File #2478: "2018_Book_FamilyPolicyAndTheOrganisation.pdf"



1|About the Author|13
1|List of Figures|15
1|1 Introduction: Family Policies and the Making of Childcare Arrangements|18
2|1.1 Mothers’ Work-Care Decisions: Limitations of a Research Agenda|19
2|1.2 Why Study the Organisation of Routine Childcare|24
2|1.3 Explaining Families’ Routine Childcare Arrangements: What We Know and What We Need|26
2|1.4 The Argument of the Book|30
2|1.5 Outline of the Book|33
1|2 Researching Families’ Childcare Decisions|41
2|2.1 The Choice of Romania|41
2|2.2 The Qualitative Study|44
3|2.2.1 Selection Criteria in Purposeful Sampling|44
3|2.2.2 Research Sites, Research Phases and Recruitment|49
3|2.2.3 Data Collection|52
3|2.2.4 Strengths and Limitations of the Study|53
3|2.2.5 Stylistic Issues in the Use of Primary Data|57
2|2.3 Other Data Sources|58
1|3 Two-Tiered Romanian Family Policy and Inequality|66
2|3.1 Romanian Families in the Romanian Economy|69
2|3.2 Family Policy Instruments for Families with Children Under Three|71
3|3.2.1 Benefits in Cash|72
3|3.2.2 Benefits in Time|77
3|3.2.3 Services|86
3|3.2.4 Changes in Family Policy Provisions for the Youngest Between 2006 and 2015|89
2|3.3 Benefits for Children Older Than Three|92
3|3.3.1 The ‘Norm of Twoness’ in Romanian Family Policy|92
3|3.3.2 Benefits in Cash and Time|93
3|3.3.3 Preschool Education|94
2|3.4 Two Worlds of Romanian Family Policy|99
1|4 Conceptualising the Making of Young Children’s Routine Care Arrangements|107
2|4.1 Childcare Decisions: The Whens, Whos, Wheres and Hows of Routine Childcare Arrangements|108
2|4.2 Care Ideals|111
3|4.2.1 The Maternal Care Ideal|117
3|4.2.2 The Paternal Care Ideal|117
3|4.2.3 The ‘Parental’ Care Ideal|118
3|4.2.4 The Grandparental Care Ideal|119
3|4.2.5 The Preschool Care Ideal|120
3|4.2.6 The Nanny Care Ideals|121
3|4.2.7 The Nursery Care Ideals|122
3|4.2.8 The Analytical Centrality of Care Ideals|122
2|4.3 Hierarchies of Care Ideals|126
2|4.4 An Agency-Centred Framework for Explaining Routine Care Arrangements|131
2|4.5 Imagining Childcare: Socialisation, Care Ideals and Constrained Choices|134
1|5 Childcare Arrangements for Babies and Toddlers|140
2|5.1 Ideals of Care During the First Two Years|141
3|5.1.1 The Maternal Care Ideal|141
3|5.1.2 The Paternal Care Ideal|148
3|5.1.3 The Parental Care Ideal|152
3|5.1.4 The Grandmaternal Care Ideal|154
3|5.1.5 Hierarchies of Care Ideals for Children Under Two: Children’s Age, Parental Leave and Parents’ Socio-economic Status|157
2|5.2 Conceptualising Childcare Arrangements|158
2|5.3 Routine Care Arrangements for Under-Twos|161
3|5.3.1 Separate Parenting|161
3|5.3.2 The Pure Maternal Care Arrangement|163
3|5.3.3 Joint Parenting|164
3|5.3.4 The Intergenerational Care Arrangement|165
3|5.3.5 The Grandparental Play Arrangement|167
3|5.3.6 The Shared Female Arrangement|167
2|5.4 A ‘Sheltered Space for Care’: The Centrality of Mothers During the First Years|168
1|6 Childcare Arrangements During the ‘Gap Year’|174
2|6.1 Childcare Transitions Around Age Two: The Role of Informal Employment, Part-Time Work and the Maximisation of Parental Leave|175
2|6.2 Hierarchies of Care Ideals for Children Two-to-Three Years Old|177
3|6.2.1 The Nanny Care Ideal|177
3|6.2.2 The Nursery Care Ideal|182
3|6.2.3 Hierarchies of Care Ideals for Children Aged Two-to-Three|187
2|6.3 Routine Care Arrangements During the ‘Gap’ Year|189
3|6.3.1 The Intergenerational Care Arrangement|189
3|6.3.2 The Nanny Arrangement|193
3|6.3.3 The Over-Extended Maternal Arrangement|197
2|6.4 Mismatched Hierarchies and Childcare Decisions: Couples Negotiating Childcare Arrangements|199
2|6.5 Contradictory Care Ideals and Diverse Childcare Arrangements in an Implicitly Familialist Policy Environment|203
1|7 Childcare Arrangements for Preschool-Aged Children|206
2|7.1 Hierarchies of Care Ideals for Preschool-Aged Children|208
3|7.1.1 The Preschool Care Ideal|208
2|7.2 Routine Care Arrangements During the Preschool Years|217
3|7.2.1 The Educational Care Arrangement|217
3|7.2.2 The Socialisation Arrangement|220
2|7.3 Income-Based Inequalities in Access to Public ECEC Services and Their Implications|227
2|7.4 The Preschool Care Ideal and the Norm of Threeness: Opportunities for Policy Innovation|232
1|8 Parents’ Employment Trajectories: Two Worlds of Work-Care Experiences|235
2|8.1 Structural Particularities of Romanian (Local) Labour Markets|236
2|8.2 Employment Decisions and Trajectories in Two-Earner Families After Having Children|242
3|8.2.1 Who Takes Parental Leave?|242
3|8.2.2 Deciding on Returning to Work After Parental Leave|248
3|8.2.3 Employment Transitions Following Parental Leave|252
2|8.3 Labour Market Outsider Parents’ Post-Partum Employment|256
2|8.4 Qualification-Based Differences in Employment Transitions and Trajectories in Families with Young Children|263
1|9 Conclusion: Theorising Childcare Decisions|270
2|9.1 The Argument: Hierarchies of Care Ideals and Routine Care Arrangements|270
2|9.2 The Conceptual Puzzle|274
3|9.2.1 Studying the Making of Routine Care Arrangements|274
3|9.2.2 Mothers’ Employment and Couples’ Childcare Decisions|276
3|9.2.3 Childcare Decisions: Negotiated and Familial|278
3|9.2.4 Family Policies and Childcare Decisions|279
2|9.3 Childcare Decisions and Mothers’ Employment|282
1|Appendix B: List of Legislative Texts Regarding Family Policy Provisions (2006–2015)|291
1|Appendix C: Interview Excerpts in the Original|295
1|Excerpts from Chapter 4|295
1|Excerpts from Chapter 5|297
1|Excerpts from Chapter 6|301
1|Excerpts from Chapter 7|303
1|Excerpts from Chapter 8|307