File #2845: "2020_Book_RegulatoryModelForDigitalRight.pdf"



1|Chapter 1: Introduction|14
2|1.1 Statement of Problem|14
2|1.2 Research Questions|15
2|1.3 Overview of Methodology|16
1|Part I: Theoretical Perspective of Digital Rights Management Systems|19
2|Chapter 2: Panorama of Digital Rights Management Systems|20
3|2.1 How Digital Rights Management Got Here|20
4|2.1.1 Background of Digital Rights Management|21
4|2.1.2 Why We Need Digital Right Management|25
5| Not Just A Copy Protection Fortress|28
5| Enable Content Creators to Get Paid|29
5| New Business Methods|30
5| Be Taken, But Still Work|31
3|2.2 Digital Rights Management Technological Protection Measures|32
4|2.2.1 Digital Watermarking|32
4|2.2.2 Fingerprinting|33
4|2.2.3 Encryption|35
4|2.2.4 Access Control|37
4|2.2.5 Use Control (Copy Control)|39
3|2.3 Digital Rights Management Technology Standards|41
4|2.3.1 Extensible Rights Markup Language (XrML)|42
4|2.3.2 Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL)|44
4|2.3.3 Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML)|46
4|2.3.4 MPEG Rights Expression Language|48
3|2.4 Digital Rights Management Usage Models|51
4|2.4.1 Prepaid|51
4|2.4.2 Rental|53
4|2.4.3 Subscription|54
4|2.4.4 Peer-to-Peer|55
2|Chapter 3: Digital Rights Management Dilemma: Theoretical Context|63
3|3.1 Culture Perspective|63
4|3.1.1 Culture Background|64
4|3.1.2 Traditional Value System|67
5| The Concept of Intellectual Property Acculturation|68
5| Chinese Traditional Culture and the West´s Ideology|69
5| Values in the West: Individualism, Liberalism and Rationalism|69
5| Confucianism as the Dominant Philosophy in Ancient China|71
3|3.2 Social Perspective|75
4|3.2.1 Culture Lag|75
4|3.2.2 Reciprocal Determinism Theory|77
3|3.3 Economic Perspective|80
4|3.3.1 Right-Holders|87
4|3.3.2 Internet Content/Service Provider|87
4|3.3.3 End-Users|88
3|3.4 Socio-Cultural and Economic Matrix for Copyright and Digital Rights Management|92
4|3.4.1 The Rationality of the Technological Protection Measures of Copyright|93
4|3.4.2 Types of Consultation Mechanism|95
1|Part II: Comprehensive Analysis of Digital Rights Management|100
2|Chapter 4: Legislations|101
3|4.1 Correct Positioning and Proper Application of Copyright Technological Protection Measures|101
4|4.1.1 Correct Positioning of Technological Protection Measures in Digital Era|101
4|4.1.2 The Proper Application of Technological Protection Laws in Digital Era|103
4|4.1.3 Fully Introduce New Technology|104
3|4.2 The Background of Anti-Circumvention Rules Emergence|109
4|4.2.1 Technological Measures Legislations|110
4|4.2.2 Rights Management Information Legislation|111
3|4.3 Legal Protection of Technological Protection Measures in Different Regions|112
4|4.3.1 US Level: Digital Millennium Copyright Act in 1998|112
4|4.3.2 The EU Directives|113
4|4.3.3 The Path of Digital Rights Management Regulatory Model in China|117
3|4.4 The Impact of Anti-Circumvention Legislations|122
3|4.5 Anti-Circumvention Legislations Analysis and Evaluation|123
2|Chapter 5: Case Law Analysis|128
3|5.1 Cases in the US|128
4|5.1.1 Felten v. Recording Industry Assoc. of America|128
3|5.2 Cases in Europe|129
4|5.2.1 Finnish CSS Cases in 2007|129
4|5.2.2 Nintendo v. PC Box|131
3|5.3 Cases in China|132
4|5.3.1 Jiangmin Company ``Logic Lock´´ Case in 1997|132
4|5.3.2 Beijing Jingdiao Technology Ltd. v. Shanghai Naikai Electronic Technology Ltd.|134
2|Chapter 6: Digital Rights Management Practices|138
3|6.1 iTunes Model|138
4|6.1.1 The Emergence of iTunes: Substitute for Illegal File-Sharing Platform|138
4|6.1.2 iTunes Online Music Store (iTunes Store): Prospective on Digital Rights Management Model|139
5| Merits of iTunes Online Music Stores|139
5| Disadvantages of iTunes Online Music Store|141
5| Copyright Mode in the Future|142
3|6.2 Amazon Kindle|143
4|6.2.1 High Updating Speed of Devices|143
4|6.2.2 Abundant Supported Formats|144
3|6.3 Adobe Content Server|144
3|6.4 Foxit Digital Rights Management|145
3|6.5 Ubisoft and Blizzard|145
4|6.5.1 Blizzard was Proud of the Digital Rights Management System|146
3|6.6 National Digital Library Project in China|148
4|6.6.1 Copyright Protection and Construction of Digital Library|148
3|6.7 China Unicom/China Telecom Platform|151
3|6.8 Founder Information Industry Group: Apabi Technology|153
1|Part III: Proposed Digital Rights Management Model in China|157
2|Chapter 7: Predicament and Countermeasure|158
3|7.1 Necessity for A New Regulatory Model in China|158
4|7.1.1 In Terms of Legal Nature: Technological Protection Measures are Private Remedies to Protect Copyright|159
4|7.1.2 In Terms of Protection Methods: Technological Protection Measures Aim to Control and Consumers|160
4|7.1.3 Rationality Analysis of Fair Use Under Digital Rights Management|162
3|7.2 Digital Rights Management Rules in China Against the Socio-Cultural and Economic Matrix: Theoretical Basis for Conflict Re...|164
4|7.2.1 Based on the Theory of Copyright Benefit Balance|164
4|7.2.2 Oriented by the Coordination of Rights and Obligations|166
3|7.3 Legal Protection of Digital Rights Management and Present Situation of Conflict Coordination in China|168
4|7.3.1 Legal Protection of Digital Rights Management in China|168
4|7.3.2 Present Situation of Conflict Coordination in China|171
3|7.4 Coordination Approach of Conflicts|172
4|7.4.1 Technical Considerations|172
4|7.4.2 Administrative Intervention|174
4|7.4.3 Judicial Expectations|176
4|7.4.4 Legislation Suggestions|177
1|Part IV: Suggestions on the Improvement of Relevant Legal Systems in China|179
2|Chapter 8: A Comprehensive Regulatory Model|180
3|8.1 Legislative Suggestions on the Direct Coordination of Conflicts|183
4|8.1.1 Establishment of Effectiveness Principle for Digital Rights Management|183
4|8.1.2 Supplement of Exception Clauses to Coordinate the Conflict with Fair Use|184
4|8.1.3 Introduction of Copyright Term System for the Technological Measures|186
3|8.2 Legislative Suggestions on the Indirect Coordination of Conflicts|187
4|8.2.1 Establishment of Legal Protection System of Privacy Involved in the Supporting Technological Measures|187
4|8.2.2 Improvement on the Laws and Regulations of Anti-Unfair Competition to Prevent the Unfair Competition|190
3|8.3 Far More Than Judicial Regulatory Model|191
4|8.3.1 Technology and Law of Social Norms|192
4|8.3.2 Assimilation of Anti-Circumvention Provisions Based on Internationally Multilateral Treaties|195
5| Assimilation of Anti-Circumvention Provisions Based on Bilateral Free Trade Agreements|196
5| Technical Protection and Anti-Technique Circumvention in Copyright Relations: Lessons and Experience of America and Eu...|198
5| Limitations of China´s Anti-Technique Circumvention System|202
4|8.3.3 Accountability and Liability|205
3|8.4 Exception Rules of Technological Measures|211
4|8.4.1 Encryption Research Exception|212
5| The Role of Encryption Research Exception Rules|212
5| Specific Application Conditions for Exception Rules to Crypto Research|213
5| Legislative Options for Exceptional Research on Encryption|214
4|8.4.2 Reverse Engineering Exception|215
5| The Meaning of the Exception Rules for Reverse Engineering|216
5| The Role of Reverse Engineering Exception Rules|216
4|8.4.3 Library Evasion Exception Rules|220
5| Meaning of Library Circumvention of Technological Measures Exception Rules|221
5| The Exceptional Role of the Library in Avoiding Technological Measures|222
4|8.4.4 Personal Information Protection Exception|225
5| The Connotations of the Exception of Personal Information Protection|225
5| The Meaning of Personal Information Protection Exception Rules|226
4|8.4.5 Exception Rules for the Benefit of the Visually Impaired|229
5| Details of Exception Rules of Technological Measures for the Benefit of the Visually Impaired|230
5| Defining Elements of Exception Rules to Technological Measures for the Benefit of the Visually Impaired|230
1|Part V: The Room for Perfecting China´s Digital Rights Management: Some Experience Can be Learned from Europe and America|241
2|Chapter 9: Status Quo and Foreground|242
3|9.1 Clear the Definition of Technology Protection Measures|242
3|9.2 Distinguish Legal Technology Circumvention Behaviors from Illegal Ones|243
3|9.3 Add ``Anti-Equipment´´ Items in Regulatory Architecture|244
3|9.4 Comparison Between China and Europe and America|247
3|9.5 The Development of American Network Copyright Law: Dominated by Government Under the Promotion of Practitioners|248
3|9.6 The Adaptive Development of Copyright Law in Network Age|250
3|9.7 Summary|255
2|Chapter 10: Conclusion|257