File #2405: "2018_Book_EnvironmentalHumanRightsAndCli.pdf"



1|1 Introduction to Environmental Human Rights and Climate Change|11
2|1.1 Human Rights and the Environment: A Mutually Supportive Yet Complex Relationship|11
2|1.2 Defining ‘Environmental Human Rights’|14
2|1.3 Two Key Issues: Climate Change and the Right to a Good Environment|15
2|1.4 Overview of Chapters|18
2|Legislation and Treaties|21
2|International Documents|22
2|Articles and Books|22
1|2 Environmental Dimensions of Human Rights|25
2|2.1 Introduction|25
2|2.2 The Right to Health|28
2|2.3 The Right to an Adequate Standard of Living|31
2|2.4 The Right to Respect for Private and Family Life|32
2|2.5 The Right to Property|38
2|2.6 The Right to Self-determination and the Rights of Indigenous and Minority Groups|41
2|2.7 The Right to Life|43
2|2.8 Conclusion|45
2|Treaties and Legislation|46
2|International Documents|48
2|Articles and Books|49
1|3 Constitutional Environmental Rights|50
2|3.1 Introduction|50
2|3.2 Constitutional Environmental Rights Around the World|52
3|3.2.1 The Right to a Clean Environment, a Healthy Environment or an Environment Free from Pollution|54
3|3.2.2 The Right to Live in an Environment Which Promotes Human Development|55
3|3.2.3 The Right to an Ecologically Balanced Environment|57
2|3.3 Enforceability of Constitutional Environmental Rights|58
2|3.4 What Do We Know About the States with Environmental Constitutional Rights?|61
2|3.5 Conclusion: Contribution to Customary International Law|64
2|Treaties and Legislation|66
2|Articles and Books|67
1|4 The Human Right to a Good Environment in International Law|68
2|4.1 Introduction|68
2|4.2 Terminology|70
2|4.3 Discourse Surrounding Recognition of the Right to a Good Environment|71
3|4.3.1 Adequacy of Existing Laws|72
3|4.3.2 Risks of Proliferating New Rights|73
3|4.3.3 Benefits of Recognising a Human Right to a Good Environment|74
3|4.3.4 Defining Appropriate Standards for an Effective Right to a Good Environment|75
3|4.3.5 The Anthropocentricity of a Human Right to a Good Environment|77
3|4.3.6 Summary of Issues Surrounding the Right to a Good Environment|78
2|4.4 Current Legal Status of the Right to a Good Environment|79
3|4.4.1 The Right to a Good Environment in Human Rights Treaties|79
3|4.4.2 A Customary Right to a Good Environment?|86
2|4.5 Conclusion|97
2|Treaties and Legislation|98
2|International Documents|99
2|Articles and Books|100
1|5 The Theoretical Basis for Expanding Environmental Human Rights|103
2|5.1 Introduction|103
2|5.2 Why Consider Theoretical Foundations?|105
2|5.3 Natural Rights Theory|107
3|5.3.1 Characteristics of Natural Rights|109
3|5.3.2 Compatibility of the Right to a Good Environment with Natural Rights Theory|111
2|5.4 Will Theory|113
2|5.5 Interest Theory|118
3|5.5.1 Conclusion|122
2|5.6 Cosmopolitan Theories of Human Rights|123
2|5.7 Conclusion|126
2|Treaties and Legislation|128
2|International Documents|129
2|Articles and Books|129
1|6 Legal, Practical and Political Implications of Expanding Environmental Human Rights|132
2|6.1 Introduction|132
2|6.2 Balancing Dynamism and Proliferation in International Human Rights Law|134
2|6.3 Ensuring Quality Control in the Recognition of New Rights in International Human Rights Law|137
3|6.3.1 Sufficient Precision to Identify Obligations and Standards Connected to New Rights|139
3|6.3.2 Content for New Rights Which Is Attainable and Capable of Implementation|143
3|6.3.3 Enforcement and Justiciability of New Rights|145
3|6.3.4 Substantive Content Which Is Appropriate for Inclusion Within International Human Rights Law|147
4| Conclusion|150
2|6.4 Political Realities of Admitting New Rights|151
2|6.5 Conclusion|153
2|Treaties and Legislation|155
2|International Documents|155
2|Articles and Books|156
1|7 The Role of Environmental Human Rights in Addressing Climate Change|157
2|7.1 Introduction|157
2|7.2 Emergence of Human Rights-Based Approaches to Climate Change|159
2|7.3 The Impact of Climate Change on Specific Rights|163
3|7.3.1 The Right to Life|163
3|7.3.2 The Right to Health|165
3|7.3.3 The Right to Adequate Food|166
3|7.3.4 The Right to Water|167
3|7.3.5 The Right to Adequate Housing|168
3|7.3.6 Indigenous Rights and the Right to Self-determination|169
2|7.4 Conclusion|171
2|Treaties and Legislation|171
2|International Documents|172
2|Articles and Books|173
1|8 Challenges Confronting a Human Rights-Based Approach to Climate Change|177
2|8.1 Introduction|177
2|8.2 Defining States’ Duties with Respect to the Human Rights Impacts of Climate Change|179
3|8.2.1 Duty to Respect|181
3|8.2.2 Duty to Protect|183
3|8.2.3 Duty to Fulfil|185
3|8.2.4 The Challenge of Extraterritorial Duties|186
2|8.3 The Challenge of Enforcing Human Rights Obligations in the Climate Change Context|190
3|8.3.1 Standards of Compliance with Human Rights Duties|191
3|8.3.2 Proving a Violation of Human Rights Based on Climate Change|192
2|8.4 The Benefits of a Human Rights Approach to Climate Change|195
2|8.5 Conclusion|201
2|Treaties and Legislation|202
2|International Documents|203
2|Books and Articles|204
1|9 Do We Need a New Environmental Human Right to Deal with Climate Change?|206
2|9.1 Introduction|206
2|9.2 Does Climate Change Justify the Adoption of a New Human Right? A Review of the Arguments|209
2|9.3 What Should a Right to a Good Environment Look Like in the Context of Climate Change?|214
3|9.3.1 Identifying Right-Holders: Individuals or Groups?|214
3|9.3.2 Identifying Right-Holders: Future Generations?|216
3|9.3.3 Identifying Duty-Bearers: States and Non-State Actors|220
3|9.3.4 Extent of Obligations: Extraterritoriality|222
2|9.4 Establishing a Violation of the Right to a Good Environment Based on Climate Change|223
3|9.4.1 Standards of Proof|224
3|9.4.2 Standards of Harm|225
2|9.5 Balancing the Right to a Good Environment Against Other Rights in the Context of Climate Change|227
2|9.6 Attitude of States Regarding the Relationship of Human Rights and Climate Change|229
2|9.7 Conclusion|234
2|Treaties and Legislation|236
2|International Documents|237
2|Articles and Books|238
1|10 Future Directions for Environmental Human Rights in a Changing Climate|241
2|10.1 Introduction|241
2|10.2 Developing the Environmental Dimensions of Existing Human Rights|245
2|10.3 Climate Litigation|246
2|10.4 Future Generations|247
2|10.5 The Future of a New Human Right to a Good Environment|248
2|10.6 Conclusion|252
2|Treaties and Legislation|253
2|International Documents|254
2|Articles and Books|254