File #2555: "2019_Book_InnovationInScientificResearch.pdf"



1|Chapter 1: Scientific Research and Experimenting on Human Beings|7
2|1.1 Experimentation on Human Beings|7
2|1.2 Experimentation on Minors|11
2|1.3 Experimentation on Women|15
2|1.4 Experimentation in Developing Countries|19
2|1.5 Unexperimented Drugs and Compassionate Care|23
1|Chapter 2: Biobanks and Ethics Committees|29
2|2.1 Research and Biological Samples|29
2|2.2 Biobanks and Informed Consent|35
2|2.3 Ethics Committees or Institutional Review Boards|39
1|Chapter 3: Emerging Technologies and Health|43
2|3.1 Research in Neuroscience and Neurotechnologies|43
2|3.2 Gene-Editing: New Frontiers in Research|48
2|3.3 Genome Wide-Tests, Direct-to-Consumer Tests, Incidental Findings|53
2|3.4 The New Medicine: Prevention, Prediction, Personalization, Precision|58
2|3.5 Citizen Science: New Forms of Participation in Health|60
2|3.6 Information and Communication Technologies in Medicine|63
2|3.7 Big Data and Health|68
2|3.8 Mobile Health|74
2|3.9 Biometrics, Biosecurity, Biosurveillance|78
1|Chapter 4: Converging Technologies and Enhancement|85
2|4.1 Converging Technologies: Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno-Technologies|85
2|4.2 Enhancement (Genetic, Biological, Cognitive): Beyond Therapy|87
2|4.3 Moral Enhancement|99
2|4.4 Roboethics and Artificial Intelligence: Beyond Humans|113
2|4.5 Beyond Humans: Transhumanism and Posthumanism|118
2|4.6 Emerging Technologies and the Future of Work|121
1|Chapter 5: Innovation in Techno-Science and Governance|142
2|5.1 Techno-Scientific Progress, Ethical Pluralism and Governance|142
2|5.2 The Role of Bioethics Committees: Seeking Shared Basic Principles/Values|144
2|5.3 A New Regulatory Approach Facing Emerging Technologies|148