File #2602: "2019_Book_MaritimeCross-BorderInsolvency.pdf"



1|Chapter 1: Introduction|13
1|Chapter 2: Cross-Border Insolvencies|17
2|2.1 Insolvency Laws|18
3|2.1.1 History of Insolvency Law|19
4| Germany|20
4| Common Law: England & Wales and USA|21
5| England & Wales|21
5| USA|22
4| Summary|24
3|2.1.2 Insolvency Law Principles and Basic Features Compared|24
4| Principles and Basic Features in Germany|25
5| Best Possible Satisfaction of a Debtor’s Creditors|26
5| Collective Satisfaction of a Debtor’s Creditors|26
5| Insolvency Priority Scheme|27
5| Encouragement of Reorganisation|27
5| Reasons to Open Insolvency Proceedings|29
5| Insolvency Court|30
5| Creditors’ Autonomy|32
6| Creditors’ Assembly|32
6| Creditors’ Committee|33
5| Insolvency Administrator|33
4| Principles and Basic Features in England & Wales|35
5| The Pari Passu Principle|36
5| Insolvency Priority Scheme|38
5| Insolvency Tests|38
5| Liquidation|39
5| Rescue of the Insolvent Company|40
6| Administration|41
6| Company Voluntary Arrangement|43
6| Scheme of Arrangement|44
4| Principles and Basic Features in the USA|47
5| The Bankruptcy Court|47
5| Pari Passu|48
5| Insolvency Priority Scheme|48
5| Initiation of the Insolvency Proceeding and Automatic Stay|49
5| Chapter 11: Reorganisation of the Debtor|51
5| Chapter 7: Liquidation|53
3|2.1.3 Summarising Comparison on Principles and Basic Features|53
2|2.2 Cross-Border Insolvency|54
3|2.2.1 Introduction|54
3|2.2.2 Legal Theories on Cross-Border Insolvency|56
4| Territorialism|56
4| Universalism|57
4| Theories in Practice|57
4| Modification of the Universalist and Territorialist Approaches|59
3|2.2.3 Cross-Border Insolvency Laws|61
4| National Law|61
5| Germany|61
5| England & Wales|63
5| USA|64
4| EU Law|67
4| Laws and Guidelines of International Institutions|69
5| UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency|69
5| Global Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases|71
2|2.3 Conclusion: Insolvency Laws and Cross-Border Insolvency|72
1|Chapter 3: The Maritime Industry and the Peculiarity of Maritime Liens|77
2|3.1 Maritime Industry|78
3|3.1.1 Shipping Industry|78
4| History|78
4| Global Industry|79
3|3.1.2 Lasting Crisis in Shipping|80
3|3.1.3 Peculiarities of the Shipping Industry|81
4| Operation of the Ship|81
4| Risk Management|83
4| Financing of the Ship|84
2|3.2 Maritime Liens|85
3|3.2.1 Introduction to Maritime Liens|86
3|3.2.2 Origins of Maritime Liens|87
3|3.2.3 Legal Nature of Maritime Liens|87
3|3.2.4 Maritime Liens Under German Law|88
4| Regulations in the German Commercial Code|88
4| Claims Secured by Maritime Liens|88
4| Enforcement and Extinction of Maritime Liens|89
4| Ranking and Priority of German Maritime Liens|91
4| Recognition of Foreign Maritime Liens|92
5| Art. 45 EGBGB|92
5| Priority Rules on Foreign Maritime Liens|95
5| Extinction of Foreign Maritime Liens|96
3|3.2.5 Maritime Liens Under English Law|96
4| Legal Nature of English Maritime Liens|96
4| Statutory Liens|97
4| Claims Secured by Maritime Liens|98
4| Enforcement and Extinction of Maritime Liens|99
4| Ranking and Priority of Maritime Liens in England & Wales|100
4| Recognition of Foreign Maritime Liens|102
3|3.2.6 Maritime Liens Under US Law|102
4| Regulations in Chapter 313 of Title 46 of the United States Code|103
4| Claims Secured by Maritime Liens|104
4| Maritime Liens for Necessaries|104
4| Enforcement and Extinction of Maritime Liens|106
4| Ranking and Priority of US Maritime Liens|107
4| Recognition of Foreign Maritime Liens|108
3|3.2.7 Status of Maritime Liens in Insolvency Proceedings|110
3|3.2.8 International Unification|112
2|3.3 Conclusion: Maritime Liens as Sources of Conflict of Laws?|113
1|Chapter 4: Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency and Harmonisation|117
2|4.1 Maritime Insolvency|118
3|4.1.1 ‘Ship Insolvency’|118
4| Number of Ship Insolvencies in Germany, England & Wales and USA|119
4| Number of Ship Arrests|120
3|4.1.2 Where to File for Insolvency?|120
4| Definition of COMI|121
4| The COMI of a Ship|122
4| Flexibility of COMI|123
3|4.1.3 A “Safe Harbour” for Distressed Shipping Companies|125
4| US Chapter 11 for Financially Distressed Shipping Companies|125
4| English Scheme of Arrangement for Financially Distressed Shipping Companies|129
3|4.1.4 Interim Result|130
2|4.2 Issues in Maritime Insolvency|131
3|4.2.1 Maritime Insolvency in Germany|132
4| Forum Shopping in North Germany|132
4| The Preliminary Phase in a Ship Insolvency Proceeding|133
3|4.2.2 Maritime Insolvency in England & Wales|136
3|4.2.3 Maritime Insolvency in the USA|137
4| Admiralty Court vs. Bankruptcy Court|138
4| The Conflict of Admiralty Arrest and the Automatic Stay|140
4| Changing the Status of Maritime Security Interests in Insolvency Proceedings|142
3|4.2.4 Conclusion on Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency|144
2|4.3 Maritime Insolvency Under Existing Harmonisation Rules|145
3|4.3.1 EU Insolvency Regulation and Maritime Insolvency|145
3|4.3.2 UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and Maritime Insolvency|148
3|4.3.3 Results on Existing Harmonisation Rules|149
2|4.4 Alternative Harmonisation Rules for Maritime Insolvency|149
3|4.4.1 Private Harmonisation Rules|150
3|4.4.2 CMI Approach|152
3|4.4.3 A “Middle Path of Reciprocal Comity”|154
3|4.4.4 The Hanjin Insolvency: A Test for International Insolvency Law|157
3|4.4.5 Conclusion on Alternative Harmonisation Rules for Maritime Insolvency|159
1|Chapter 5: Conclusion|163