislative Response|162
4|8.2 Remedying Information Overload?|164
3|9 Measures Relating to the Education of Consumers|164
2|L´information et la désinformation des consommateurs : Rapport français|167
3|1 Les caractères généraux du droit français de la consommation|168
4|1.1 Origine, fondements et objectifs du droit de la consommation|168
4|1.2 Définition du consommateur bénéficiaire de la protection légale|170
3|2 Les exigences d´information précontractuelle|175
4|2.1 L´obligation générale d´information|175
4|2.2 L´information à l´initiative du professionnel|182
4|2.3 La sanction des obligations d´information précontractuelle|184
5|2.3.1 L´obligation générale d´information|184
5|2.3.2 Information sur les prix et conditions de vente|185
5|2.3.3 Formalisme informatif (renvoi)|187
4|2.4 Les obligations de transparence (lisibilité et clarté de l´information)|187
5|2.4.1 Illustrations|187
5|2.4.2 Mise en œuvre judiciaire|189
5|2.4.3 Sanction des obligations de transparence|191
4|2.5 Les exigences d´information spécifique en matière de produits alimentaires|194
5|2.5.1 Présentation des règles|194
5|2.5.2 Lisibilité des informations en matière de produits alimentaires|195
5|2.5.3 Sanctions|196
3|3 Pratiques commerciales trompeuses|197
3|4 Information des consommateurs et droit des clauses abusives|199
4|4.1 Les clauses concernées|199
4|4.2 Transparence des clauses essentielles du contrat|200
3|5 Règles spécifiques en matière de consommation de services financiers|202
4|5.1 Présentation des règles françaises|202
4|5.2 Les règles relatives à l´information|203
4|5.3 L´objectif de simplification de l´information|205
3|6 Règles spécifiques en matière de vente et prestation de services ''en ligne''|206
4|6.1 Présentation des règles françaises|206
4|6.2 La protection des attentes raisonnables du consommateur|208
4|6.3 Information et données personnelles|209
3|7 Information et ''désinformation'' des consommateurs|211
2|L´information et la désinformation des consommateurs : Rapport italien|215
3|1 Introduction|216
3|2 L´information comme instrument principal pour la protection du consommateur|219
3|3 Le sujet destinataire des informations|221
3|4 Le contenu des informations|224
3|5 Les conséquences et les remèdes en cas de violation des obligations d´information|226
3|6 Problèmes et défauts de modèle et de système|228
4|6.1 Excès d´information, à savoir l´information devient désinformation|229
4|6.2 Les informations comme minimum ou maximum?|230
4|6.3 Une surproduction réglementaire|231
4|6.4 L´insuffisante protection de l´individu contre les pratiques commerciales déloyales|232
4|6.5 Clauses abusives, transparence et risques de la négotiation individuelle|233
4|6.6 Produits financiers et précautions spécifiques dans un contexte peu équilibré|235
3|7 Le consommateur numérique, l´utilisation des Big Data et la discrimination contractuelle|237
3|8 Pour un modèle différent d'information et de transparence|241
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Greek Law Report|247
3|1 Introduction|247
3|2 The General Characteristics of the Greek Consumer Protection Model|248
4|2.1 Applicable Legislation|248
5|2.1.1 Relevant Greek Civil Code Provisions|249
5|2.1.2 Law 2251/1994|249
5|2.1.3 Special Legislation|250
4|2.2 The Greek Consumer Model|250
5|2.2.1 The Notion of ``Consumer´´ in Greek Law|250
5|2.2.2 The Notion of ``Supplier´´ in Greek Law|251
5|2.2.3 The Consumer Benchmark: The ``Average Consumer´´|252
5|2.2.4 Vulnerable Consumers|253
6|Protection of Minors|253
6|Other Cases of Vulnerable Consumers|254
3|3 Consumer Information Before the Conclusion of the Contract|255
4|3.1 Pre-contractual Information Duties|255
5|3.1.1 Pre-contractual Information in General|255
5|3.1.2 Additional/Voluntary Information at the Pre-contractual Stage|257
5|3.1.3 Possible Sanctions Due to Lack of Pre-contractual Information|257
6|Administrative Sanctions|258
6|Civil Sanctions Through Class Action|258
6|Culpa in Contrahendo|258
4|3.2 Transparency Requirements|258
4|3.3 Special Requirements for Foodstuff|259
5|3.3.1 Information Requirements in the Acquis Communautaire|260
6|Labeling Requirements|261
6|Prohibition of Misleading Information|262
5|3.3.2 National Food Information Regulation|262
6|Greek Labeling and Clarity Requirements|262
3|4 Commercial Practices|264
4|4.1 Misleading Commercial Practices|265
4|4.2 Misleading Actions|265
4|4.3 Misleading Omissions|266
3|5 General Transaction Terms|267
4|5.1 The Prohibition of Unfair GTTs|268
4|5.2 The Principle of Clarity and Terms of the Contract|271
3|6 Consumers of Financial Goods and Services|272
4|6.1 Increased Information Requirements|273
5|6.1.1 Law 2251/1994|273
5|6.1.2 Specific Legislation|274
4|6.2 Information Simplification|275
3|7 Consumers in Digital and Distance Transactions|275
4|7.1 Provisions of the CRD|276
4|7.2 E-Commerce|277
4|7.3 Storage and Access to Information|278
4|7.4 Consumers in a Digital Age|279
3|8 Concluding Remarks|280
3|Annex: Main Greek Legislation|281
2|L´information et la désinformation des consommateurs : Rapport roumain|284
3|1 Les caractéristiques générales du modèle d´information du consommateur|285
3|2 Les exigences d´information précontractuelle: l´obligation générale d´information|287
4|2.1 L´obligation générale imposée aux professionnels de fournir aux consommateurs une information pré-contractuelle|287
4|2.2 L´éventuel ajout volontaire, par le professionnel, d´informations supplémentaires à celles, le cas échéant, prévues par la...|289
4|2.3 L´absence de l´information précontractuelle : sanctions, culpa in contrahendo, rapport avec l´autonomie des parties et le ...|289
4|2.4 L´existence des règles qui imposent la transparence et la manière dont l´information doit être présentée au consommateur|290
4|2.5 La manière dont les juridictions nationales apprécient les exigences de transparence des informations transmises aux conso...|291
4|2.6 Les sanctions prévues pour le cas où le professionnel omet de faire parvenir au consommateur une information obligatoire|291
4|2.7 Les conditions particulières d´information des consommateurs concernant les produits alimentaires|292
5|2.7.1 Les particularités des conditions légales imposées pour l´étiquetage des produits alimentaires|292
5|2.7.2 Le traitement des techniques manipulatoires de marketing qui exploitent le fait que les consommateurs sont plus faciles ...|292
5|2.7.3 L´existence des règles qui indiquent comment les informations relatives aux produits alimentaires doivent être présentée...|293
5|2.7.4 L´existence des sanctions à appliquer dans l´hypothèse où un professionnel omet de fournir au consommateur des informati...|293
3|3 Les pratiques commerciales trompeuses|293
3|4 Les clauses abusives - le pouvoir de négociation|297
4|4.1 Le traitement des termes standards par rapport aux termes négociés individuellement|297
4|4.2 Le pouvoir de négociation du consommateur par rapport au pouvoir du professionnel|298
4|4.3 La charge de la preuve qu´une clause a été individuellement|299
4|4.4 La contestation du caractère « individuellement négociée » d´une clause. L´appréciation des juridictions|299
4|4.5 L´exclusion des « clauses essentielles » du test du caractère abusif|300
4|4.6 La transparence des clauses contractuelles (essentielles)|300
3|5 Les règles particulières: le consommateur de services financiers|301
4|5.1 La différence|301
4|5.2 Les effets des éventuelles critiques formulées par la doctrine|302
3|6 Les règles concernant un domaine particulier : le consommateur en milieux électronique|304
4|6.1 Les éventuelles dérogations des conditions imposées aux ventes s´adressant consommateurs off line|304
4|6.2 La limite des attentes du consommateur raisonnable|305
4|6.3 L´information du consommateur sur ce à quoi il consent|305
3|7 Le modèle d´information sous pression et la question de la désinformation|307
3|8 D´autres observations pertinentes|307
3|Références bibliographiques|308
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Polish Law Report|309
3|1 General Characteristics of the Consumer Information Model|309
4|1.1 Introductory Remarks|309
4|1.2 Consumer Definition|311
4|1.3 Consumer Model|313
3|2 Pre-contractual Information Requirements|316
4|2.1 General Information Obligation|316
5|2.1.1 Introductory Remarks|316
5|2.1.2 Scope and Modalities of the Information Duty|316
5|2.1.3 Sanctions|317
6|Private Enforcement|318
6|Public Enforcement|320
4|2.2 Specific Food Information Requirements|322
5|2.2.1 Applicable Law|322
5|2.2.2 Manipulative Techniques|323
5|2.2.3 Sanctions|324
3|3 Misleading Commercial Practices|325
4|3.1 Introductory Remarks|325
4|3.2 Misleading Actions|326
4|3.3 Misleading Omissions|327
4|3.4 Specific Rules on Advertising|328
3|4 Unfair Contract Terms: Bargaining Power|329
4|4.1 Introductory Remarks|329
4|4.2 Individual Control|329
4|4.3 Abstract Control|330
3|5 Sector-Specific Rules: The Financial Consumer|332
4|5.1 Introductory Remarks|332
4|5.2 Act on Consumer Credit|333
4|5.3 Act on Mortgage Credit|335
3|6 Sector-Specific Rules: The Digital Consumer|336
4|6.1 Scope and Modalities of the Information Duty|336
4|6.2 Sanctions|337
4|6.3 Personal Data, Cookies and Spam|338
3|7 The Information Model Under Pressure and the Problem of Disinformation|340
3|8 Other Relevant Topics|341
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Czech Law Report|346
3|1 General Characteristics of the Consumer Information Model|347
3|2 Pre-contractual Information Requirements|348
4|2.1 General Information Obligation|348
4|2.2 Presentation of Information Includes Transparency Requirements|349
4|2.3 Specific Food Information Requirements for Consumers|350
3|3 Misleading Commercial Practices|351
3|4 Unfair Contract Terms: Bargaining Power|353
4|4.1 Transparency of (Core) Contract Terms|355
3|5 Sector Specific Rules: The Financial Consumer|356
4|5.1 Special Sanction for Breaching Information Duty in Credit Agreement in Meaning of Directive 2008/48 and Directive 2014/17|356
4|5.2 Withdrawal Right|357
3|6 Sector Specific Rules: The Digital Consumer|358
3|7 Reasonable Consumer Expectations|364
3|8 Cookies|366
3|9 The Information Model Under Pressure and the Problem of Disinformation|366
3|10 Conclusion|368
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Irish Law Report|372
3|1 General Characteristics of the Consumer Information Model|372
4|1.1 Economic Orientation of Consumer Models|372
4|1.2 The Consumer Concept|375
3|2 Pre-contractual Information Requirements|375
4|2.1 Information Disclosure Duties|375
5|2.1.1 Common Law Rules on Information Disclosure|375
5|2.1.2 Statutory Rules on Information Disclosure|376
5|2.1.3 Sanctions for Failure to Provide (Correct) Mandatory Information|378
5|2.1.4 Rules on Presentation of Information|378
4|2.2 Specific Transparency Requirements: Food Labelling and Beyond|380
5|2.2.1 General Legal Framework|380
5|2.2.2 Rules on Presentation of Food Information|381
5|2.2.3 Sanctions for Failure to Comply with Food Information Requirements|383
3|3 Misleading Commercial Practices|384
4|3.1 Statutory Protection from Misleading Commercial Practices|384
4|3.2 Misleading Practices and the Average Consumer|385
4|3.3 The Protection of Vulnerable Consumers Against Misleading Practices|388
4|3.4 Remedies|388
3|4 Unfair Contract Terms: Bargaining Power and Transparency|389
4|4.1 Exclusion of Core Contract Terms and Transparency|393
3|5 Sector Specific Rules: The Financial Consumer|395
4|5.1 Implementation of European Union Directives|395
5|5.1.1 The European Communities (Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services) Regulations 2004|395
5|5.1.2 The European Union (Payment Accounts) Regulations 2016|396
4|5.2 The Central Bank Codes of Practice|400
5|5.2.1 The Consumer Protection Code 2012|400
5|5.2.2 Enforcement and Use of the Codes|404
5|5.2.3 The Information Provision Model and Financial Services|405
3|6 The Digital Consumer|406
4|6.1 Information Requirements for Distance Contracts|406
4|6.2 Information Requirements for Accessing Information on a User´s Computer|409
3|7 The Information Model Under Pressure|410
3|8 Conclusion|411
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Finnish Law Report|414
3|1 General Characteristics of the Consumer Information Model|415
4|1.1 Benchmarking and Specific Types of Consumers|417
4|1.2 Pre-contractual Information Provided to Consumers|419
4|1.3 Lack of Pre-contractual Information and Possible Sanctions|420
4|1.4 Food Information Requirements|422
4|1.5 Misleading Commercial Practices|423
3|2 Unfair Contract Terms and Bargaining Power|425
3|3 The Financial Consumer|427
4|3.1 Insurance|429
4|3.2 Investment Services|430
3|4 The Digital Consumer|432
3|Journal Articles|434
3|Online Documents|435
3|Organisation Sites|435
1|Part III: National Report: Euro-Asian Region|436
2|L´information et la désinformation des consommateurs : Rapport turc|437
3|1 Caractéristiques générales du modèle d´information du consommateur|438
4|1.1 Le droit de la consommation turc harmonisé avec le droit européen|438
4|1.2 Le consommateur naïf ou le consommateur moyen: le grand dilemme du droit turc de la consommation|439
3|2 Exigences d´information précontractuelle|441
4|2.1 L´obligation d´information précontractuelle et contractuelle en droit turc de la consommation|441
4|2.2 L´obligation d´information pour les denrées alimentaires|442
3|3 Pratiques commerciales trompeuses|445
4|3.1 Généralités|445
4|3.2 La publicité trompeuse et la publicité comparative|445
3|4 Conditions contractuelles abusives|446
3|5 Le consommateur financier|447
3|6 Le consommateur digital|448
3|7 Un consommateur trop éclairé : La surinformation est la non-information|449
1|Part IV: National Reports: Asia|451
2|L´information et la désinformation des consommateurs : Rapport japonais|452
3|1 Introduction|452
3|2 Obligations précontractuelles d´information|453
4|2.1 Obligations d´information générales|453
4|2.2 Obligation d´informer les consommateurs sur les denrées alimentaires|455
3|3 Pratiques commerciales trompeuses|456
3|4 Les clauses contractuelles abusives - pouvoir de négociation|457
4|4.1 Pouvoir de négociation|457
4|4.2 Transparence des conditions contractuelles qui définissent l´objet principal du contrat|458
3|5 Règles sectorielles spécifiques|458
4|5.1 Le consommateur financier|458
4|5.2 Le consommateur numérique|459
3|6 Conclusion - Problème à envisager|460
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Chinese Law Report|462
3|1 General Introduction of Consumer Protection|462
4|1.1 Consumer Definition|463
4|1.2 Benchmark of Average Consumer|464
3|2 Pre-contractual Information Requirements|465
4|2.1 Scope of Information Disclosure|465
4|2.2 Modality of Information Disclosure|466
4|2.3 Sanctions|466
4|2.4 Specific Food Information Requirements|467
5|2.4.1 Legislations on Food Labelling|467
5|2.4.2 Manipulative Techniques|468
5|2.4.3 Sanctions|469
3|3 Misleading Commercial Practices|469
4|3.1 Legislations on Misleading Commercial Practices|469
4|3.2 Assessment of Misleading Commercial Practices|470
4|3.3 Sanctions|471
5|3.3.1 Administrative Penalty|471
5|3.3.2 Civil Remedy|471
5|3.3.3 Punitive Damages|472
3|4 Unfair Contract Terms: Bargaining Power|473
4|4.1 Legislations on Standard Contract Terms|473
4|4.2 Consumer´s Bargaining Power|475
4|4.3 Core Contract Terms|476
4|4.4 Transparency of Standard Terms|476
3|5 Financial Consumers|478
4|5.1 General Introduction|478
4|5.2 Financial Information Disclosure|478
4|5.3 Sanctions|479
4|5.4 Education of Financial Consumers|480
3|6 Digital Consumers|480
4|6.1 Online Information Disclosure|480
5|6.1.1 Identification and Operation Information|481
5|6.1.2 E-Commerce Platform´s Codes of Conducts|481
5|6.1.3 Information on Products and Advertisements|482
5|6.1.4 Sanctions|483
4|6.2 Consent for Personal Information Collecting|483
3|7 New Trends in Information Disclosure|485
1|Part V: National Reports: North and South America|488
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Quebec Law Report|489
3|1 Introduction|489
3|2 General Characteristics of the Consumer Information Model|490
4|2.1 Main Features of Quebec´s Consumer Law|490
4|2.2 Who´s the Consumer? The New Canadian Way|492
3|3 Pre-contractual and Contractual Information Requirements|494
4|3.1 Information Surrounding Goods and Services|495
4|3.2 Moving Towards the Contractual Dynamics|497
4|3.3 Compulsory Legal Information|498
4|3.4 Specific Food Information Requirements|498
3|4 Extracontractuality|501
3|5 Misleading Commercial Practices|504
4|5.1 Misleading Actions and Omissions|504
4|5.2 Evaluation Benchmarks|507
4|5.3 Ban on Publicity Destined to Children|510
3|6 Contract of Adhesion|511
4|6.1 Protection in Substantive Law|512
4|6.2 Interpretive Tools (contra proferentem)|514
3|7 Sector Specific Rules: The Financial Consumer|514
3|8 Sector Specific Rules: The Digital Consumer|518
3|9 Sanctions|520
4|9.1 Precontractual Information Defects|520
4|9.2 Contractual Sanctions|521
4|9.3 Coordinating Pre-contractual and Contractual?|523
4|9.4 Penal Sanctions|524
3|10 Conclusion|525
2|Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Brazilian Law Report|527
3|1 Introduction: The Consumer Under Brazilian Law|527
3|2 The Importance of the Supplier´s Duty to Inform and the Need for Informed Consent by the Consumer: Binding Effects of the In...|530
3|3 Protection Against Misleading and Abusive Advertisement|536
3|4 Unfairness Test of Contractual Clauses. Possibility of Inversion of the Burden of Proof in Consumer´s Favor|539
3|5 Application of the Consumer Protection Code to Banking and Insurance Activities|541
3|6 Consumer Protection in the Context of the E-commerce|545
3|7 Conclusion: The Concern with Healthy Consumption in Brazil|549
1|IACL Questionnaire: Information/Disinformation Consumers Including Negotiation|553
1|Questionnaire AIDC: Information/désinformation des consommateurs, y compris le pouvoir de négociation des consommateurs|559