File #2589: "2019_Book_TheInternationalElementStateho.pdf"



1|List of Abbreviations|10
1|Part I: Myths, Realities and Perspectives|13
2|Chapter 1: State Formation, State-Building and International Element|14
3|1.1 Introduction|14
3|1.2 The Main Objectives and the Structure of the Book|17
4|Books and Articles|21
2|Chapter 2: History, Identity and Myths. How Narratives of the Past [Are] Shape[ing] the Present?|22
3|2.1 The Myth, Identity and Nationhood|22
3|2.2 Kosovo, Ottoman Empire and Yugoslavia|28
3|2.3 The Dissolution of Yugoslavia, Kosovar-Albanian Peaceful Resistance Efforts and NATO Intervention|32
4|Books and Articles|39
4|Judicial Decisions and Court Proceedings (International Tribunals and Domestic Courts), Official Documents, Domestic Legislation, International Agreements, Official Letters, Statements and Declarations, Press Releases and Media Reports|41
2|Chapter 3: Legitimacy Through Missing Consensus. Kosovo and the 1244 Resolution, Vienna Negotiations and Ahtisaari Plan: The Starting Point for the ‘International Element’|43
3|3.1 Kosovo Under 1244 Resolution: UNMIK and the International Administration of Kosovo|43
3|3.2 Developing the Contours of an Independent Multi-Ethnic [and Supervised] Republic. Vienna Negotiations and the Unveiling of Ahtisaari Plan|49
4|Books and Articles|59
4|Judicial Decisions and Court Proceedings (International Tribunals and Domestic Courts), Official Documents, Domestic Legislation, International Agreements, Official Letters, Statements and Declarations, Press Releases and Media Reports|60
2|Chapter 4: International Element, Quest to Statehood and International Law|62
3|4.1 Legitimacy Through the Sounds of Silence: ICJs Kosovo Advisory Opinion, the [Attempted] Secession and International Law|62
4|4.1.1 Jurisdiction and Discretion of the Court: Explaining How [Selection of] the Principles of Interpretation Impact Kosovo’s Claim to Statehood|65
5|Determination of Jurisdiction|65
5|Determining Whether the Question Is a Legal Question|67
5|Whether the Court [Could Have] Used Its Discretion and Declined to Exercise Its Advisory Jurisdiction|69
4|4.1.2 Rephrasing the Question as a Strategy to Limit the Negative Effects of the Advisory Opinion vis-à-vis Kosovo|76
3|4.2 The Virtue of Silence: How the Court Explained the Status of (Kosovo’s) Unilateral Declaration of Independence According to International Law|80
4|4.2.1 Kosovo’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence as an Expression of the Pouvoir Constituant|82
4|4.2.2 The Status and Nature of Kosovo’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence According to International Law|86
3|4.3 In Lieu of a Conclusion|95
4|Judicial Decisions and Court Proceedings (International Tribunals and Domestic Courts), Official Documents, Domestic Legislation, International Agreements, Official Letters, Statements and Declarations, Press Releases and Media Reports|100
2|Chapter 5: Kosovo’s Quest for Statehood: From Unilateral Secession to Recognition|103
3|5.1 Theoretical Overview of the International Law of Statehood|103
3|5.2 Kosovo and the Criteria for Statehood|110
4|5.2.1 Traditional Criteria for Statehood|110
5|Permanent Population and Defined Territory|110
5|Government, Capacity to Enter in Relations with Other States and Criterion of Independence|113
4|5.2.2 The Additional Criteria for Statehood|121
3|5.3 State Formation as ‘a Grant of Legal Authority’: Kosovo and Recognitions|123
4|Books and Articles|132
4|Judicial Decisions and Court Proceedings (International Tribunals and Domestic Courts), Official Documents, Domestic Legislation, International Agreements, Official Letters, Statements and Declarations, Press Releases and Media Reports|136
1|Part II: Containing Challenges to Democracy: The Role of the EU in Kosovo’s State Formation and State-Building|138
2|Chapter 6: The Policy of Deliberate Ambiguity: Petitioning the Role of the EU in Kosovo’s State-Formation and State-Building|139
3|6.1 The EU’s Engagement with Kosovo’s State-Building Process: A Legal Perspective on Internal and External Factors|139
3|6.2 The Role of the EU Under CFSP: A Legal Review of the Role of EULEX on Kosovo’s Transition to an Independent State|141
4|6.2.1 Managing the Dichotomy Between UN Law and the State of Kosovo’s Internal Legal Order Through EULEX|141
4|6.2.2 EULEX in the View of Kosovo’s Internal Legal Order and the Question of Sovereignty|145
4|6.2.3 EULEX Mission Accommodated Under Kosovo’s Law|149
4|6.2.4 The EU’s Management of Dichotomy Between UN Law and the State of Kosovo’s Legal Order|151
3|6.3 The Role of the EU Under Enlargement Policy: A Legal Analysis of Kosovo’s Standing|153
4|6.3.1 The First Footprint: A Feasibility Study on Kosovo-EU Treaty-Making Capacity Under EU Treaties|153
4|6.3.2 Kosovo’s Legal Status in the SAA with the EU|155
4|Books and Articles|159
4|Judicial Decisions and Court Proceedings (International Tribunals and Domestic Courts), Official Documents, Domestic Legislation, International Agreements, Official Letters, Statements and Declarations, Press Releases and Media Reports|160
2|Chapter 7: Brussels Agreement: Between Statehood and 1244 Status|162
3|7.1 Introduction|162
3|7.2 The 19 April Agreement: An Internal Perspective|165
4|7.2.1 An Introduction to the Main Points and the Structure of the Agreement|165
4|7.2.2 The Association of Serbian Municipalities in the View of the 19 April Agreement|167
4|7.2.3 A View on the Founding Mechanics|168
4|7.2.4 The Structure and Authority of the Association|169
4|7.2.5 Police in the Northern Kosovo|172
4|7.2.6 Judicial Control in the Northern Kosovo|174
4|7.2.7 Bilateral Approval of Each Other’s European Perspective|177
4|7.2.8 EU’s Role in the Implementation of the Agreement(s)|179
4|7.2.9 Other Issues Addressed by the 19 April Agreement|180
3|7.3 The 19 April Agreement: An External Perspective|181
4|7.3.1 The Status of 19 April Agreement in International Law|181
4|7.3.2 The International Relevance of the Agreement in Governing Relations Between Kosovo and Serbia|183
3|7.4 In Lieu of a Conclusion|185
4|Books and Articles|185
4|Judicial Decisions and Court Proceedings (International Tribunals and Domestic Courts), Official Documents, Domestic Legislation, International Agreements, Official Letters, Statements and Declarations, Press Releases and Media Reports|187
2|Chapter 8: The EU’s Recent Engagement with Kosovo Through the Special Court Project: A Case Study Indicating the EU’s Supportive Position on the State of Kosovo|188
3|8.1 Introduction on the Legal Basis for the Establishment of the EU-Engineered Special Court of Kosovo Between International, European and Kosovar Law|188
3|8.2 A View on the Legal Aspect of the EU-Engineered Special Court|190
3|8.3 Where Does the Fundamental Mandate of the SC Originate From?|191
4|8.3.1 A General Overview|191
4|8.3.2 Whether the ‘Exchange of Letters’ Constitutes a Bilateral Treaty: Is the SC a Treaty-Based Court?|194
4|8.3.3 Whether the Constitutional ‘Notwithstanding Norm’—In Connection with KRSJIA—Comprises a Constitutive Element for the Establishment of the SC?|202
3|8.4 Whether EU Law Authorizes the EU to Engage in an International Criminal Court Project?|204
3|8.5 In Lieu of a Conclusion|206
4|Books and Articles|207
4|Judicial Decisions and Court Proceedings (International Tribunals and Domestic Courts), Official Documents, Domestic Legislation, International Agreements, Official Letters, Statements and Declarations, Press Releases and Media Reports|208
2|Chapter 9: Concluding on the Significance of the ‘International Element’ in Kosovo’s Statehood and State-Building Process|210
3|9.1 A Doctrinal Analysis of the Role of the International Element: An Appraisal|210
3|9.2 A Doctrinal Input on the Role of the EU|212
3|9.3 A Concluding Rejoinder|215
1|Books and Articles|217
1|Judicial Decisions and Court Proceedings (International Tribunals and Domestic Courts)|229
1|UN General Assembly Resolutions and Documents|231
1|Other Official Documents, Domestic Legislation, International Agreements, Official Letters, Statements and Declarations, Press Releases and Media Reports|233