File #2721: "2019_Book_SmallSatellitesAndSustainableD.pdf"



1|1 Introduction|12
1|2 The Principle of Peaceful Use of Outer Space: Reviewing the Scope of “Peaceful” in the Changed Context|17
2|2.1 The Enigma of Peaceful Use of Space|17
2|2.2 Exploring Evolution of the Concept of Peaceful Use of Outer Space|19
3|2.2.1 Peaceful Use of Space in the Pre-Sputnik Era|19
3|2.2.2 Crystallization of the Concept of Peaceful Use of Outer Space|21
2|2.3 Convolution of the Concept of Peaceful Use of Outer Space|23
3|2.3.1 The Genesis of Selective Interpretation of Peaceful Use of Space|23
3|2.3.2 Geo-Politics and Regime Formation in Space|26
2|2.4 Adapting Peaceful Use to Contemporary Issues|28
3|2.4.1 Intentional Ambiguity and Its Incorporation in Space Treaties|28
3|2.4.2 Contextual Assessment of the Concept of Peaceful Use of Space|29
3|2.4.3 Reviewing Legislative Underpinnings of the Concept of Peaceful Use of Space|31
3|2.4.4 UNCOPUOS: Evolving to ‘Peaceful Use’ in the Broader Context|32
2|2.5 Conclusion|33
1|3 Converging Interests and International Cooperation: Solutions in International Law|37
2|3.1 Role of International Law in Shaping the Contours of Space Cooperation|37
3|3.1.1 Evolution of International Cooperation in Space|39
3|3.1.2 Cold War Space Treaties; Détente to International Cooperation|40
3|3.1.3 Evolving Contours; Peaceful Use to Commercial Use|42
3|3.1.4 The International Space Station: From State to Commercial Cooperation|43
2|3.2 The Legal Framework of Space Cooperation|46
3|3.2.1 The UN Charter and Its Scope of Application to Space Cooperation|47
3|3.2.2 International Cooperation and the Space Treaties|49
3|3.2.3 The 1996 Declaration on Space Cooperation|52
2|3.3 Examining Effects of Legal Mechanisms on International Space Cooperation|53
3|3.3.1 Resilience of Legal Mechanisms Enabling Adaptation|53
3|3.3.2 Adapting to Change: Commercial Cooperation|54
3|3.3.3 Commercial Cooperation: Examining the Case of India and the EU|57
2|3.4 Conclusion|61
1|4 Legal Options to Address the Challenges and Opportunities in Small Satellites|64
2|4.1 The Small Satellite Surge|64
3|4.1.1 Mega-Constellations of Small Satellites|64
3|4.1.2 Small Satellite Classification and Functions|66
2|4.2 The Impact of Lack of Specific Small Sat Regulation|68
3|4.2.1 Rise in Frequency Allocation and Allotment Complexities|68
3|4.2.2 Space Debris and Related Issues|69
3|4.2.3 National Security Issues|72
2|4.3 The Regulations Enveloping Small Satellites|73
3|4.3.1 Definitional Issues with Regards to Satellites|73
3|4.3.2 Small Satellite Issues in the Outer Space Treaty|74
2|4.4 Small Satellites, Space Debris and Sustainable Development|76
3|4.4.1 Small Satellites and International Environmental Law|77
3|4.4.2 Small Satellites and Debris Mitigation Guidelines|79
2|4.5 Recommendations De Lega Ferenda|80
3|4.5.1 Addressing Definitional Issues|80
3|4.5.2 Declaring LEO as Limited Natural Resource|81
3|4.5.3 Non-functional Space Objects and Environmental Law|82
3|4.5.4 Elevating UNCOPUOS Guidelines to Standards|84
2|4.6 Conclusion|86
1|5 Conclusion and Summary|89