File #2471: "2018_Book_DiscretionaryPolicePowersToPun.pdf"



1|1 Introduction|9
1|2 Discretionary Summary Justice|14
2|2.1 The Criminal Process in Victoria|14
3|2.1.1 The Steady Dilution of Individual Rights|16
2|2.2 Discretionary Police Powers to Punish|17
2|2.3 Pre-emptive Controls and Prohibitions|19
2|2.4 Human Rights, Criminal Justice and ‘Balance’|21
2|2.5 Security, Risk Mitigation and Community Protection|23
2|2.6 Balancing Need, Risk and Individual Rights|24
1|3 Victoria’s Banning Notice Provisions: A Case Study|33
2|3.1 Overview of Victoria’s Banning Notice ProvisionsID="Fn1"This overview of victoria’s banning notice legislation draws on earlier articles which have examined specific aspects of the provisions (Farmer 2014, 2016, 2017a, b).|33
2|3.2 Research Methodology|36
2|3.3 Rationale Underpinning Victoria’s Banning Notice ProvisionsID="Fn16"The Analysis in This Section Expands upon and Synthesizes Findings Which Are Noted in Earlier Articles (Farmer 2014, 2016, 2017a, b).|38
3|3.3.1 The Drive to ‘Do Something’|39
3|3.3.2 Fear, Emotion and Community Protection|41
3|3.3.3 Notion of ‘Them’ and ‘Us’|44
3|3.3.4 Conflation of Intent and Punishment|46
3|3.3.5 Charter Act Compliance|48
3|3.3.6 Summary|50
2|3.4 Scrutiny of Victoria’s Banning Notice Provisions|51
3|3.4.1 Published Banning Notice Data|52
3|3.4.2 Media Scrutiny|63
3|3.4.3 Judicial Oversight and Public Scrutiny|69
2|3.5 Summary|74
1|4 The ‘Problem’ of Victoria’s Banning Notice Provisions|80