File #2832: "2020_Book_TheIllegalTradeOfMedicinesOnSo.pdf"



1|Chapter 1: Introduction|9
1|Chapter 2: The Illegal Trade of Medicines: The Roles of the Internet and Social Media Websites|15
2|2.1 The Illegal Trade of Medicines|15
3|2.1.1 Extent of the Problem|15
3|2.1.2 Definitions Used in This Research|17
2|2.2 The Role of the Internet in the Illegal Trade of Medicines|20
3|2.2.1 Most Popular ITMs Online|21
3|2.2.2 The Demand Side of ITMs Online|22
3|2.2.3 The Supply Side of ITMs Online|25
4| Actors|25
4| Distribution Channels|26
2|2.3 The Role of Social Media in the Illegal Online Trade of Medicines|28
3|2.3.1 The Emerging Role of Social Media in Illegal Markets|28
3|2.3.2 Illegal Online Trade of Medicines and Social Media: State of the Art|30
3|2.3.3 What Is Known About the Role of Social Media|32
1|Chapter 3: Situational Crime Prevention Measures in the Illegal Online Trade of Medicines|44
2|3.1 Situational Crime Prevention (SCP)|44
3|3.1.1 SCP Theoretical Framework|44
3|3.1.2 SCP Measures for Crime Reduction and Their Evaluation|46
2|3.2 SCP Measures in the Illegal Online Trade of Medicines|47
3|3.2.1 Traditional SCP Measures in the Illegal Online Trade of Medicines|47
4| Measures Targeting the Product|48
4| Measures Targeting the Distribution Chain|48
4| Measures Targeting Retailers/Final Distributors|48
4| Measures Targeting Clients|49
4| Measures Targeting Legislations|49
3|3.2.2 Problems and Lacks with Traditional SCP Measures|50
2|3.3 SCP Measures Tailored on Social Media|52
3|3.3.1 Identifying Possible SCP Measures in the Case of Social Media|52
3|3.3.2 A Promising SCP Measure Implemented by Social Media Websites|54
3|3.3.3 The Need for an Assessment|57
1|Chapter 4: Research Objective and Methodology|62
2|4.1 Research Objective|62
2|4.2 Research Methodology|64
3|4.2.1 Overview of the Evaluation Research Designs|64
3|4.2.2 Evaluation Research Design Used in This Research|66
3|4.2.3 Methodology|68
3|4.2.4 Research Limitations|72
1|Chapter 5: Evaluation Results|76
2|5.1 Vertical Analysis|77
3|5.1.1 Twitter|77
4| Medicines for Erectile Dysfunctions|77
4| Medicines to Lose Weight|78
4| Medicines to Enhance Muscles|80
4| Medicines to Kill Pain|80
4| Psychoactive Medicines (Psychopharmaceuticals)|81
4| Medicines to Sleep|81
4| Antibiotics|82
4| Medicines to Quit Smoking|82
4| Others|83
3|5.1.2 Facebook|83
4| Medicines for Erectile Dysfunctions|83
4| Medicines to Lose Weight|84
4| Medicines to Enhance Muscles|85
4| Medicines to Kill Pain|87
4| Psychoactive Medicines (Psychopharmaceuticals)|87
4| Medicines to Sleep|87
4| Antibiotics|88
4| Medicines to Quit Smoking|88
4| Others|89
3|5.1.3 Instagram|89
4| Medicines for Erectile Dysfunctions|89
4| Medicines to Lose Weight|91
4| Medicines to Enhance Muscles|91
4| Medicines to Kill Pain|93
4| Psychoactive Medicines (Psychopharmaceuticals)|93
4| Medicines to Sleep|93
4| Antibiotics|94
4| Medicines to Quit Smoking|94
4| Others|94
2|5.2 Horizontal Analysis|95
3|5.2.1 Extent of the Social Media Usage in the Illegal Online Trade of Medicines|95
3|5.2.2 Ease of Finding ITMs on Social Media|96
3|5.2.3 Visibility Over Time of ITM-Related Contents on Social Media|97
3|5.2.4 Types of ITMs Advertised and Sold in Social Media|99
3|5.2.5 Language of Posts in Social Media Concerning ITMs|100
3|5.2.6 Types of Social Media Posts Concerning ITMs|101
2|5.3 Overall Impact Assessment|102
1|Chapter 6: Conclusion|106
1|Appendix: Number of Social Media Contents Analysed|110