File #2299: "2018_Book_TrendsAndChallengesInMaritimeE.pdf"



2|The World Maritime University and Maritime Energy Management|6
1|Introduction to Maritime Energy Management|16
2|1 Environmental Protection|16
2|2 IMO Response and Drivers|17
2|3 Technical and Operational Measures|19
2|4 Barriers and Trade-Off|23
2|5 Motivation and Layout of the Book|24
1|Part I: Regulations: Challenges and Opportunities|28
2|MARPOL Energy Efficiency: Verging on Legal Inefficiency?|29
3|1 Introduction|29
3|2 Historical Background|30
3|3 Energy Efficiency Measures Under MARPOL|31
4|3.1 What Is EEDI?|31
4|3.2 What Is SEEMP?|32
3|4 General Legal Analysis|33
4|4.1 Meaning of Energy Efficiency|33
4|4.2 Legal Nature of EEDI and SEEMP|34
4|4.3 Effectiveness of EEDI and SEEMP|35
4|4.4 Enforceability of EEDI and SEEMP|35
3|5 EEDI and SEEMP in Private Maritime Transactions|37
4|5.1 Charterer´s Rights|38
4|5.2 Ship Buyer´s Rights|39
3|6 Conclusion|40
3|Further Reading|42
2|Analyzing Approaches to Set Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets in Anticipation of Potential ``Further Measures´´ for Internation...|43
3|1 Introduction|43
3|2 Consideration on Types of Targets|45
4|2.1 Absolute Target and Intensity Target|45
4|2.2 Characteristics of Absolute Target and Intensity Target|45
4|2.3 Appropriate Type of Target for International Shipping|47
3|3 Analysis on Approaches to Set GHG Reduction Target|48
4|3.1 Three Potential Approaches for Target-Setting|48
4|3.2 Preliminary Assessment of Potential Approaches for Target-Setting|49
4|3.3 Issues Regarding ``Further Measures´´|51
3|4 Conclusion|52
2|An Analysis of Non-conformities with the Objective of Improving Ship Energy Efficiency: Case Studies of Turkish Shipping Compa...|55
3|1 Introduction|55
3|2 SIRE (Ship Inspection Report Programme)|56
3|3 Method|58
4|3.1 Assessment of Research Findings|58
4|3.2 Analysis of Root Causes to the Findings|59
4|3.3 Investigation of Findings Affecting Ship Energy Consumption|60
3|4 Conclusion and Recommendations|64
2|Real Time Awareness for MRV Data|66
3|1 Introduction|66
3|2 MRV and the Shipping Industry|67
3|3 Real Time Decision (RTD)|69
3|4 Stream Reasoning Technology|70
3|5 Proposed Real Time Framework|72
3|6 Conclusions|74
3|Further Reading|76
2|Overcoming the Challenges to Maritime Energy Efficiency in the Caribbean|77
3|1 Introduction|77
3|2 Summary of Key Literature|78
3|3 Methodology|79
3|4 The Barriers to Energy Efficiency in the Caribbean|80
4|4.1 Inadequacy of Existing Legal and Institutional Framework|82
5|4.1.1 Regulatory Control|83
5|4.1.2 Maritime Administration|83
5|4.1.3 Response of International Organizations|85
4|4.2 Absence of Market Based Measures|85
4|4.3 Inadequate Baseline Data|86
4|4.4 Insufficient Technology Transfer|86
3|5 Opportunities for Overcoming the Barriers to Energy Efficiency in the Caribbean|87
4|5.1 Enabling Environment to Facilitate Uptake of Energy Efficient Measures in Shipping|88
5|5.1.1 Enhancing the Reach of Existing Institutional Actors|89
4|5.2 Financial Incentives for Efficient Fuel Operations|89
3|6 An Approach for Implementing Relevant International Standards Based on an Analysis of Existing Legislative Frameworks|90
4|6.1 Monitoring, Reporting and Verification|90
4|6.2 Institutional Partnerships to Facilitate Implementation|91
4|6.3 Capacity Building Initiatives|91
3|7 Conclusion|92
3|Further Reading|94
2|Energy Efficient Operations of Warships: Perspective of the Indian Navy|95
3|1 Introduction|95
3|2 Drivers and Challenges for the ``Green Initiatives Program´´|96
3|3 Objectives of the `Green Initiatives Program´|97
3|4 `Go Green´ Enablers|97
4|4.1 Design for Higher Efficiency|98
5|4.1.1 Plant vs Component Efficiencies|99
5|4.1.2 Integrated Electric Plants and Drives|99
5|4.1.3 Hull and Propeller Design Improvements|101
5|4.1.4 Development of `Staff´ and Design Requirements|101
5|4.1.5 Multipoint Design Point vs Single Design Point Optimization|101
4|4.2 Optimized Fleet Operations|102
4|4.3 Monitoring Design, Operations and Correlations|103
5|4.3.1 Current Practice|103
5|4.3.2 Adaptation of IMO´s Indices for Monitoring Performance|104
5|4.3.3 Development of Tools for Monitoring Performance|104
3|5 Conclusion|105
3|Further Reading|106
2|Mexico´s Reorganisation of Maritime Security Regime: A New Role for the Navy and Emphasis on Energy Related Infrastructures|107
3|1 Introduction|107
3|2 Mexico´s Maritime Reform|109
3|3 Research Methodology of Field Activities|115
3|4 Results|116
3|5 General Discussion|117
3|6 Conclusion and Recommendations|118
3|Further Reading|120
1|Part II: Energy Efficient Ship Design|121
2|Numerical Studies on Added Resistance and Ship Motions of KVLCC2 in Waves|122
3|1 Introduction|122
3|2 Ship Particulars and Coordinate System|124
3|3 Numerical Methods and Modelling|125
4|3.1 3-D Linear Potential Flow Method|125
4|3.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)|127
3|4 Discussion of Results|128
4|4.1 Grid Convergence Test|128
4|4.2 Added Resistance and Ship Motions at Design Speed|129
4|4.3 Added Resistance at Stationary and Operating Speeds|132
3|5 Conclusions|135
2|An Investigation of Fuel Efficiency in High Speed Vessels by Using Interceptors|138
3|1 Introduction|138
3|2 Experiments|140
4|2.1 Geometry|140
4|2.2 Experimentation Procedure|141
4|2.3 Trim and Sinkage Measurements|141
3|3 Results and Discussion|145
4|3.1 The Regression Model|147
3|4 Conclusions and Future Work|149
2|A Decision Support System for Energy Efficient Ship Propulsion|153
3|1 Introduction|153
3|2 Performance Prediction Models|154
4|2.1 Numerical Model|156
4|2.2 Viscous Resistance|156
4|2.3 Wave Resistance|157
4|2.4 Resistance Increase in Waves|158
4|2.5 Resistance Increase Due to Wind|158
4|2.6 Resistance Increase Due to Steering|158
4|2.7 Engine Dynamics|159
3|3 Validation-Sea Trials|159
3|4 Decision Support System|161
3|5 Case Tests|161
3|6 Conclusions|163
2|Energy Integration of Organic Rankine Cycle, Exhaust Gas Recirculation and Scrubber|166
3|1 Introduction|166
3|2 Method|168
4|2.1 Engine Model|168
4|2.2 Simulation Software|170
4|2.3 ORC Model|170
4|2.4 Simulation Setup|173
3|3 Results and Discussion|173
3|4 Conclusions|175
2|Lighting Standards for Ships and Energy Efficiency|178
3|1 Introduction|178
3|2 Maritime Regulations on Lighting Standards|179
3|3 Standardization of Lighting, Optimal Lighting and Possible Lighting Standards for a Ship|182
3|4 Energy Efficiency Practices with Combination of Natural and Artificial Lighting|185
3|5 Conclusion|190
1|Part III: Energy Efficient Ship and Port Operation|192
2|An Integrated Vessel Performance System for Environmental Compliance|193
3|1 Introduction|193
3|2 Emissions Regulations|194
4|2.1 EU Regulations|194
5|2.1.1 The Monitoring Plan|194
5|2.1.2 Primary Data Accuracy|195
5|2.1.3 Data Flow and Control Activities|195
5|2.1.4 Reporting Systems|196
5|2.1.5 Training|197
4|2.2 IMO Regulations|197
4|2.3 EU and IMO Regulations|198
3|3 Vessels Performance Management System (VPMS)|199
4|3.1 Purpose of the VPMS|199
5|3.1.1 Vessel Performance Monitoring|199
5|3.1.2 Data Logging|200
5|3.1.3 Data Interpretation|201
5|3.1.4 Vessel Performance Management|201
6|Hull/Propeller Performance|202
6|Main Engine Performance|202
6|Base Load Performance|202
6|Fleet Benchmarking|203
6|Environmental Performance|203
5|3.1.5 Vessel Performance Optimization|203
6|Fleet/Pool Utilization/Composition|204
6|Operational Benchmarking|204
6|Voyage Optimization|204
6|Trim Optimization|205
3|4 Conclusion|205
3|Further Reading|206
2|Energy Efficient Ship Operation Through Speed Optimisation in Various Weather Conditions|207
3|1 Introduction|207
3|2 Speed Optimisation Model|209
4|2.1 Module 1: Ship Performance Calculation|210
4|2.2 Module 2: Grids System|210
4|2.3 Module 3: Weather Forecast|211
4|2.4 Module 4: Weather Routing|212
4|2.5 Module 5: Post-processing|213
3|3 Case Studies|213
4|3.1 Case Study 1|213
4|3.2 Case Study 2|215
3|4 Conclusion|218
2|Underlying Risks Possibly Related to Power/Manoeuvrability Problems of Ships: The Case of Maritime Accidents in Adverse Weathe...|220
3|1 Introduction|220
3|2 Methodology|221
4|2.1 Data Collection|223
4|2.2 Consequence Categories|224
4|2.3 Risk Triplets|225
3|3 Descriptive Analysis|227
3|4 Risk Analysis Results|228
4|4.1 Relative Accident Frequencies|228
4|4.2 Accident Scenarios Risk|230
3|5 Discussion|233
3|6 Conclusions|234
2|Simulation-Based Support to Minimize Emissions and Improve Energy Efficiency of Ship Operations|238
3|1 Introduction|238
3|2 Aspects of Manoeuvring and Manoeuvring Support|240
4|2.1 Principal Background|240
4|2.2 Manoeuvring Strategies|241
4|2.3 Enhanced e-Navigation-based Manoeuvring Support|242
3|3 Potential Impact of Enhanced Manoeuvring Assistance|244
4|3.1 Pilot Study to Investigate Potential Effects of Dynamic Predictions|244
4|3.2 On-going Developments|246
3|4 Summary, Conclusions and Outlook|248
3|Further Reading|251
2|Fuel Saving in Coastal Areas: A Case Study of the Oslo Fjord|252
3|1 Introduction|252
3|2 The Oslo Fjord|254
3|3 Experimental Setup|256
3|4 Discussion and Results|258
3|5 Conclusion|260
2|A Bayesian Belief Network Model for Integrated Energy Efficiency of Shipping|264
3|1 Introduction|264
3|2 Literature Review|265
3|3 Research Aims and Objectives|268
3|4 Methodology|268
4|4.1 Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs)|269
4|4.2 Stages to Apply a BBN Model|270
4|4.3 BBNs Model of Integrated Ship-Port Energy Efficiency|272
3|5 Case Study|272
4|5.1 Case Description and Data Collection|272
4|5.2 Results and Discussion|274
3|6 Conclusion|277
2|Smart Micro-Grid: An Effective Tool for Energy Management in Ports|281
3|1 Introduction|281
4|1.1 General Aspects|283
3|2 Scenario|283
4|2.1 Reference Micro-Grid|284
4|2.2 Reference Data|285
4|2.3 Energy Management and Infrastructure|285
3|3 Objectives|285
3|4 Structure of Decentralized Control|287
3|5 Implementation Criteria|288
4|5.1 Micro-Grid General|288
4|5.2 Nano-Grid General|289
4|5.3 Micro-Grid Advanced|289
4|5.4 Generation|289
4|5.5 Storage|289
4|5.6 Distribution|289
4|5.7 Smart Metering|290
3|6 Micro Grid Structure|290
4|6.1 Configuration|290
4|6.2 Smart Subsystems|290
5|6.2.1 SCADA and EMS|290
5|6.2.2 VPP|291
5|6.2.3 Port Cranes|292
5|6.2.4 Storage|292
4|6.3 Micro-Grid Components|292
5|6.3.1 Equipment|292
5|6.3.2 Metering|293
3|7 Control Organization|293
4|7.1 Layer Representation|293
4|7.2 Optimization Problem|295
4|7.3 Generation Control|296
4|7.4 Load Management|296
3|8 The Rationale of Control Organization|296
3|9 Pro and Cons|297
4|9.1 PROS|297
4|9.2 CONS|298
3|10 Conclusions|298
3|Further Reading|299
2|Energy Manager Role in Ports|300
3|1 Introduction|300
3|2 Energy Management Programme Overview|301
3|3 Energy Manager|304
3|4 Port Energy Management Plan|306
4|4.1 Port Energy Manager and Port Energy Team: A Case Study in Genova|306
3|5 Concluding Remarks|309
3|Further Reading|310
1|Part IV: Economics and Social Dimensions of Maritime Energy Management|311
2|The Impact of SECA Regulations on Clean Shipping in the Baltic Sea Region|312
3|1 Introduction|312
3|2 Sulphur Emissions Regulations Compliant Shipping on Baltic Sea|315
3|3 Method|316
3|4 Results|317
4|4.1 SECA Regulations Compliance in BSR|317
4|4.2 Impact of SECA Regulations on Maritime Business Activities in BSR|321
3|5 Implications and Conclusions|323
2|Life Cycle Assessment of Marine Coatings Applied to Ship Hulls|327
3|1 Introduction|327
3|2 Methodology|329
4|2.1 Data Requirements|329
5|2.1.1 Ship Operations|329
5|2.1.2 Antifouling Coating Applications|330
3|3 Foul-X-Spel Life Cycle Assessment Model|330
4|3.1 Fuel Consumption Model|332
5|3.1.1 Operational Behavior of Ships|334
5|3.1.2 Initial and Dry-Dock Paint Application|334
3|4 Case Study|335
4|4.1 Validation|335
4|4.2 Results|335
3|5 Conclusion and Discussion|339
3|Further Reading|341
2|The Human and Social Dimension of Energy Efficient Ship Operation|342
3|1 Introduction|342
3|2 Knowing in Action and Practice: Embodied, Local and Social|343
3|3 Method and Research Setting|344
3|4 Results|345
4|4.1 The Skills Required for Energy Efficient Ship Navigation|346
4|4.2 The Difference Between Novices and Experienced Officers|347
4|4.3 The Acquisition of Energy Efficiency Skills|347
3|5 Discussion|348
3|6 Conclusion|349
2|The Need for Education and Training in Maritime Energy Management in Myanmar|352
3|1 Introduction|352
3|2 Review of the Maritime Industry in Myanmar|353
4|2.1 Strengths of Myanmar´s Maritime Industry|353
4|2.2 Weaknesses of Myanmar´s Maritime Industry|355
4|2.3 Education and Training|356
3|3 Current Status of Energy Efficiency Education in Myanmar|357
4|3.1 Current Activities of Training Institutes|357
5|3.1.1 Myanmar Maritime University (MMU)|357
5|3.1.2 Myanmar Mercantile Marine College (MMMC)|359
5|3.1.3 Private Training Centers Authorised by the Department of Marine Administration (DMA)|359
4|3.2 Review of Academic Activities in Myanmar Towards Energy Efficiency|360
3|4 Future Training Model for Maritime Energy Efficiency in Myanmar|360
4|4.1 Legislation|361
4|4.2 Research Collaboration and Dissemination|361
4|4.3 IMO Model Courses|362
4|4.4 Regional Cooperation|363
5|4.4.1 Energy Efficiency Initiatives in ASEAN|363
3|5 Discussion|364
3|6 Conclusion|365
2|The Role of Maritime Transport from the Perspective of Energy and Gender: The Case of the Pacific Islands|367
3|1 Introduction|367
3|2 Energy and Gender: Broader Perspectives|368
3|3 Circular Economy and Women´s Entrepreneurship|370
3|4 Exploring the Relevance to Maritime Transport, Energy, and Gender|371
3|5 Pacific Islands: Their Isolation and Limited Capacities|371
3|6 Examining Energy-Gender-Economy Issues in the Pacific Islands|375
4|6.1 A Case in the Solomon Islands|375
4|6.2 A Case in Federated States of Micronesia|377
4|6.3 The Role of Maritime Transport and Energy from a Gender Lens|378
3|7 Conclusion|379
1|Part V: Alternative Fuels and Wind-Assisted Ship Propulsion|381
2|Developing a Strategy for Liquefied Natural Gas Powered Transport Corridors in the Baltic Sea Region|382
3|1 Introduction|382
4|1.1 LNG in the Baltic Sea Region|383
4|1.2 Go LNG Project|384
4|1.3 Aim|385
3|2 Method and Results: The Current State of Affairs and the Deployment of LNG in the Baltic Sea Region|386
4|2.1 Policy and Regulation|386
4|2.2 LNG Infrastructure, Technology and Related Services|388
4|2.3 LNG Research, Education and Consulting|393
3|3 An Extended LNG Value Chain and the Future Blue Transport Corridor in the Baltic Sea Region|394
3|4 Discussion|396
3|Further Reading|398
2|LNG Fueled Barge for Cold Ironing: Feasibility Study for the Emission Abatement in the Port of Genoa|399
3|1 Introduction|399
3|2 LNG Storage for the Study Case|400
3|3 Electric Energy Demand in the Old Port of Genoa|401
3|4 Power Supply Technical Solutions|401
3|5 Power Plant Layout Identification|404
3|6 Reduction of Air Pollutant Emission|409
3|7 Conclusion|410
2|Decision Framework for Shipowners to Comply with Air Emission Reduction Measures: A Case Study of Methanol as a Fuel|412
3|1 Introduction|412
3|2 Methodology|413
3|3 Case Study of Methanol Conversion of M.V. Stena Germanica|416
4|3.1 Environmental Benefit|417
4|3.2 Economic Benefit|418
4|3.3 Sensitivity Analysis and Possible Scenarios|419
4|3.4 Calculation of External Cost for M.V. Stena Germanica|420
3|4 Decision-Making Criteria for Ship-Owners Through AHP and Ranking of Measures Through TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference ...|421
4|4.1 Proposed Decision Framework|422
3|5 Conclusion|422
3|Appendix 1: Measures available for air emission reduction through TOPSIS|424
3|Appendix 2: Machinery particulars and emissions for M.V. Stena Germanica|425
3|Appendix 3: Ranking of criteria for ship-owners through AHP|425
3|Appendix 4: Calculation of external costs for M.V. Stena Germanica|426
3|Further Reading|428
2|Commercial Wind Propulsion Solutions: Putting the `Sail´ Back into Sailing|429
3|1 Introduction|429
3|2 Wind Propulsion Technology Variations|430
3|3 The International Windship Association|431
3|4 Development Stage and Market Opportunities|432
3|5 Technical Options Overview|432
4|5.1 Rotors|432
4|5.2 Fixed Sail|432
4|5.3 Automated Soft Sail|433
4|5.4 Suction Wing|433
4|5.5 Kite Sails|433
4|5.6 Turbines|434
4|5.7 Hull Form|434
3|6 Barriers to the Uptake of Wind Propulsion|434
3|7 Brief Case Studies|435
4|7.1 Flettner Rotors|435
4|7.2 UT Wind Challenger|436
4|7.3 Smart Green Shipping Alliance|437
3|8 Conclusion|438
3|Further Reading|439
1|Part VI: Marine Renewable Energy|440
2|A Multipurpose Marine Cadastre to Manage Conflict Use with Marine Renewable Energy|441
3|1 Distinctive Characteristics and Definitions of the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre (MMC)|443
4|1.1 Distinctive Characteristics of MMC|443
4|1.2 Definition(s) of the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre|444
3|2 The Different Manifestations of Private Use by MRE Developers: Some Case Studies|446
4|2.1 United Kingdom|446
4|2.2 Germany|448
4|2.3 Belgium|448
4|2.4 Portugal|448
4|2.5 France|449
3|3 The Private Use of MRE to the Test of the Rights of States Under International Law|450
4|3.1 Innocent Passage Right in the Territorial Sea|450
4|3.2 The Rights of Other States in the EEZ|451
5|3.2.1 The Safety Zones|451
5|3.2.2 The Removal of MRE Installations|452
5|3.2.3 The Freedom of Laying of Sub-marine Cables|453
3|4 Conclusion|454
2|Ocean Energy: Seeking the Balance Between States´ Exclusive Rights of Exploitation and Marine Biodiversity Conservation|457
3|1 Introduction|457
3|2 Ocean Energy|459
3|3 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea|460
4|3.1 Territorial Sea|460
4|3.2 Exclusive Economic Zone|461
4|3.3 Continental Shelf|462
4|3.4 Area|462
4|3.5 High Seas|463
3|4 Ocean Governance and Marine Biodiversity Conservation|463
3|5 Environmental Impact Assessment and Decision Making|465
3|6 Public Participation and Decision Making|467
3|7 Conclusion|469
3|Online Documents|471
2|Learning from Humpback Whales for Improving the Energy Capturing Performance of Tidal Turbine Blades|473
3|1 Introduction|473
3|2 Tubercled Leading Edge Design and Optimisation|475
4|2.1 Description of Target Tidal Turbine|475
4|2.2 Tubercle Profile Design|475
4|2.3 Optimization Methodology|476
4|2.4 Optimum Design of Tubercles for S814|476
3|3 Applied on a Representative Turbine Blade|477
4|3.1 Experimental Investigation of the Blade with the Optimised Tubercles|478
4|3.2 Numerical Simulation of the Blade with the Optimised Tubercles|480
3|4 Experimental Investigations of Leading-Edge Tubercles As Applied on Tidal Turbine|482
4|4.1 Open Water Hydrodynamic Performance Tests|483
4|4.2 Cavitation Observation Tests|484
4|4.3 Noise Measurement Tests|486
4|4.4 Detailed Flow Measurement Tests|486
3|5 Conclusions|489
2|CFD Simulation of a Passively Controlled Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter|492
3|1 Introduction|492
3|2 The CorPower Point Absorber|493
3|3 Physical Experiments|495
3|4 Numerical Modelling|496
4|4.1 Mesh and Numerical Settings|496
3|5 Test Cases|498
4|5.1 Surge Decay Test|498
4|5.2 Regular Waves with Linear Damper Only|498
4|5.3 Regular Waves with WaveSpring System|499
3|6 Concluding Remarks|501
2|A Framework to Improve the Coexistence of Maritime Activities and Offshore Wind Farms|505
3|1 Introduction|505
4|1.1 Background|505
4|1.2 Problem Description|506
3|2 Literature Review|507
3|3 Proposed Framework|508
3|4 Discussion|512
3|5 Future Work and Conclusions|513
4|5.1 Future Work|513
4|5.2 Conclusions|514
3|Further Reading|517
1|Editorial Conclusion|518
2|1 Maritime Energy Management Research Strategy|519
2|2 MARENER 2017 Evaluation Study|520
2|3 The Role of MEM in Research and Innovation for Sustainable Maritime Transportation|521