File #2552: "2019_Book_IslamistExtremismInKosovoAndTh.pdf"



1|About the Author|20
1|Chapter 1: Introduction|21
2|1.1 Religious Structures in Kosovo|21
2|1.2 The Spread of Religious Beliefs in Kosovo|23
2|1.3 The Historical Root Causes of Islamist Extremism|26
2|1.4 Understanding the Notion of “Islamist Terrorism”|27
2|1.5 The Boundaries of the Distinction Between Radicalism and Islamist Extremism in Kosovo|29
1|Chapter 2: The Genesis of Islamic Extremism in Albanian Lands|32
2|2.1 The Historical Circumstances of the Occurrence of Islamist Extremism in Albania|32
2|2.2 Use of Islamic Religion for Political Goals in Kosovo|37
3|2.2.1 The Period Before the Second World War|37
3|2.2.2 The Period of the Communist Dictatorship|40
3|2.2.3 The Period of “Yugoslav Liberalization”|43
1|Chapter 3: The Factors on Which Islamist Extremism in Kosovo Has Been Based|46
2|3.1 The Social Circumstances in Kosovo and the Countries of the Region|47
3|3.1.1 Albania Became a Member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference|47
3|3.1.2 The Outbreak of the War in Bosnia and Hercegovina (1992–1995)|48
2|3.2 The Activities of Foreign Islamist Organizations in Albania|49
3|3.2.1 The International Islamic Relief Organization|50
3|3.2.2 The Arab-Albanian Islamic Bank|50
3|3.2.3 The Muwafaq Foundation|51
3|3.2.4 The Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation|52
3|3.2.5 The Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage|53
2|3.3 The Activities of Arabian Islamist Organizations in Kosovo|54
3|3.3.1 Al Waqf Al Islami|54
3|3.3.2 Kosova Aid and Development|55
3|3.3.3 Nektari-He|56
3|3.3.4 The Saudi Joint Relief Committee for Kosovo and Chechnya|57
3|3.3.5 The Institute for Contemporary Culture and Studies|59
3|3.3.6 Other Arabian Islamist Organizations in Kosovo|60
2|3.4 The Activities of the Shiite Islamist Organizations in Kosovo|62
3|3.4.1 Nisa|62
3|3.4.2 “Qur´an”|63
3|3.4.3 Ehli Bejti|63
3|3.4.4 Ibn Sina|64
3|3.4.5 Other Shiite Islamist Groups and Organizations in Kosovo|64
2|3.5 The Activities of the Turkish Islamist Organizations in Kosovo|65
3|3.5.1 Association for Culture and Education (Asociacioni për Kulturë, Edukim dhe Arsimim)|66
3|3.5.2 The Humanitarian Relief Foundation|68
3|3.5.3 The Sylejmania Society|71
3|3.5.4 Other Turkish Associations|71
1|Chapter 4: The Formation of the Radical Islamist Movements in Kosovo|72
2|4.1 The Emergence of Ideas Regarding the Formation of an Islamist Movement in Kosovo|72
3|4.1.1 The Muslim Forum of Kosovo|73
3|4.1.2 The Forum of Young Muslims of Kosovo|74
3|4.1.3 The Islamic Movement “Join us” (Lëvizja Islame Bashkohu/LISBA)|77
3|4.1.4 Other Political Islamist Groups in Kosovo|82
1|Chapter 5: The Impact of Psychosocial Factors in the Preparation for Islamic Radicalism in Kosovo|83
2|5.1 The Impact of Economic and Social Factors|83
2|5.2 The Impact of Psychological Factors|84
2|5.3 Forms of Action of Islamist Extremism in Kosovo|87
3|5.3.1 The Dissemination of Religious Literature|88
3|5.3.2 The Renovation and Construction of Mosques|88
3|5.3.3 Development of Islamist Propaganda and Agitation|89
3|5.3.4 Exertion of Influence on the State and Public Institutions in Kosovo|95
3|5.3.5 Material Incentives|95
3|5.3.6 Recruitment of Young Members|96
3|5.3.7 Salafis Set Up Training Camps|97
1|Chapter 6: Conclusions and Implications|100
2|6.1 The Latent Danger of Islamist Extremism in Kosovo|100
2|6.2 How Are the Cities of Kosovo Being Islamized?|104
2|6.3 Closing Remarks|106
1|Chapter 7: Chronology of Extremist Islamist Activities|108