File #2861: "2020_Book_ConflictPreventionInTheUNSAgen.pdf"



1|About the Authors|19
1|Chapter 1: Introduction|21
1|Chapter 2: Sustainable Development, Peaceful, Just and Equitable Societies|35
2|2.1 Introduction|35
2|2.2 Development, Peace and Conflict Prevention|37
3|2.2.1 Development and Conflict Prevention|37
3|2.2.2 Peace and Conflict Prevention|42
3|2.2.3 Justice and Conflict Prevention|44
2|2.3 Equitable and Effective Institutions and Conflict Prevention|46
2|2.4 Cooperation and Monitoring and Evaluation in Support of the Implementation of SDG 16|48
3|2.4.1 Cooperation in Support of the Implementation of SDG 16|48
3|2.4.2 Monitoring and Evaluation|49
2|2.5 Conclusion|54
1|Chapter 3: Climate Change, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Terrorism|57
2|3.1 Introduction|57
2|3.2 Climate Change|57
2|3.3 Weapons of Mass Destruction|62
3|3.3.1 Nuclear Weapons: The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty|63
3|3.3.2 Treaty on the Prohibition of the Employment of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and ...|64
3|3.3.3 Biological Weapons: Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Bio...|64
3|3.3.4 Chemical Weapons|65
3|3.3.5 Agenda for Disarmament (2018)|66
2|3.4 Terrorism and Violent Extremism|67
3|3.4.1 International Norms Against Terrorism|67
3|3.4.2 Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism|68
3|3.4.3 International Cooperation for the Prevention of Terrorism|69
3|3.4.4 United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism|72
2|3.5 Conclusion|73
1|Chapter 4: Great Power Conflicts|75
2|4.1 Introduction|75
2|4.2 Preventing Conflict Between China and the U.S.|76
3|4.2.1 Risks|78
3|4.2.2 Guiding Principles?|84
3|4.2.3 Dialogue?|89
4| Strategic and Economic Dialogues|89
4| Military to Military Dialogues|90
4| Human Rights Dialogues|90
2|4.3 Can the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council Help Neutralise the Thucydides Trap?|91
2|4.4 Preventing Conflict Between Russia and the U.S.|92
2|4.5 Conclusion|96
1|Chapter 5: Inter-State and Intra-State Conflicts|100
2|5.1 Introduction|100
2|5.2 The United Nations and Sub-regional Offices for Preventive Diplomacy|100
3|5.2.1 The Economic and Social Track|100
3|5.2.2 The Political Track|101
3|5.2.3 UN Sub-Regional Offices for Preventive Diplomacy|103
3|5.2.4 UNOWAS|103
3|5.2.5 UNOCA|103
3|5.2.6 UNRCCA|104
2|5.3 The African Union and Sub-regional African Organizations|108
3|5.3.1 IGAD´s CEWARN|111
2|5.4 Organisations in Asia, North America and Europe|114
3|5.4.1 ASEAN|114
3|5.4.2 OAS|118
3|5.4.3 OSCE|119
2|5.5 Conclusion|121
1|Chapter 6: Human Rights|124
2|6.1 Introduction|124
2|6.2 Existing Preventive Diplomacy to Head off Gross Violations of Human Rights|125
3|6.2.1 ICRC Visits to Prisons and Places of Detention|125
3|6.2.2 Visits to Prisons and Places of Detention Within the Framework International and Regional Treaties|126
3|6.2.3 The Efforts of UN Human Rights Special Procedures (Investigators and Analysts)|126
3|6.2.4 Human Rights Treaty Bodies|127
3|6.2.5 The Good Offices of the UN Secretary-General|127
3|6.2.6 The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights|128
3|6.2.7 The UN Human Rights Council and Its President|130
3|6.2.8 The Prevention of Genocide|131
3|6.2.9 Protecting Human Rights Defenders|133
3|6.2.10 Special Mandates on Children and Armed Conflict; Women, Peace and Security; Protection of Women Against Sexual Violence|134
3|6.2.11 The Efforts of Regional Organizations|135
3|6.2.12 The Efforts of NGOs Such as the International Crisis Group|135
3|6.2.13 Assessment|135
2|6.3 Human Rights Up Front Initiative|136
2|6.4 Efforts Underway to Develop the Preventive Role of the UN Human Rights Council|138
2|6.5 Conclusion|140
1|Chapter 7: A Global Watch Over Human Security|144
2|7.1 The Idea of a Comprehensive Global Watch Over Human Security|146
3|7.1.1 National Watches Over Human Security|148
3|7.1.2 Regional Diplomacy in Support of a Global Watch Over Human Security|149
2|7.2 The Security Council´s Role in Supporting a Global Watch Over Human Security|149
2|7.3 United Nations Diplomacy in Support of a Global Watch Over Human Security|151
2|7.4 Conclusion|152
1|Chapter 8: Conclusion: Towards Enhanced Conflict Prevention|155