File #2779: "2019_Book_ThinkingSeriouslyAboutGangs.pdf"



1|1 Realism, Street Culture, Neighbourhood and a Border Clash?|31
2|Globalisation, Local Impact and the Neighbourhood|33
2|Acting Local and Thinking Global|38
2|Invisible Girls?|40
2|Gang Developments in UK Drug Markets|42
1|2 The UK Gangs Thesis Debate: Towards a Critical Realism of Gangs|52
2|Misunderstandings of Gang Structures and Street Culture: An Ontological Exploration of the UK Gangs Thesis|53
2|Epistemology: Echoes of Habermas and Lyotard, Adaptations of Bourdieu and Archer|65
2|What We Gonna Do? Make It Worse—Johnny Rotten: People Can Change Anything They Want to—Joe Strummer|71
1|3 Towards a Critical Realist Methodology|82
3|Beyond Present Government Policy Research in Gangs|86
3|The Choice of Qualitative Methodology|88
2|Formulating Research Questions or Hypotheses|89
2|The Use of Focus Groups|91
2|Developing New Research Strategies: Ethnography and Beyond|94
3|Ethnographic Realism and Grime|97
2|Analysing the Data and Developing Explanations|98
3|Aims of Analysis|100
3|Coding and Categorisation of Semi Structured Interviews|100
3|Retroductive Analysis|102
2|Policy Implications: Towards a Cultural Realist Methodology for Gangs|104
1|4 Policy Denial of New Gang Cities|109
2|District A: Recent History|112
2|Young People’s Involvement in Gangs|113
2|The Motivation and Nature of Gang Involvement|116
2|Evidence from a Self-Identified Ex-Gang Member|119
2|Professional Knowledge vs. Policy Limitations|121
2|District B|125
3|Recent History|125
3|Clans and Gangs|125
2|The Professional Response|127
1|5 Policy Blame in Austere Times|135
2|The Blame Game|135
2|Rapid Assessment|136
2|South Borough’s Gang Problem|137
2|Migration and Housing Churn|137
2|The Numbers of Young People Involved in Gangs in South Borough|138
2|Gang Careers and Gang Involvement|139
2|Girls, Young Women and Gangs|140
2|The Roles and Responsibilities of Gang Involved Girls and Young Women|141
2|The Normalisation of Sexual Violence and Abuse|142
2|The Vulnerability of Gang Involved Girls and Young Women to Other Forms of Violence|143
2|Sexual Harassment and Grooming in Schools|143
2|The Sexual Attitudes of Gang Involved Young Men|144
2|Living in Gang-Affected Neighbourhoods|144
3|Parental Responses to Children’s Gang Involvement|145
3|Gangs and the Drugs Business|146
3|Responding to the Gang Problem in South Borough|148
3|The Local Gang Partnership Unit (LGPU)|148
3|The Work of the LGPU Team|149
3|Safeguarding and Gangs|150
3|Commissioning Services|150
3|Safeguarding Concerns|151
3|Information Sharing|151
3|Future Plans|153
2|Youth Projects Working with Gang-Involved Young People in South Borough|154
3|The Diversity of Provision|154
3|Hospital-Based Gang Intervention|154
3|Outreach and Street-Based Youth Work|155
3|The Quality of Youth Work|155
3|The Use of ‘Experts by Experience’|156
3|Interventions with Girls and Young Women|156
2|Policing South Borough’s Gangs|157
3|The Identification of Gang Involved Young People|157
3|The South Borough Gangs Desk|158
3|Information Sharing Meeting|158
3|Police Links with Children’s Services|159
3|Police Involvement in South Borough Schools|159
3|The Early Intervention Panel|160
3|Other Kinds of Police Involvement: Prevention and Engagement|160
3|Police Perceptions of Social Intervention|161
3|South Borough Youth Offending Service|161
3|South Borough Probation|162
3|Safe and Secure|162
3|The London Mayor’s Initiatives|163
3|The Factors That Sustain Gang Involvement|163
3|The Factors That Promote Gang Desistence|165
3|Evidence-Based Models of Gang Intervention|166
3|The Components of a Future Gang Strategy|167
1|6 Gang Call-Ins and Policy Transfer|177
2|Introduction: Policy Promises|177
2|The Matrix Revolutions|179
2|The Matrix Reloaded|182
2|The Dis-United State of Americanization|186
2|Planning Top Down from the Bottom up|190
2|Talking Tough but No One Is Listening|193
2|Compliance with Justice|196
2|Legitimation and Procedure|197
2|The Risky Business of Governmentality|199
2|Habitus and the Calculus of Risk|201
1|7 Bedazzled, Think Tanks, and Mass Media|208
2|Anarchy in the UK?|209
2|Increasing Influences|209
2|The Book Launch|211
2|Thinking About Think Tanks|215
2|The Big Society Cloak and the Neo-Liberal Dagger|217
2|Conclusions—The Spectre of the Blue Lady|226
1|8 Changes in UK Crack and Heroin Markets and Challenges to the Ways We Think About Them|231
2|Organised Crime and UK Drug Markets|233
2|The Context of New Emerging Crack and Heroin Markets|239
2|Bourdieu and Drug Distribution in Critical Realist Terms|243
2|English Gang Involvement in UK Markets|246
2|Changes in Middle Market Networks|247
2|Changes in Supply and the Impact on Violence|250
2|Understanding and Responding to Market Changes|253
1|9 Conclusions and General Principles of a Critical Realist Approach to Gangs|262
2|Freedom and Dialectics|267
2|Towards a Critical-Realism of Gangs|268
2|Final Remarks|271