File #2542: "2018_Book_OpenDataExposed.pdf"



1|Series Information|6
1|1 Open Data Exposed|16
2|1.1 Introduction|16
2|1.2 Definition and Principles of Open Data|18
2|1.3 Open Data Ecosystem and Open Data Infrastructures|19
2|1.4 Outline of the Book|22
1|2 Towards Open Data Across the Pond|26
2|2.1 Introduction|27
2|2.2 Towards Openness|27
2|2.3 US: From the Sebastopol Meeting to the Obama Administration|28
2|2.4 EU: From PSI Re-use to Open Data?|30
2|2.5 A Glimpse of the Future?|35
3|2.5.1 Building a European Data Economy|36
3|2.5.2 Towards a Common European Data Space|39
2|2.6 International Developments|41
2|2.7 Conclusion|44
1|3 Towards a User-Oriented Open Data Strategy|48
2|3.1 Introduction|49
2|3.2 The Role of Users in the Open Data System|50
3|3.2.1 Exploring User Needs|51
2|3.3 Design Process for a User-Oriented Open Data Approach|54
3|3.3.1 Step 1: Determine Your Objectives|55
3|3.3.2 Step 2: Recognise and Identify the User|56
3|3.3.3 Step 3: Assess the Users|57
3|3.3.4 Step 4: Involve the User|57
3|3.3.5 Step 5: Satisfy User Needs|60
2|3.4 Implementing a User-Oriented Approach|60
3|3.4.1 Increasing the Efficiency of Operations of Government|60
2|3.5 Discussion|62
2|3.6 Conclusion|63
1|4 Funding Open Data|69
2|4.1 Introduction|70
2|4.2 How to Fund Open Data?|71
3|4.2.1 Funding Open Data Through General Revenue|71
3|4.2.2 Funding Open Data by Moving in the Value Chain|72
3|4.2.3 Funding Open Data Through Pricing Strategies for Government Data|73
2|4.3 Open Data Costs and Benefit Studies|74
3|4.3.1 What Are the Costs?|75
3|4.3.2 Adaptation Costs|75
3|4.3.3 Infrastructural Costs|77
3|4.3.4 Maintenance and Operational Costs|78
3|4.3.5 Cost: Loss of Revenue Due to Open Data|78
3|4.3.6 What Are the Benefits?|79
3|4.3.7 Costs Saved Due to Open Data|84
3|4.3.8 What Are Other Effects of Open Data?|85
2|4.4 Conclusion|86
3|4.4.1 Open Data Funding|86
3|4.4.2 Open Data Costs and Benefits|87
3|4.4.3 Overall Conclusion|88
1|5 Governance of Open Data Initiatives|93
2|5.1 Introduction|94
2|5.2 Analysing Governance|95
2|5.3 Governance Practices|97
3|5.3.1 Strategic Management|97
3|5.3.2 Collective Decision Making|100
3|5.3.3 Allocation of Tasks|101
3|5.3.4 Markets|102
3|5.3.5 Interorganizational Culture and Knowledge Management|104
3|5.3.6 Legal Framework|106
2|5.4 Discussion|107
2|5.5 Conclusion|110
1|6 Understanding Open Data Regulation: An Analysis of the Licensing Landscape|115
2|6.1 Introduction|116
2|6.2 The Network of Rights Protecting Data and Databases|117
3|6.2.1 Copyright in Data and Databases|117
3|6.2.2 The Sui Generis Database Right|119
2|6.3 Transnational Open Data Licensing Models|121
3|6.3.1 Creative Commons|121
3|6.3.2 The Creative Commons Licenses|122
3|6.3.3 License Core Elements and Formats|122
3|6.3.4 Evolution of the License Versions|123
3|6.3.5 The Creative Commons Waiver of Rights (CC0)|126
3|6.3.6 Open Data Commons|127
3|6.3.7 The Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)|127
3|6.3.8 The Open Data Commons Licenses (ODbL)|128
2|6.4 National Open Data Licenses|129
3|6.4.1 The Open Government Licence (UK)|129
3|6.4.2 The Licence Ouverte/Etalab (France)|130
2|6.5 The Interplay of Diverse Open Data Models|131
3|6.5.1 Compatibility Issues Among Licenses|131
3|6.5.2 Compatibility Issues in the Same Open Data Licensing Model|132
3|6.5.3 Compatibility Issues Across Different Open Data Licensing Models|133
3|6.5.4 Fragmentation and Proliferation of Open Data Policies|134
3|6.5.5 Lack of Harmonization of Underlying Legal Framework|136
2|6.6 Conclusions|136
1|7 The European Right to Data Protection in Relation to Open Data|140
2|7.1 Openness and Protection|141
3|7.1.1 The Rationales Underlying Open Data|142
3|7.1.2 Limits to Openness|143
2|7.2 The Rights to Privacy and Data Protection in the EU|145
3|7.2.1 Data Protection|146
3|7.2.2 Privacy|148
3|7.2.3 The Blurry Relationship Between Privacy and Data Protection|150
2|7.3 Open Data and Data Protection|152
3|7.3.1 EU Data Protection: Basics|152
3|7.3.2 The Clash Between Open Data and Data Protection|156
2|7.4 Conclusions|158
1|8 Assessing Open Data|162
2|8.1 Introduction|163
2|8.2 Open Data Performance|164
2|8.3 Open Data Assessment Frameworks|166
2|8.4 Readiness of Open Data|172
2|8.5 Availability and Accessibility of Open Data|175
2|8.6 Use and Impact of Open Data|180
2|8.7 Conclusion|182
1|9 Technological Aspects of (Linked) Open Data|186
2|9.1 Introduction|187
2|9.2 Technology: Bridging People and Data|188
2|9.3 Five Stars of Open Data|189
3|9.3.1 From Unstructured to Structured Data|190
3|9.3.2 Formats and Serializations|192
2|9.4 Access Channels|193
3|9.4.1 Downloadable Data|193
3|9.4.2 Data Services|194
3|9.4.3 Choosing Between Download and Services|194
3|9.4.4 Lessons Learned|195
2|9.5 Linked (Open) Data|197
3|9.5.1 Four Rules of Linked Data|197
3|9.5.2 The Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud|200
3|9.5.3 Current Trends|201
2|9.6 Future Challenges|203
2|9.7 Conclusion|204
1|10 Open Data in the United Kingdom|207
2|10.1 Introduction|208
2|10.2 History|209
2|10.3 Readiness|211
3|10.3.1 Strategies and Policies|211
3|10.3.2 Actors and Allocation of Tasks|213
3|10.3.3 Decision Making and Consultation|215
2|10.4 Data|216
2|10.5 Use and Benefits|220
2|10.6 Conclusion|222
1|11 The Development of Open Data in The Netherlands|227
2|11.1 Introduction|228
2|11.2 First Period Towards Open Data (1980–2000): Transparency|229
2|11.3 Second Period Towards Open Data (2000–2010): PSI Reuse|231
2|11.4 Third Period of Open Data (2011–2017): Open Data (Trimaran)|233
2|11.5 The Trimaran Evaporates?|237
2|11.6 Open Data Supply, Use and Benefits|238
2|11.7 2018 and Beyond|241
1|12 Open Data in China|245
2|12.1 Introduction|246
2|12.2 National Promises: Open Public Data Resources Steadily|247
2|12.3 Local Government Practices: Experimenting Open Government Data Portals|250
2|12.4 Open Data Community Activities: Creating an Open Data Culture|254
2|12.5 Lessons Learned|256
2|12.6 Conclusion|257
1|13 One Data Indonesia to Support the Implementation of Open Data in Indonesia|259
2|13.1 Introduction|260
2|13.2 History of Open Data in Indonesia|260
3|13.2.1 The Public Information Openness Act (2008)|260
3|13.2.2 Open Government Partnership and Open Government Indonesia (2011)|262
3|13.2.3 Barriers to Opening Public Data (2013)|263
3|13.2.4 One Data Indonesia Initiative (2014)|264
2|13.3 Key Components of One Data Indonesia|265
3|13.3.1 Strengthening Data Management and Data Governance|265
3|13.3.2 Publication and Dissemination Through the Indonesian Data Portal|267
3|13.3.3 Open Data User Engagement and Sustainability|268
2|13.4 ODI Becomes Law (2016–2018)|269
2|13.5 Effect of Open Data|270
2|13.6 The Case of Open Spatial Data|270
3|13.6.1 Indonesia’s Legal Framework on Spatial Information|271
3|13.6.2 One Map Policy Decree|271
3|13.6.3 Change of Institutional Basis of Mapping Agency|272
3|13.6.4 Single Point of Access|272
3|13.6.5 Effect of One Map Policy|273
3|13.6.6 Spatial Data and Open Data in Indonesia|273
2|13.7 Open Data in Indonesia: Conclusion and Future Steps|273
1|14 2050: The Story of Urbidata|280
2|14.1 Introduction|281
2|14.2 A 19th Century Vision of a Data Driven World|282
2|14.3 Looking Backward from the Year 2050|284
2|14.4 Scenario 1: Data Dictatorship|285
2|14.5 Scenario 2: Data Democracy|287
2|14.6 Towards 2050: An Open Data Ecosystem|289
2|14.7 A Research Agenda|293
2|14.8 Conclusions|296