Sfoglia documenti (686 in totale)
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Synergy of community policing and technology : a comparative approach / Georgios Leventakis, M. R. Haberfeld, editors.
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Small states and the changing global order : New Zealand faces the future / Anne-Marie Brady, editor.
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Taiwan and international human rights : a story of transformation / Jerome A. Cohen, William P. Alford, Chang-fa Lo, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Nov. 5, 2019)
Intellectual property and development : understanding the interfaces : liber amicorum Pedro Roffe / Carlos Correa, Xavier Seuba, editors ; foreword by Abdulqawi A. Yusuf.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Nov. 5, 2019)
L'abuso del diritto : in ricordo di Davide Messinetti / a cura di Giuseppe Grisi
Il volume raccoglie gli atti della giornata di studio, promossa dal Dottorato in Discipline giuridiche, che la comunità scientifica di Roma Tre ha inteso dedicare al ricordo di Davide Messinetti ad un anno dalla scomparsa. Il 24 aprile 2018 i…
Civil law reforms in post-colonial Asia : beyond western capitalism / Yuka Kaneko, editor.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 31, 2019)
Use and misuse of new technologies : contemporary challenges in international and European law / Elena Carpanelli, Nicole Lazzerini, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 31, 2019)
Handbook of human dignity in Europe / Paolo Becchi, Klaus Mathis, editors ; with 2 tables.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 28, 2019)
Decision making in police enquiries and critical incidents : what really works? / Mark Roycroft, Jason Roach, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 25, 2019)
Human trafficking finances : evidence from three European countries / Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Andrea Di Nicola, Atanas Rusev, Fiamma Terenghi.
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Filiation and the protection of parentless children : towards a social definition of the family in Muslim jurisdictions / Nadjma Yassari, Lena-Maria Moller, Marie-Claude Najm, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 24, 2019)
The plural practice of adoption in Pacific island states / Jennifer Corrin, Sue Farran, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 23, 2019)
Interpretations of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by international courts and tribunals / Angela Del Vecchio, Roberto Virzo, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 23, 2019)
Judging international human rights : courts of general jurisdiction as human rights courts / Stefan Kadelbach, Thilo Rensmann, Eva Rieter, editors.
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Online othering : exploring digital violence and discrimination on the Web / Karen Lumsden, Emily Harmer, editors.
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The International Criminal Court in turbulent times / Gerhard Werle, Andreas Zimmermann, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 22, 2019)
Violence against older women . Volume II, Responses / Hannah Bows, editor.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 7, 2019)
The Palgrave Handbook on Art Crime / Saskia Hufnagel, Duncan Chappell, editors.
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Representing the experience of war and atrocity : interdisciplinary explorations in visual criminology / Ronnie Lippens, Emma Murray, editors.
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Claims for secession and federalism : a comparative study with a special focus on Spain / Alberto López-Basaguren, Leire Escajedo San-Epifanio, editors.
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Legal conventionalism / Lorena Ramírez-Ludeña, Josep M. Vilajosana, editors.
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EU criminal justice : fundamental rights, transnational proceedings and the European Public Prosecutor's Office / Tommaso Rafaraci, Rosanna Belfiore, editors.
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More Constitutional Dimensions of Contract Law : A Comparative Perspective / Luca Siliquini-Cinelli, Andrew Hutchison, editors.
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Crime Solvability Factors : Police Resources and Crime Detection / Richard Timothy Coupe, Barak Ariel, Katrin Mueller-Johnson, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 7, 2019)
Liability for antitrust law infringements and protection of IP rights in distribution / Pranvera Këllezi, Bruce Kilpatrick, Pierre Kobel, editors.
Title from PDF of title page (viewed, Oct. 4, 2019)