File #2828: "2020_Book_CyberEconomicCrimeInIndia.pdf"



1|About the Author|17
1|List of Figures|21
1|List of Tables|23
1|Part I Introduction|24
1|1 Introduction|25
2|1.1 Introduction|25
2|1.2 Introducing the Technology Landscape of India|26
2|1.3 Cyberspace|27
2|1.4 Virtual Information Society: New Reality|28
2|1.5 Data: New Fuel of the World|28
2|1.6 Data Security|29
2|1.7 Advantages and Risks|29
2|1.8 Cyber Crime|31
2|1.9 Economic Crimes|32
2|1.10 Cyber Economic Crimes|32
2|1.11 Criminal Justice System|33
1|2 Changing Landscape of Crime in Cyberspace|35
2|2.1 Introduction|35
2|2.2 Cybercrime Landscape|36
2|2.3 Threat Agents|36
2|2.4 Top Emerging Threats in Cyberspace|38
2|2.5 Threat Vectors|41
2|2.6 Changing Landscape of Cybercrime in Cyberspace: Emerging Trend|43
1|3 Cyber Economic Crime: Criminological Studies and Frameworks|46
2|3.1 Conceptual Framework|46
3|3.1.1 Criminal Justice System|48
3|3.1.2 Response of Criminal Justice System|49
2|3.2 Theoretical Framework|49
3|3.2.1 Rational Choice Theory|49
3|3.2.2 Translational Criminology: Bridging the Gap|51
2|3.3 Methodological Framework|52
2|3.4 Cyber Economic Crime: Criminological Perspective|53
3|3.4.1 Criminological Studies About CEC|53
3|3.4.2 Responses of Criminal Justice System to Cyber Economic Crime at the International Level|56
3|3.4.3 Cyber Economic Crimes and Criminal Justice System in India|60
1|Part II Understanding Phenomenon|71
1|4 Exploring the Phenomenon of Cyber Economic Crime|72
2|4.1 Introduction|72
2|4.2 Evolution and Meaning of Cyber Crime|72
3|4.2.1 Definition of Cybercrime|72
2|4.3 The Concept of Economic or Financial Crime|74
2|4.4 Economic Crime Concept: Indian Perspective|75
2|4.5 Effect of Technology Development on Economic Crime|76
2|4.6 Phenomenon of Cyber Economic Crime|78
2|4.7 The Concept of Cyber Economic Crime|79
2|4.8 Cyber Economic Crimes: Indian Perspective|81
2|4.9 Cyber Economic Crime: Indian Scenario|82
2|4.10 Nature and Scope of the Cyber Economic Crime|83
3|4.10.1 New Phenomenon with Technological Reliance and Wide Reach|83
3|4.10.2 Wider Socio-economic Impact|84
2|4.11 Global Nature of Crime|84
2|4.12 Scope of the Cyber Crime|85
2|4.13 Characteristics of Cyber Economic Crimes|85
3|4.13.1 Low-Risk High Rewards|85
3|4.13.2 Anonymity and Openness|86
3|4.13.3 Physical Presence not Required|86
3|4.13.4 No Territorial Boundaries|86
3|4.13.5 Lack of Awareness Among Victims|87
3|4.13.6 One-to-Many Victimization at a Time|87
3|4.13.7 Victims Refrain from Reporting Cases|87
3|4.13.8 Different Behaviour Pattern|88
3|4.13.9 No Visible Violence Is Involved|88
3|4.13.10 Use of High-End Technology|88
3|4.13.11 Time to Commit the Crime Is Short|88
3|4.13.12 Victims of Cyber Economic Crime|89
2|4.14 Criminals Committing Cyber Economic Crime|89
3|4.14.1 Profile of the Accused|89
3|4.14.2 Age of the Accused|90
3|4.14.3 Gender of the Accused|91
3|4.14.4 Societal Class of the Accused|91
2|4.15 Motive of Cyber Economic Crime|92
2|4.16 Modus Operandi|92
3|4.16.1 Technological Vulnerabilities|93
3|4.16.2 Lacunas in the Processes|93
3|4.16.3 Weaknesses of the Human Mind|93
2|4.17 Extent of Cyber Economic Crime|93
1|5 Cyber Economic Crime Typology|98
2|5.1 Cybercrime Typology|98
2|5.2 Typology of Cyber Economic Crimes|101
3|5.2.1 Classification Based on Role of Technology|101
3|5.2.2 Classification Based on the Type of Target|102
3|5.2.3 Classification Based on the Modus Operandi or Method of Crime|104
3|5.2.4 Classification-Based on the Type of Threat Agents|105
2|5.3 Prevalent Cyber Economic Crimes|107
3|5.3.1 Credit Card Fraud|107
3|5.3.2 Virtual Crypto Currency Frauds/Scams|108
3|5.3.3 Virtual Money Laundering|108
3|5.3.4 Ransomware or Cyberextortion|109
3|5.3.5 Internet/Online Fraud|109
3|5.3.6 Phishing Scams|110
3|5.3.7 Dark Web Markets|111
3|5.3.8 Online Game Cheating|112
3|5.3.9 Identity Theft Frauds|112
3|5.3.10 Romance Fraud|112
3|5.3.11 Malware|113
1|6 Emerging Trends and Patterns of Cyber Economic Crimes|116
2|6.1 Introduction|116
2|6.2 Incidences of Cyber Economic Crimes|117
2|6.3 Cyber Crime and Cyber Economic Crime Trends|118
2|6.4 Trends in IPC, IT Act, SLL Cases in India|119
2|6.5 Motives of Cybercrime|120
3|6.5.1 Trends in Motives of Cybercrime|120
3|6.5.2 Patten of Motives of Cybercrime|121
2|6.6 Profiles of Accused Arrested in Cybercrime|122
3|6.6.1 Trends in Profiles of Accused Arrested in Cybercrime Cases|123
3|6.6.2 The Pattern of Profiles of Accused Arrested|124
2|6.7 Age of Accused in Cybercrime Cases|126
3|6.7.1 Trend Analysis of Age of Accused Arrested in Cybercrimes (IT Cases) in India|126
3|6.7.2 Trend Analysis of Age of Accused Arrested in Cyber Economic Crimes (IPC Cases)|128
2|6.8 Patterns of Age of Accused Persons Arrested|129
3|6.8.1 Patterns of Age of Accused Arrested in Cybercrime (IT Act Cases)|129
3|6.8.2 Pattern of Age of Accused Person of CEC (IPC Cases)|130
2|6.9 Gender of Arrested Accused in Cyber Crimes Cases|130
2|6.10 Pattern Analysis of Cybercrime Incidences and Accused Arrested|131
2|6.11 Trend Analysis in Accused Arrested in IT, IPC and SLL Cases in India|133
2|6.12 Trends in Types Cyber Crime and Cyber Economic Crime in India|134
3|6.12.1 IT Act Crime Types and Its Trends in India|134
3|6.12.2 Trends in Types Cyber Economic Crime Cases in India|138
2|6.13 Patterns of Types of Cyber Crime Cases|141
3|6.13.1 Pattern of Types of IT Act Crime Cases|141
3|6.13.2 Pattern of Types of Cyber Economic Crimes Cases|142
3|6.13.3 Pattern of Special Local Laws Crime Types|143
2|6.14 Comparative Study of Metro Cities in India for Cybercrime Cases|143
3|6.14.1 Comparative Trend Analysis of Cybercrime (IT + IPC + SLL)|144
3|6.14.2 Comparative Trend Analysis of Cybercrime (IT Act) Cases|144
3|6.14.3 Comparative Trend Analysis of Cybercrime (IPC) Cases|145
2|6.15 Comparative Study of Cybercrime Within Indian States|148
3|6.15.1 Trends in Growth of Cybercrime (IT Act and IPC Cases)|148
3|6.15.2 Trends in Growth of Cybercrime (IT Act)|152
3|6.15.3 Trends in Growth of Cybercrime (IPC) Cases|156
1|Part III Response of System in Combating the CEC|162
1|7 Legal Framework for Cyber Economic Crimes: A Review|163
2|7.1 Introduction|163
2|7.2 Legal Framework|163
2|7.3 Legal Framework for CEC: Concept|164
2|7.4 Existing Laws for Cyber Economic Crime in India|165
3|7.4.1 Major Sections of IT Act Related to CEC|166
3|7.4.2 Sections of IT Act About Procedural Aspects of CEC|168
2|7.5 Legal Regime for Cyber Economic Crime|170
2|7.6 Main Provisions of Other Laws Dealing with CEC|170
3|7.6.1 Provisions of Indian Penal Code Related to CEC|171
3|7.6.2 Special Laws Dealing with Cyber Economic Crimes|174
2|7.7 Procedural Law for Cyber Economic Crimes|178
3|7.7.1 Criminal Procedure Code, 1973|179
3|7.7.2 The Indian Evidence Act, 1872|180
2|7.8 Cyber Forensics|182
2|7.9 Investigation of the Cyber Economic Crime|183
3|7.9.1 Initiating the Process|183
3|7.9.2 Registration of the FIR|183
3|7.9.3 Investigation and Collection of Evidence|184
3|7.9.4 Analysis of Evidence|184
3|7.9.5 Arrests|184
3|7.9.6 Police Report|185
3|7.9.7 Conducting Trial by Judiciary|186
1|8 Criminal Justice Administration in India: An Overview|188
2|8.1 Introduction|188
2|8.2 Law Enforcement Agencies|189
3|8.2.1 Law Enforcement Agencies of Union Government|190
3|8.2.2 State Police Force|192
2|8.3 Judiciary|199
3|8.3.1 The Supreme Court of India|199
3|8.3.2 State High Courts|200
3|8.3.3 Subordinate Courts in Districts of India|201
3|8.3.4 Judiciary in Maharashtra State and Mumbai City|201
2|8.4 Legal Profession in India|203
3|8.4.1 Bar Councils|203
3|8.4.2 Defence Lawyers/Advocates|204
3|8.4.3 Public Prosecution System|204
2|8.5 Forensic Lab Administration|207
2|8.6 Correctional Administration|208
1|9 The Response of Criminal Justice System|211
2|9.1 Introduction|211
2|9.2 The Response of Law Enforcement Agencies|211
3|9.2.1 The Procedure of Crime Registration|212
3|9.2.2 Present Mechanism for Registration of Cyber Crime|212
3|9.2.3 Cognizance and Registration of an FIR|215
3|9.2.4 Investigation of Cyber Economic Crimes|216
3|9.2.5 Efforts to Improve Investigation Process|220
3|9.2.6 Collection and Analysis of Electronic Evidence|221
2|9.3 Response of Judiciary|222
2|9.4 Response of Prosecution Machinery|224
2|9.5 Conviction: Litmus Test of Criminal Case|225
2|9.6 The Response of Forensic Laboratory|227
2|9.7 Response of Legal Regime to Cybercrime|229
2|9.8 Response of Prevention and Awareness Mechanism|231
2|9.9 Challenges and Problems of CJS|233
3|9.9.1 Technical Challenges|233
3|9.9.2 Operational Challenges|235
3|9.9.3 Human Resources Challenges|237
3|9.9.4 Legal Challenges|238
1|Part IV Way Forward for Combating CEC|241
1|10 Integrated Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Model|242
2|10.1 Introduction|242
2|10.2 Brief Overview of the Government Efforts to Tackle Cyber Threat|242
2|10.3 Integrated Cybercrimes Prevention and Security Model|244
2|10.4 Holistic Approach for Creating Cyber Security Framework|246
2|10.5 Cyber Security Mechanism|247
3|10.5.1 National Cyber Agency|247
3|10.5.2 Cyber Crime Coordination Centre|249
3|10.5.3 National Cybercrime Coordination Centre|249
3|10.5.4 State Cybercrime Coordination Centre|249
3|10.5.5 Research and Development Centre|250
3|10.5.6 National and State Cyber Security Policy|251
3|10.5.7 Cyber Disaster Management Plan|251
3|10.5.8 Online Threat Intelligence Sharing|252
3|10.5.9 National and State CERT|252
2|10.6 Cyber Crime Mechanism of CJS for Efficient Response|252
3|10.6.1 Mechanism for Law Enforcement|253
3|10.6.2 Central Online Portal for Cybercrime Reporting|257
3|10.6.3 Mechanisms for Courts/Judicial System|258
3|10.6.4 Mechanisms for Public Prosecutor System|259
3|10.6.5 Mechanism for Digital Forensic Facility|260
3|10.6.6 Human Resource Development and Capacity Building|262
3|10.6.7 Information/Evidence Sharing and Inter-state Co-ordination|264
3|10.6.8 Information Repositories|266
3|10.6.9 Legal Changes|266
3|10.6.10 Standard Operating Procedure for Working|267
2|10.7 Cybercrime Prevention Mechanism|268
3|10.7.1 State CERT with Law Enforcement Agencies|268
3|10.7.2 Information Exchanges|269
3|10.7.3 Social Media Monitoring|270
3|10.7.4 Dark Web Monitoring|271
3|10.7.5 Predictive/Pre-emptive Policing Unit|271
3|10.7.6 Anti-piracy Unit|272
2|10.8 Awareness and Outreach Mechanism|272
3|10.8.1 Cyber Literacy|273
3|10.8.2 Cyber Hygiene|273
3|10.8.3 Citizen Awareness Wing|274
3|10.8.4 Collaboration with Schools and Educational Institutes|275