File #2386: "2018_Book_Satellite-BasedEarthObservatio.pdf"



1|Foreword I|5
1|Foreword II|6
1|Editors and Contributors|15
1|Earth Observation and Its Multidimensional Application|22
1|1 The European Space Agency’s Earth Observation Programme|23
2|1 Introduction|23
2|2 ERS and Envisat|24
2|3 Earth Explorer Missions|24
2|4 Earth Watch Missions|27
2|5 The Sentinel Missions|28
2|6 Outlook|29
1|2 From Art Space to Outer Space—The Experiment ARTSAT|31
2|1 Implementation|31
2|2 Results|35
2|3 Technical Characteristics|36
2|4 Experimenters|38
1|Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects of Satellite-Based Earth Observation|39
1|3 An Introduction|40
1|4 Strategic Aspects from the European Union’s Point of View|43
2|1 Introduction|43
2|2 Earth Observation in the EU Space Programme|44
2|3 The Copernicus Data Acquisition—from Space and in Situ Sensors|46
2|4 The Copernicus Data Processing and Service Component|47
2|5 Reaching the User—Distribution and Uptake|49
2|6 Preparing the Future—Strategic Aspects|51
2|7 Conclusions|53
2|8 Acknowledgements|53
1|5 Space and Security: Earth Observation Between the Priorities of Civilian and Military Use|55
2|1 Introduction|55
2|2 From Science and Earth Observation to “Battleground Space”|57
2|3 Air and Space Reconnaissance in the Cold War|59
2|4 Corona: The First US Spy Satellite that Triggered a Spy Thriller Novel and Movie|63
2|5 Argon, Lanyard, Gambit, etc.—Corona’s off-springs|66
2|6 Private-Public-Partnerships for Space Reconnaissance Projects|68
2|7 Small Is Beautiful? Small Sats and Earth Observation|71
1|6 General Overview—Economic Aspects|75
2|1 Revenues Influential Factors|81
2|2 New Challenges Ahead|83
2|3 The EO European Space Market|84
1|7 Robocopter|86
2|1 Introduction|86
2|2 The Noun: Robocopter|87
2|3 What Is a Robocopter?|87
2|4 Helicopter and Quadcopter|88
2|5 Quadcopter—The Self-flying Camera Drone|89
2|6 Drone Laws for Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Austria|90
2|7 From the Flying Camera to the Flying Robot Drone|91
2|8 Robocopter—A Danger?|92
1|Application of Satellite-Based Earth Observation|95
1|8 An Introduction|96
2|Internet Sources|98
1|9 Earth Observation in Agriculture|99
2|1 Smart Farming from Space|99
2|2 Use Case: Nutrient Management|102
2|3 Conclusions and Outlook|106
1|10 Remote Sensing for Alpine Forest Monitoring|108
2|1 Introduction|108
2|2 Test Site|109
2|3 Remote Sensing Data|109
2|4 Methods for Derivation of Forest Parameters|110
3|4.1 Alpine Forest Border Line (LiDAR)|111
3|4.2 Segmentation of Forest Stands (LiDAR)|112
3|4.3 Stand Height (LiDAR)|112
3|4.4 Crown Closure and Vertical Stand Structure (LiDAR)|114
3|4.5 Forest Types (Satellite Images)|114
3|4.6 Timber Volume (LiDAR) in Combination with (Satellite Images)|114
2|5 Discussion|117
2|6 Conclusions|118
1|11 Global Urbanization—Perspective from Space|120
2|1 Background—Urban Planet|120
2|2 Earth Observation Satellites—The Toolbox for Urban Research|122
3|2.1 An Urbanized World—The Global Scale|122
3|2.2 Land-Use and Land-Cover—The European/Regional Scale|123
3|2.3 The Vertical City—3D Urban Mapping on the Local Scale|124
2|3 The State and Trend of Urbanization—Perspective from Space|125
3|3.1 The Future Will Be Urban—Urban Growth Analyses|125
3|3.2 Urban Poverty—Mapping Slums from Space|127
2|4 Space Technology for Ground-Related Research—Satellite-Based Urban Geography|128
1|12 Applications and Benefits of Earth Observation with Respect to Public Administrations as an Example of the Geographical Information System of the Province of Styria (GIS-Steiermark®)|131
1|13 European Space Agency’s Business Incubation and Business Application Programmes. A Landmark in the Field of Tech Transfer|140
2|1 Tech Transfer at Highest Level|140
2|2 Space Technology and Personal Support as an Innovation Driver|140
2|3 Target Areas|141
2|4 Benefits Offered|141
2|5 Science Park Graz as ESA BIC Headquarters for Austria|141
2|6 Aims and Goals|142
1|14 Technological and Legal Aspects of Self-driving Vehicles|143
1|15 Satellite Applications for Sustainable Urban Planning and Management|156
2|1 Introduction|156
2|2 Earth Observation Supporting Sustainable Urban Planning|157
2|3 Application Examples|157
3|3.1 Mapping and Monitoring of the Urban Environment|158
4|3.1.1 Land Cover and Land Use|158
4|3.1.2 Urban Green Areas|158
4|3.1.3 Building Footprints and Building Types|159
3|3.2 Socio-economic Estimations—Population Distribution and Density|160
3|3.3 Vulnerability Assessment|161
3|3.4 Transport Infrastructure Monitoring|163
2|4 Conclusion|163
1|16 Relevance and Applications of Satellite-Based Earth Observation for Civil Aviation|166
2|1 Introduction|166
2|2 Synthetic Vision Systems|167
2|3 Volcanic Ash|168
2|4 Flight Accident Investigations|170
2|5 Summary|170
1|The Legal Framework for Satellite-Based Earth Observation|172
1|17 An Introduction|173
1|18 Legal Aspects of Satellite Based Earth Observation—An Introduction|175
2|1 Introduction|176
3|1.1 Definition|176
3|1.2 Activities and Data|176
2|2 Legal Framework|178
3|2.1 National Law|179
4|2.1.1 US|179
4|2.1.2 France|180
4|2.1.3 Germany|181
3|2.2 International Law|183
4|2.2.1 International Guidelines on EO Policies|183
5|EO Data in the 5 UN Space Treaties|183
5|UN Remote Sensing Principles|184
5|Drafting History and Context|184
5|Definition of Data (Principle I)|185
5|Data Access on Non-discriminatory Basis (Principle XII)|185
5|Benefits and Interests of All Countries (Principle II)|186
5|UN-SPIDER (2006) and Disaster Charter (2000)|186
5|“Resolution 40” (1995)|187
4|2.2.2 INSPIRE Directive and Copernicus|188
2|3 Outlook|189
1|19 From “Shutter Control” to “Big Data”: Trends in the Legal Treatment of Earth Observation Data|192
2|1 Introduction|192
2|2 Levels of Governance|193
2|3 International Law|194
2|4 Institutional Law: The Example of the ESA Earth Observation Data Policy|195
2|5 National Law|196
3|5.1 Impact Factors for Data Regulation|196
2|6 Private Law|198
2|7 International Cooperation and Interoperability in Data Handling|198
2|8 Developments in the Handling of Earth Observation Data|199
2|9 The Copernicus Programme and Its Data Policies|199
2|10 Big Data: A New Paradigm in Earth Observation, Too|201
2|11 Conclusion|201
1|20 Consequences of the Ever Growing Importance of Earth Observation: Sustainable Use of Outer Space—Small Satellites and Mega Constellations|204
2|1 Systems and Networks in Space: Small Satellites and Mega Constellations|205
2|2 Scope and Sources of Law|205
2|3 Where Does Outer Space Begin?|206
2|4 Main Regulatory Principles in Outer Space Applicable to Small Satellites and Mega Constellations|207
3|4.1 Space Freedoms|207
3|4.2 Space—An Area of International Cooperation|207
3|4.3 State Responsibility|208
3|4.4 State Liability|209
3|4.5 State of Registry|210
2|5 The Role of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)|210
3|5.1 The ITU in Brief|210
3|5.2 Frequency Allocation|211
3|5.3 The Allocation of Orbital Slots|211
2|6 Conclusions|213
1|21 Use of Global Positioning System (or Other Global Navigation Satellite Systems) in Employment Relationships|215
2|1 Introduction|215
2|2 Controlling Work Habits and Personal Rights|216
2|3 GPS Use as Measure of Control (Subject to Approval)|216
3|3.1 Companies with a Works Council|219
3|3.2 Companies Without a Works Council|220
3|3.3 Legal Consequences if Consent by a Works Council or an Individual Employee Is Missing|221
2|4 Controlling the Private Domain|221
1|Paneldiscussion on Natural Hazards and Earth Observation|225
1|22 An Introduction|226
2|1 Introduction|226
2|2 Panelists|227
2|3 Discussion Topics|227
2|Literature and Internet Sources|227
1|23 Natural Hazards and Earth Observation|229
2|1 Introduction|229
2|2 From Natural Events to Natural Disasters|230
2|3 Requirements for the Use of Earth Observation in Disaster Management Support|231
2|4 Conclusion|235
1|24 United Nations Platform for Space-Based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER)|238
2|1 The RIVAF Project: Understanding Poverty Assessment Through Disaster Impacts|240
2|2 SEWS-Drought in Latin America and the Caribbean|240
2|3 Earth Observation Based Information Products for Drought Risk Reduction at the National Level (EvIDENz)|241
2|4 The Value of Geo-Information for Disaster and Risk Management (VALID)—Benefit Analysis and Stakeholder Assessment (Publication Project)|241
2|5 GeoSHAPE—Project|242
2|6 Global Partnership Using Space-Based Technology Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction: GP-STAR|242
2|7 UN-SPIDER Newsletter|243
2|8 The International Charter Space and Major Disasters|243
1|Student Participation|245
1|25 Poster Presentation—An Overview|246
1|Space Art and Space Technology—An Exhibition|250
1|26 Dimensions of Exploration and Utilisation of Space|251
1|Christian Brünner Turns 75|253
1|27 Christian Brünner—An Overview of His Career and Commitments|254
1|28 Spiritus Rector: wissenschaftlicher Starthelfer und Lehrer|258
1|29 Einsatz für gerechtere gesellschaftliche Zustände|264
1|30 Faszination Weltraum—Regeln zwischen Himmel und Erde|268
1|31 Christian Brünner—Pionier des Umweltrechts an der Universität Graz und darüber hinaus|274
1|32 Kontrolle und Gewaltenteilung|280
1|Selected Literature|282