File #2500: "2018_Book_BridgingClausesInEuropeanConst.pdf"



1|1 Introduction|9
2|1.1 Parliamentary Participation in EU Affairs According to EU Primary Law|10
2|1.2 Parliamentary Participation in Treaty Revision Largo Sensu|12
3|1.2.1 General Remarks|12
3|1.2.2 Ordinary Revision Procedure|13
3|1.2.3 Simplified Revision Procedure|14
3|1.2.4 General Bridging Clauses as Another Simplified Revision Procedure|16
3|1.2.5 Decisions Requiring the Approval by the Member States in Accordance with Their Respective Constitutional Requirements|16
3|1.2.6 Special Bridging Clauses|19
3|1.2.7 Other Treaty-Amending Provisions|20
2|1.3 The Evolution of the General Bridging Clauses|21
1|2 The General Bridging Clauses of Article 48(7) TEU|25
2|2.1 Scope of Application|25
2|2.2 Exceptions|27
3|2.2.1 Written Exceptions (Article 353 TFEU)|27
3|2.2.2 Unwritten Exceptions|35
2|2.3 “Area” or “Case”|36
2|2.4 Relationship Between the Two General Bridging Clauses|38
2|2.5 Legal Effects, Revocability and Judicial Review|39
3|2.5.1 Legal Effects|39
3|2.5.2 Revocability|42
3|2.5.3 Judicial Review|43
1|3 Special Bridging Clauses|45
2|3.1 Sector-Specific Bridging Clauses|45
3|3.1.1 Social Policy|45
3|3.1.2 Environmental Policy|46
3|3.1.3 Family Law with Cross-Border Implications|47
3|3.1.4 Multiannual Financial Framework|48
3|3.1.5 Relationship to the General Bridging Clauses|49
2|3.2 Enhanced Cooperation|50
2|3.3 Article 31(3) TEU as Lex Specialis?|54
2|3.4 “Semi-Passerelle” Clauses|61
1|4 Procedure for Activating the General Bridging Clauses|63
2|4.1 Participation of the National Parliaments in General|63
2|4.2 Initiative of the European Council|71
2|4.3 Veto Right of National Parliaments|72
3|4.3.1 Making Known the Opposition of the National Parliament to the European Council Initiative|72
3|4.3.2 National Procedures in Bicameral Parliamentary Systems|74
4| Predominance of a Parliamentary Chamber|77
4| Exercise of the Veto by the Parliament as a Whole|77
4| Exercise of the Veto by Each Chamber Individually|79
4| The Case of Belgium|82
2|4.4 Participation of the European Parliament|83
2|4.5 Adopting the Decision in the European Council|85
3|4.5.1 General Remarks|85
3|4.5.2 Possible Further Participation of National Parliaments|86
3|4.5.3 National Procedures of Previous Parliamentary Consent|89
3|4.5.4 European Council Voting Without National Parliamentary Consent|92
2|4.6 Relevance of the Interpretation of the Procedure for Activating the General Bridging Clauses for the Special Bridging Clauses|95
1|5 Conclusions and Prospects|99