File #2445: "2018_Book_HumanThrivingAndTheLaw.pdf"



1|1 What Does the Law Say About Human Thriving?|12
2|1.1 Introduction|12
2|1.2 Decisions by Capacitous Adults|13
2|1.3 Best Interests Determinations on Behalf of Incapacitous Patients|18
2|1.4 Decision-Making on Behalf of Very Sick Children|27
3|1.4.1 Thriving Is not Just a Medical Issue|28
3|1.4.2 Thriving: A Personalised Assessment|29
2|1.5 The Presumption in Favour of Continued Life|29
3|1.5.1 The Relationship Between the Parents and Child|31
2|1.6 Summary in Relation to Decision-Making on Behalf of Children|33
1|2 The Idea of Human Thriving: A Brief History|34
2|2.1 Introduction|34
2|2.2 Ideas of the Good Life in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds|36
2|2.3 Ideas of the Good Life in the Jewish and Christian Worlds|41
2|2.4 Ideas of the Good Life in the Renaissance and the Enlightenment|45
2|2.5 From the Enlightenment to the Present|50
1|3 What Makes Humans Happy?|54
2|3.1 Introduction|54
2|3.2 Conscious and Unconscious Minds and the Conversation Between Them|55
2|3.3 The Relevance of Bodily Integrity and Physical Environment|57
2|3.4 The Significance of Rationality for Human Thriving|58
2|3.5 Sociality and Thriving|60
2|3.6 Work and Significance|61
2|3.7 Whatever Happiness Is, Can It Be Pursued?|62
2|3.8 Happiness and Virtue|62
2|3.9 Conclusion|64
1|4 Thriving, Care and Vulnerability|67
2|4.1 Introduction|67
2|4.2 Vulnerability and Thriving|68
2|4.3 Mutuality and Vulnerability|69
2|4.4 Openness and Vulnerability|70
2|4.5 Relationships and Vulnerability|70
2|4.6 Personhood and Vulnerability|71
2|4.7 Autonomy and Vulnerability|72
2|4.8 Vulnerability and Compassion|74
2|4.9 Care|74
2|4.10 Conclusion|76
1|5 Making It Work: Ideas of Human Thriving in Practice|78
2|5.1 Introduction|78
2|5.2 Scenario 1: Becoming a Wolf|79
3|5.2.1 The Law|79
3|5.2.2 Jonathan Herring (JH)|80
3|5.2.3 Charles Foster (CF)|81
2|5.3 Scenario 2: Breast Enlargement|82
3|5.3.1 The Law|82
3|5.3.2 JH|83
3|5.3.3 CF|84
2|5.4 Scenario 3: Permanent Vegetative State|85
3|5.4.1 The Law|85
3|5.4.2 JH|86
3|5.4.3 CF|86
2|5.5 Scenario 4: Dementia|88
3|5.5.1 The Law|88
3|5.5.2 JH|88
3|5.5.3 CF|89
2|5.6 Scenario 5: Should Sperm Be Extracted?|90
3|5.6.1 The Law|90
3|5.6.2 JH|90
3|5.6.3 CF|91
2|5.7 Scenario 6: A Dispute About Education|91
3|5.7.1 The Law|91
3|5.7.2 JH|92
3|5.7.3 CF|93
2|5.8 Scenario 7: Assisting Suicide|93
3|5.8.1 The Law|93
3|5.8.2 JH|94
3|5.8.3 CF|94
1|6 Conclusion|96