Sfoglia documenti (686 in totale)

Narrating injustice survival : self-medication by victims of crime / Willem de Lint, Marinella Marmo.

This book explores the role of self-medication in reflexive response to victimhood and victim recovery. Based on interviews, counsellor focus groups and a self-medication survey, it situates self-medication among the coping strategies that may be set…

Conviviality and survival : co-producing Brazilian prison order / Sacha Darke.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, May 28, 2019)

Le imprese familiari : governance, internazionalizzazione e innovazione / Giorgia M. D'allura , Rosario Faraci.

301-99Z_Book Manuscript-1399-1-10-20180326.pdf
Lo studio e l’approfondimento della specificità dell’impresa familiare (nella gestione del family business e della governance) e delle sue traiettorie di crescita sul versante dell’internazionalizzazione e dell’innovazione.

Artificial intelligence and judicial modernization / Yadong Cui.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Dec. 21, 2020)

Ownership, narrative, things / Dave Cowan, Helen Carr, Alison Wallace.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, May 15, 2019)

Chinese criminal entrepreneurs in Canada . Volume II / Alex Chung.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 30, 2019)

Chinese criminal entrepreneurs in Canada . Volume I / Alex Chung.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 7, 2019)

Interpretation without truth : a realistic enquiry / Pierluigi Chiassoni.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Jan. 7, 2020)

China's State-Directed Economy and the International Order / Luyao Che.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Nov. 19, 2019)

Towards more effective global drug policies / Caroline Chatwin.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, May 2, 2019)

A global casebook of sexual homicide / Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Sept. 30, 2019)

Labour dispute resolution in Turkey / Tankut Centel.

Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Jan. 9, 2020)