File #2868: "2020_Book_RegulatoryIssuesInOrganicFoodS.pdf"



1|Chapter 1: Introduction: Issues Affecting the Regulatory Environment for Organic Food Safety in Asia Pacific|14
2|1.1 Introduction|15
2|1.2 The Regulation of Organics|16
2|1.3 Structure of the Book|18
2|1.4 Conclusion|19
1|Part I: International Perspectives on Organics Regulatory Framework|21
2|Chapter 2: Understanding the Regulation of Ecological Food in China: Regulatory Intermediation, Path Dependence and Legal Pluralism|22
3|2.1 Introduction|23
3|2.2 Materials, Methods and Argument|24
3|2.3 Evolution of Eco-Food Regulation in China|25
3|2.4 Explaining the Chinese Regulatory Model|28
4|2.4.1 Introduction|28
4|2.4.2 Standards|29
4|2.4.3 Path Dependence|31
4|2.4.4 Legal Pluralism|33
3|2.5 Conclusion|36
2|Chapter 3: Organic Labelling Influencing Consumerism in China and Thailand: A Case for Collaborating with Mature Organic Economies|46
3|3.1 Introduction|47
3|3.2 A Preliminary Note on the Return to Organic Agriculture|48
3|3.3 Organic Food Labelling: The Australian Example|51
3|3.4 Country-Of-Origin Labels (COOL)|53
3|3.5 Consumer Trust|55
3|3.6 Mutual Recognition Regime in Organics|56
3|3.7 Conclusion|58
2|Chapter 4: Chinese Organic Food Law and Its Impacts on Climate Change|62
3|4.1 Introduction|63
3|4.2 Overview of Chinese Organic Food Law|65
4|4.2.1 Regulations Relating to Food Safety and Organic Certification|66
5| Evolution of Food Safety Regulations|66
5| Development of Organic Standards and Certification|71
4|4.2.2 Challenges to the Enforcement of Food Safety Law|75
4|4.2.3 Organic Certification Issues|77
3|4.3 Impacts of Chinese Organic Food Law on Climate Change|79
4|4.3.1 Impacts on Climate Change Adaptation|79
4|4.3.2 Impacts on Climate Change Mitigation|81
3|4.4 Conclusion|82
1|Part II: Histories and Influences on Standards|86
2|Chapter 5: Evolution of the Organic Japanese Agricultural Standard System: A 20-Year History|87
3|5.1 Introduction|87
4|5.1.1 History of the Organic JAS System in Japan|88
5| Organic Farming in Japan|88
5| Standardization of Organic Produce|89
4|5.1.2 Current Organic JAS System in Japan|90
5| Overview of the Organic JAS System|90
5| Certification Process|90
5| Organic JAS Standards|91
6| Organic Plants|91
6| Organic Processed Foods|93
6| Organic Livestock Products|93
6| Organic Feeds|94
5| Mutual Authentication of the Organic Certification System among Countries|94
4|5.1.3 Challenges of the Organic JAS System in Japan|95
5| Divergence from the Codex Guidelines|95
5| Other Criticism of the Organic JAS System|96
3|5.2 Conclusion|96
2|Chapter 6: Science and Food Production: Reviewing the Red Revolution of China Through a Green Lens (1950–1979)|99
3|6.1 Introduction|99
3|6.2 The Early Days (1950–1957)|102
3|6.3 The Famine Years (1958–1961)|107
3|6.4 Agricultural Communes and Collectivism (1958–1978)|108
3|6.5 Conclusion|111
4|Internet Sources|114
4|Archival Sources|114
2|Chapter 7: Managing Food Waste, Improving Food Safety? The Case of Gutter Oil in China|115
3|7.1 Introduction|115
4|7.1.1 Drivers of Food Waste and the Food Waste Hierarchy|116
4|7.1.2 Food Waste and the Relationship to Food Safety|117
3|7.2 Food Waste Management and Food Safety Concerns in the Context of China|118
4|7.2.1 Drivers of Food Waste Generation and the Rise of Food Waste Concerns|118
4|7.2.2 Overview of Food Waste Management System in China and Its Implications for Food Safety|120
3|7.3 Discussion: Limitations of Food waste Management|122
3|7.4 Conclusion|125
1|Part III: National Regulatory Jurisdictions|127
2|Chapter 8: Regulatory Issues on Organic Food in China|128
3|8.1 Introduction|128
3|8.2 Overview of the Developing Process of Organic Food Law System|130
3|8.3 Stakeholders Involved|133
4|8.3.1 Supervising Authorities|133
4|8.3.2 Certifying Institutions|134
4|8.3.3 Producers|135
3|8.4 Opportunities, Challenges and Deficiencies in the Design of the Organic Regulatory System|137
4|8.4.1 Pollution|138
4|8.4.2 Premium|139
4|8.4.3 Consumer Awareness|139
4|8.4.4 Effective Supervision and Transparency|140
4|8.4.5 Coordination of Authorities|140
4|8.4.6 Perfection of the Legislation|141
3|8.5 Conclusion|141
4|Internet Sources|142
2|Chapter 9: Regulatory Framework for Organic Food Safety in India|144
3|9.1 Introduction|145
3|9.2 Organic Food Safety Laws in India|146
3|9.3 The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006|146
4|9.3.1 Important Regulations Under FSS Act|149
3|9.4 Regulations Pertaining Specifically to Organic Food|149
4|9.4.1 Provisions Relating to Organic Food in FSS Act|149
4|9.4.2 Food Safety and Standards (Organic Food) Regulations, 2017|150
3|9.5 Certification Systems Applicable to Organic Food|152
4|9.5.1 National Programme on Organic Production (NPOP)|152
4|9.5.2 Participatory Guarantee System for India (PGS-India)|155
3|9.6 Other Programmes, Schemes & Initiatives|157
3|9.7 Conclusion|158
2|Chapter 10: Organic Food Policy and Regulation in Malaysia: Development and Challenges|160
3|10.1 Introduction|161
3|10.2 Organic Food Production in Malaysia|162
4|10.2.1 Current Development of Commercial Organic Agriculture|162
4|10.2.2 Public Perception of Organic Food Products|163
3|10.3 Concerns of Organic Food Safety Among Malaysian Consumers|165
3|10.4 National Policy on Agriculture|166
4|10.4.1 The First National Agricultural Policy (NAP1)|167
4|10.4.2 The Second National Agricultural Policy (NAP2)|167
4|10.4.3 The Third National Agricultural Policy (NAP3)|168
4|10.4.4 Organic Agriculture in NAP3|169
4|10.4.5 The National Agro-Food Policy (NAP)|170
3|10.5 Accreditation and Standard for Organic Agriculture|171
4|10.5.1 Standard for Malaysian Farm Certification Scheme for Good Agricultural Practice (SALM)|171
4|10.5.2 Malaysian Organic Certification Program|172
3|10.6 Challenges Associated with the Certification Process|173
4|10.6.1 Competitiveness Between Small-Scale Farmers and Commercial Entities|173
4|10.6.2 Food Security and Sustainability|174
4|10.6.3 Food Safety and Quality|175
4|10.6.4 Regulatory Awareness|176
3|10.7 Conclusion|176
2|Chapter 11: Understanding Production and Safety Situations of Organic Food in Thailand|180
3|11.1 Transitional Phases of Agriculture in Thailand|180
4|11.1.1 “Traditional” Agriculture to Conventional Agriculture: The Problem of Pesticide Residue|180
4|11.1.2 Transition from Conventional Agriculture Back to Organic Agriculture|184
3|11.2 Thai Regulatory Systems Relating to Organic Farming and Safety of Organic Food|185
4|11.2.1 General Regulatory Systems Relating to Agricultural Production|185
4|11.2.2 Development of Organic Food Standards and Certification|187
4|11.2.3 Description and Labelling of Organic Food|190
3|11.3 Organic Food Manufacturing in Thailand|193
3|11.4 Safety of Organic Produce and Organic Food Products in Thailand|194
4|11.4.1 Safety of Organic Produce|194
5| Chemical Safety|194
5| Microbiological Safety|195
4|11.4.2 The Ten Biggest Challenges to Organic Food Safety in Thailand|198
4|11.4.3 Reducing Risks to Hazard Exposure and Enhancing Safety of Organic Food: Thai Traditional Knowledge and Modern Technology|202
3|11.5 Conclusion|204
2|Chapter 12: Perception of Challenges in Opportunities for Organic Food Research and Development in Vietnam|208
3|12.1 Background of Organic Agriculture Research and Development in Vietnam|209
3|12.2 Review of Literature about the Perception of Organic Agriculture|210
4|12.2.1 Opportunities of  Organic Farming Globally|211
4|12.2.2 Challenges of  Organic Farming Globally|211
3|12.3 Qualitative Research Approach|212
3|12.4 Results|214
4|12.4.1 Benefits of  Organic Farming from  ‘Stakeholders’ Perspectives in Vietnam|214
5| Organic Farming: Environmental and Health Issues|214
3|12.5 Prospects of Organic Agriculture Policy and Research in Vietnam|220
4|12.5.1 Perception of Organic Agriculture Research in Vietnam|221
5| Drivers and Lessons of Promoting Organic Agriculture in Vietnam|222
5| Lessons from Developing Organic Farming|222
3|12.6 Conclusion|223
2|Chapter 13: Food Safety Law in the United States: Risk Management in the Organic Food Supply Chain|226
3|13.1 Food Safety Challenges in the United States Organic Industry|227
3|13.2 Food Safety Regulatory Framework|228
4|13.2.1 Recent Regulatory Developments|230
3|13.3 Select Challenges Under U.S. Law for Ensuring a Safe Organic Industry|234
3|13.4 Conclusion|236
3|Reference for Further Reading|236
2|Chapter 14: Regulation of the New Zealand Organics Sector|238
3|14.1 Introduction|239
3|14.2 What Do We Mean by “Organics”|240
3|14.3 History and Development of the Organic Industry|240
3|14.4 Conventional Farming|242
3|14.5 Organic Renaissance in the 1970s|243
3|14.6 Organic Sales Today|244
3|14.7 Regulation of Food Production in New Zealand|245
3|14.8 Food Act 2014|245
3|14.9 Other Legislation|246
3|14.10 Trans-Tasman Food Safety|247
3|14.11 Labelling|248
3|14.12 Laws That Govern Organics|248
4|14.12.1 Voluntary Standards – Government (New Zealand Standard 8410)|249
4|14.12.2 Voluntary Certifiers – Private|249
4|14.12.3 Export of Organic Products|251
3|14.13 Decision to Consult on Law Reform|252
3|14.14 Conclusion|254
2|Chapter 15: Canadian Organics: Enhancing Food Safety and Trade Growth Through Regulatory Harmonization and International Collaboration|257
3|15.1 Introduction|258
3|15.2 Organic Definition and Production Principles in Canada|259
3|15.3 Canada Organic Regime (COR)|260
4|15.3.1 Organic Food Safety Legislation|260
4|15.3.2 Canadian Organic Standards (COS)|262
5| General Principles and Management Standard|262
5| Permitted Substances Lists|262
5| Aquaculture – General Principles, Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists|263
4|15.3.3 Equivalency Agreements with Canada|263
4|15.3.4 Organic Food Labelling|264
3|15.4 Organic Food Demand and Trade|266
4|15.4.1 Enhancing Organic Products Trade with China|267
3|15.5 Conclusion|268
2|Chapter 16: Concluding Observations: Perspectives and Prospects for the Regulatory Environment of Organic Food Safety in Asia Pacific|271
3|16.1 Introduction|272
3|16.2 International Dimensions|272
3|16.3 Historical Influences and National Responses|274
3|16.4 Future Challenges|280
3|16.5 Conclusion|281